Transformer Messages

The following table describes the Transformer messages.

Code Description
SXT5003E IId: Intf-Id Disabled recipe R-Name during startup (Reason) RC: RC RSN: RSN
Explanation: The recipe R-Name was disabled or suspended during the startup of the ESB.

User Response: See the description of the previous messages for the exact cause of failure. Determine the reason that caused the error and take correction action, as appropriate. Reload the corrected recipe with the Console command REFRESH,RECIPE.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5003W IId: Intf-Id Suspended recipe R-Name during startup Reason RC: RC RSN: RSN
Explanation: The recipe R-Name was suspended during the startup of the ESB.

User Response: See the description of the previous messages for the exact cause of failure. Determine the reason that caused the error and take correction action, as appropriate. Reload the corrected recipe with the Console command REFRESH, RECIPE.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5004I IId: Intf-Id Recipe R-Name awaits subject S-Name
Explanation: The recipe R-Name is actively listening for subject S-Name.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5005I IId: Intf-Id Recipe R-Name has trace=Trclvl
Explanation: During the loading of a recipe called R-Name, TIBCO Substation ES encountered a nonzero trace level, as set in the recipe definition.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5007E IId: Intf-Id Create Trans RV-Advis Transport T-Ids
Explanation: The request to create transport T-Id for Rendezvous advisory messages has failed.

User Response: See the previous message for further description of the failure.

System Action: Advisory processing for this recipe terminates.

SXT5008E IId: Intf-Id Failed to open TIB/RV RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrv_Open has failed with return code RC. See Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Transformer terminates.

SXT5010E IId: Intf-Id Disabled trigger T-Name during startup (bad Transport) RC: RC RSN: RSN
Explanation: The trigger T-Name is linked to a transport that is not currently running.

System Response: Processing continues without this trigger.

SXT5012E IId: Intf-Id Create AuthEventQueue rc: RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvQueue_Create for the authorization queue has failed with code RC and reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Transformer terminates.

SXT5013E IId: Intf-Id Create WorkEventQueue rc: - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvQueue_Create for the work queue has failed with code RC and reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Transformer terminates.

SXT5014E IId: Intf-Id Set WkEvtQ Limit policy rc: RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvQueue_SetLimitPolicy for the work queue has failed with code RC and reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5015E IId: Intf-Id Configuration file load failed
Explanation: Errors occurred during the loading of the configuration file.

User Response: See the previous messages for the details of the failure.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5016E IId: Intf-Id SubMsg Create type Type failed rc:RC - Description
Explanation: During the creation of the output message, a requirement was found for an imbedded submessage. The call to API Func has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_Create for Rendezvous message, tibemsMapMsg_Create, or

tibemsStreamMsg_Create for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: The remainder of processing for this submessage is bypassed.

SXT5017E IId: Intf-Id CreateProc Th_SS_St error WorkThread RC
Explanation: An error occurred during the creation of the work thread for thread Num.

User Response: See the previous Substation ES messages for a further description of the failure.

System Action: The worker thread terminates.

SXT5018E IId: Intf-Id Addfield failed RC RC - Description
Explanation: During the creation of the output message, a call to API Func failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_AddField for Rendezvous message, tibemsMapMsg--Set, tibemsStreamMsg--Write, or tibemsTextMsg_SetText functions for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues with the next field.

SXT5018I IId: Intf-Id Thread Thd-Num sent messages Num times
Explanation: This thread has been sent this Num of messages.

User Response: No response is needed.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5019E IId: Intf-Id Th_SS_St error RV disp Thread
Explanation: An error occurred during the creation of the Rendezvous dispatch thread.

User Response: See the previous Substation messages for a further description of the failure.

System Action: The Rendezvous dispatcher thread terminates.

SXT5020E IId: Intf-Id Th_SS_St error RV disp2 Thread
Explanation: An error occurred during the creation of the Rendezvous dispatcher thread number 2.

User Response: See the previous Substation messages for a further description of the failure.

System Action: The Rendezvous dispatcher thread terminates.

SXT5036I IId: ntf-Id All transformer tasks are Good To Go
Explanation: This is the final message from the main control thread of the Transformer during startup.

System Action: Processing begins.

SXT5037E IId: Intf-Id SetName WorkEventQueue rc: RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvQueue_SetName for the work queue has failed with code RC and reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5303I IId: Intf-Id U-Trc(Type) UoW: UOW Rcp/Trig: R/T-Name, PublishTo: S-Name
Explanation: This message is shown after all output conversions have been performed. This is the trace you requested for this recipe or trigger. The output message has been built but does not yet include error notifications.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5316E IId: Intf-Id Msg Create type msg type failed rc: RC - Explanation
Explanation: During the creation of the output message, a requirement was found for an imbedded submessage. The call to API Func has failed with return code RC, reason Explanation.

Func: tibrvMsg_Create for Rendezvous message, tibemsMapMsg_Create, or tibemsStreamMsg_Create for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing of this sub-message terminates.

SXT5318E IId: Intf-Id Addfield failed RC RC - Description
Explanation: During the creation of the output message, a call to API Func failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_AddField for Rendezvous message, tibemsMapMsg--Set, tibemsStreamMsg--Write, or tibemsTextMsg_SetText functions for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues with the next field.

SXT5331E IId: Intf-Id Invalid attributes
Explanation: An input field destined for tibrv-envelope is not OPAQUE or is not 20 bytes; a field destined for the user ID is not type STRING or is too long; a field destined for the password is not type STRING or is too long.

User Response: Review the recipe definition.

System Action: This condition causes a transform error.

SXT5339E IId: Intf-Id Invalid Attribute for F-Name
Explanation: The special field F-Name was found to have an invalid field type for the special field.

User Response: Correct the recipe or input.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5341E IId: Intf-Id Invalid field F-Name for Input
Explanation: Special field F-Name was found in an input message, but the special field type is only valid for output fields.

User Response: Correct the recipe or input.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5352E IId: Intf-Id Required field F-Name missing - FuncName RC: RC RSN: RSN
Explanation: The required field F-Name is missing from the input request message.

User Response: Correct the recipe or input.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5353E IId: Intf-Id Field F-Name Add failed RC - Description
Explanation: The request to add a field to the output message failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues with the next field.

SXT5354E IId: Intf-Id Invalid field F-Name for Output
Explanation: Special field F-Name was found in an output conversion, but the special field type is only valid for input fields.

User Response: Correct the definition for the output conversion.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5360E IId: Intf-Id SubMsg AddMsg failed rc: RC - Description
Explanation: During the creation of the output message, a requirement was found for an imbedded submessage. The call to API Func has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_AddMsg for Rendezvous message, tibemsMapMsg_SetMapMsg,tibemsMapMsg_SetStreamMsg, tibemsStreamMsg_WriteMapMsg, or tibemsStreamMsg_WriteStreamMsg functions for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5361E IId: Intf-Id Convert msg to string failed rc: RC - explanation
Explanation: For diagnostic purposes, the input message was to be converted to a printable string. However, the conversion failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5362E IId: Intf-Id EMS msg type incorrect: encoded msg type - text message type
Explanation: The input message is of an unsupported type. text message type describes the type of message.

User Response: Correct the message type.

System Action: Processing terminates for this message.

SXT5363E IId: Intf-Id Overflow malloc failed for F-Name length size of request
Explanation: A potentially large string output field requires a special work area. The attempt to obtain that work area has failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing terminates for this field.

SXT5364E IId: Intf-Id Out convert field F-Name offset offset greater than buffer size size
Explanation: A field defined for output conversion has an offset defined that is larger than the containing buffer.

User Response: Correct the definition of the output conversion.

System Action: Processing terminates for this field.

SXT5367E IId: Intf-Id Input property. Service: R-Name Field: Property-Name is required and not found RC: RC RSN: RSN
Explanation: An EMS message was received on service recipe R-Name which is missing a required input property.

User Response: Correct the property definition of the recipe or the initiator application that sends the request message.

System Action: Processing terminates for this message. An error message is send to the message publisher.

SXT5367I UOW: UOW Input property. Field: Property-Name Value: String-Value
Explanation: An EMS message contained an Input Property Field Property-Name whose value is String-Value.

User Response: Information.

System Action: Continue processing message.

SXT5367W IId: Intf-Id Input property. Service: R-Name Field: Property-Name is optional and not found
Explanation: An EMS message was received on service recipe R-Name which is missing an optional input property. This property field is defined as optional from the input request message. This message is displayed only if the recipe trace level is greater than or equal to 3.

User Response: If this is an optional field, you can ignore the warning message. If this is not a optional field, set this field as required in the property definition of the recipe, then issue a refresh recipe command. Provide the missing input property field in the input request message.

System Action: Processing continues for this message.

Destination: TIBLOGPR.

SXT5368E IId: Intf-Id Only one data field allowed
Explanation: An RV message was received on a service recipe that indicates a BYTES response message, which is restricted to a single mapped field. However, the service recipe contained more than one (1) data field. For more information, see Using Opaque Fields and Message Sizes in the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources manual.

User Response: Review the recipe and ensure that only data field is being used. Correct and refresh the recipe, then resubmit the message.

System Action: The message is not processed, and an error message is returned to publisher.

SXT5369E IId: Intf-Id No OPA/String Field Found
Explanation: To create a bytes message, the type of field must be OPAQUE or String. While processing a recipe input request, ESB Endpoint could not find the expected OPAQUE or STRING type field in the input message.

Note that ESB Endpoint uses the type in the actual message, not the type defined in the message definition. For more information, see Using Opaque Fields and Message Sizes in the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources manual.

User Response: Review the recipe and ensure that the only data field being used is OPAQUE or String. Correct and refresh the recipe, then resubmit the message.

System Action: The message is not processed, and an error message is returned to publisher.

SXT5370E IId:Intf-Id OPA/String Field Length is zero
Explanation: While processing a recipe input request, the Transformer found that the input field length was zero. Bytes messages cannot be length zero. For more information, see Using Opaque Fields and Message Sizes in the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources manual.

User Response: Correct the Recipe or back-end system response. The input field should not be zero length. Resubmit the message using the corrected recipe.

System Action: The message is not processed, and an error message is returned to publisher.

SXT5400E IId:Intf-Id Extract reply destination failed RC - Description
Explanation: A failure occurred during the extraction of the reply destination from the message.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support, this is an internal error.

System Action: The return message is not sent to the reply destination.

SXT5401E IId:Intf-Id Input MessageDestroy failed RC=RC - Explanation
Explanation: The call to the message-destroy function for the input message has failed with return code RC, reason Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5402E IId:Intf-Id Outbound Message Destroy failed RC=RC - Explanation
Explanation: The call to the message destroy function for the outbound message or error submessage has failed with return code RC, reason Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5403E IId:Intf-Id Sending reply, Add integer failed RC - Explanation
Explanation: An error occurred during the construction of the error submessage, returning return code RC, reason Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5404E IId:Intf-Id Send Reply Failed RC - Explanation
Explanation: An error occurred in the call send reply (other than INVALID_SUBJECT), returning return code RC, reason Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5408E IId:Intf-Id Set Send Subject Resp failed RC - Description
Explanation: A failure occurred during the setting of the send subject in the response message.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The send subject does not receive output from this message.

SXT5409E IId:Intf-Id Send message failed RC - Description
Explanation: A failure occurred during the sending of the response to the send subject.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The send subject does not receive output from this message.

SXT5411C IId:Intf-Id tibrvMsg_SetSendSub Err failed RC - Description
Explanation: During the process of sending a return message to the error subject, an error occurred in the call to tibrvMsg_SetSendSubject. The return code was RC, reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5412E IId:Intf-Id Description Err failed RC - Description
Explanation: During the process of sending a return message to the error subject, an error occurred in the call API function. The return code was RC, reason Description.

User Response: If the reason code is 53 - Memory limit exceeded, then check with your TIBCO Enterprise Message Service administrator for issues with the EMS Server. Otherwise, contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5413E IId:Intf-Id tibrvMsg_Detach failed RC RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvMsg_Detach has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing of this message terminates.

SXT5415E IId:Intf-Id No Thread specific info found
Explanation: No pointer was returned from a call to pthread_getspecific.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing of this message is terminated.

SXT5416E IId:Intf-Id [Start | Stop] of EMS transport TPortName failed rc RC - Description
Explanation: In response to a workload increase or decrease, either a stop or start transport was issued, but that request failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5417E IId:Intf-Id NO FREE SLOTS in UOW array
Explanation: A nonzero return code to a call to Obtain_ReqBlk has been received.

User Response: Allocate additional UOW slots or slow down the message arrival rate.

System Action: Processing of this message terminates.

SXT5418I IId:Intf-Id [Start | Stop] of input from EMS transport TPortName successful
Explanation: In response to a workload increase or decrease, either a stop or start transport was issued and that request succeeded.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5422E IId:Intf-Id Post fail or UOW request
Explanation: A nonzero return code to a call to Obtain_ReqBlk_Stg has been received.

User Response: Allocate additional virtual storage or slow down the message arrival rate.

System Action: Processing of this message terminates.

SXT5424E IId:Intf-Id Free UOW-RB failed - IGNORED
Explanation: In response to the failure that caused SXT5422E, the call to Release_ReqBlk also failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues. See SXT5422E.

SXT5426E IId:Intf-Id In [Recipe | Trigger] Identifier Destination Type of Call free failed rc RC - Description
Explanation: One of the destination blocks could not be freed at the end of a recipe or trigger process.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5430E IId:Intf-Id Backend Interface:Intf-Id not responding Rsn: RSN RC:RC
Explanation: A call to QandDispatch_Work received a nonzero return code RC while attempting to pass work to the backend system Intf-Id.

User Response: See the previous error messages for a further description of the error.

System Action: Processing of this message is terminated.

SXT5451E IId:Intf-Id Create Func error for R-Name - RC - Description
Explanation: A call to Func to begin processing for recipe R-Name has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: If you are using RVDQ, then you have duplicate subject names for the same ESB Interface, which is not allowed. Run the operational command SHOW,ACT,LSNS to find the other recipe that is using the same subject name as that referenced in this message. If the problem persists, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: The listener is not created.

SXT5452C IId:Intf-Id Failure in Base Func RC - Description
Explanation: The call to create the base output message has failed with the specified return code and description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing terminates for this message since nothing can be written.

SXT5452E IId:Intf-Id Failure in Base type of action RC - expl
Explanation: The type of action is the type of message-create issued based on the EMS message type. The action has failed with return code RC, reason expl.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing of this output message terminates.

SXT5453C IId:Intf-Id RecErr Msg_AddSt for error E-Num fail RC - Description
Explanation: During the update of the error string with error number E-Num, the Func call failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_AddString for Rendezvous message or tibemsMapMsg_SetString for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing of this message terminates.

SXT5458E IId:Intf-Id ShutDown Queue Destroy failed RC - Description
Explanation: During termination, the tibrvQueue_Destroy call failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Termination continues.

SXT5465I IId:Intf-Id U-Trc((I) UoW:UOW Recipe:R-Name to BES:Id,Alt-id, Subject:S-Name
Explanation: A recipe with a user-requested trace has successfully completed input transformation. Both primary and Alternate BES ID are listed.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5468I IId:Intf-Id U-Trc((R) UoW:UOW Recipe:R-Name BES:Intf-Id,Alt-Intf-Id, Subject:S-Name
Explanation: This is a user trace message issued at the start of inbound processing. Both primary and alternate BES IDs are listed.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5470I IId:Intf-Id RV/EMS Advisory Type for T-Id
Explanation: An advisory has been received for the specified transport.

User Response: Evaluate the advisory for possible action.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5471E IId:Intf-Id Advisory Create Listener error for T-Id - RC - Description
Explanation: A call to tibrvEvent_CreateListener to begin processing advisory messages for transport T-Id has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Listener is not created.

SXT5472I IId:Intf-Id U-Trc(T) UoW: UOW, Trigger: T-Name matched
Explanation: A trigger with the trace request set has been matched. Processing of that trigger follows.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5481E IId:Intf-Id BES RC RC rsn RSN Unknown failure
Explanation: The backend system has returned the return code and reason without a separate explanation for the nonzero return.

User Response: Investigate the failure by browsing the backend system's processing logs.

System Action: Processing of this transaction is ended.

SXT5482C IId:Intf-Id Msg_Create fail RC - Description
Explanation: While processing an output message, the Func call failed with return code RC, reason Description.

Func: tibrvMsg_Create for Rendezvous message or tibemsMapMsg_Create for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: Processing terminates for this message.

SXT5484E IId:Intf-Id Old trigger T-Name use count Count
Explanation: After multiple attempts to allow trigger processing to finish, the trigger T-Name is still used Num times.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The trigger is deleted and termination continues.

SXT5487I IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name refreshed
Explanation: In response to a refresh request, the trigger T-Name has been refreshed.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5488E IId:Intf-Id Failed to establish EMS|RV Connection T-Id Reason:Process (EMS|RV status:Number) Server:URL RC:8 RSN:0
Explanation: During the creation of the ESB connection T-id, the specific function Process failed with return status Number.

User Response for EMS Messages:

  • Number is 2: the provider rejects the connection's client ID. This message is returned if a connection’s client ID is set to an invalid or duplicate value. A duplicate value is one that is already in use by another connection.

    For the EMS ESB, the connection's client ID is a combination of the SUBSTATION-ID and the ESB ID.

  • Number is 5: the connection or connection factory is unavailable. In most cases, this occurs when the timeout for the connection URL is reached before the DNS could resolve the lookup. Try increasing the connection timeout.
  • Number is 6: security exception. The function cannot complete because of a security restriction. For example, the provider rejects a user or the user’s authentication. Check the user ID and password. Also check with your EMS server administrator to see whether there have been any configuration changes on the server side.
  • Number is 11: server not connected. Verify that the URL is correct. Check that the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server is up and running. The call could not communicate with a server because of mismatched SSL and TCP protocols.
  • Number is 17: invalid Hostname. The connection URL includes an invalid host name or an attempt to lookup the host address has failed. Host names must be less than 128 characters.
  • Number is 18: invalid port. The connection URL includes an invalid port number.
  • Number is 21: server Limit met. The server has exceeded the maximum number of licensed connections or hosts that it can service. Contact your TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Administrator.
  • Number is any other value. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.
User Response for RV Messages:
  • Number is 1: cannot create the network transport.
  • Number is 2: the transport has been destroyed, or is otherwise unusable.
  • Number is 3: an argument is invalid. Check arguments other than messages, subject names, transports, events, queues and queue groups (which have separate status codes).
  • Number is 4: the function cannot run because the Rendezvous environment is not initialized (open).
  • Number is 5: two arguments that require a specific relation are in conflict. For example, the upper end of a numeric range is less than the lower end.
  • Number is 16: cannot match the service name.
  • Number is 17: cannot match the network name.
  • Number is 18: cannot match the network name.
  • Number is 19: the function could not allocate dynamic storage.
  • Number is 20: the function received a subject name with incorrect syntax.
  • Number is 21: the Rendezvous daemon process (rvd) exited, or was never started. This status indicates that the program cannot start the daemon and connect to it.
  • Number is 67: the operation failed because of an operating system socket limitation.
  • Number is 68: tibrv_Open() encountered an operating system error.

System Action: Processing continues. However, all recipes and triggers related to this transport are disabled.

SXT5489E IId:Intf-Id ESB esb-id doing function rc:status-code-descriction
Explanation: An error occurred during an EMS or RV API call.

User Response: Determine what caused the error.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5490I IId:Intf-Id Starting RV transport: T-Id, svc: S-Port, network: NetW, daemon: Daemon
Explanation: The Rendezvous transport is beginning startup processing.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5492E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id listen failed
Explanation: During a trigger refresh, it was found that the transport T-Id must be started. The call to activate the listener has failed for that transport.

User Response: See the previous messages for a further description of the failure.

System Action: Trigger reload failed.

SXT5495C IId:Intf-Id RecErr Add fld Id = F-Name fail RC - Description
Explanation: During the creation of the error submessage, an error occurred in the attempt to add the identifier Id using Func, resulting in a return code RC, reason Description. F-Name specifies whether this error is for the recipe or trigger identifier or the SSID.

Func: tibrvMsg_AddString for Rendezvous message or tibemsMapMsg_SetString for EMS message

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: The identifier is not included in the error submessage.

SXT5496I IId:Intf-Id Started EMS Connection: T-Id, server: URL-Parm
Explanation: Startup of the EMS transport is being attempted.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: SYSLOG.

SXT5499E IId:Intf-Id No thread specific info found
Explanation: No pointer has been returned from a call to pthread_getspecific.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing of this advisory message terminates.

SXT5512I IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id task Num used Num-Calls
Explanation: This message is displayed during shutdown if task-per-session is in effect, showing how many calls were issued over this session for this task.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5513F IId:Intf-Id Config File open failed in LoadAll
Explanation: The configuration file cannot be opened. A previous message details the reason for failure.

User Response: See the response for the previous message.

SXT5514E IId:Intf-Id Malloc in LoadTrn failed for T-Id
Explanation: A malloc request failed while storage was being obtained for transport T-Id.

User Response: Allocate additional virtual storage to Substation ES.

System Action: Processing of this transport terminates.

SXT5515E IId:Intf-Id Malloc failed in LoadRcp
Explanation: A malloc request failed while storage was being obtained for a recipe.

User Response: Allocate additional virtual storage to Substation ES.

System Action: Processing of this recipe terminates.

SXT5516E IId:Intf-Id Malloc failed in LoadTrg
Explanation: A malloc request failed while storage was being obtained for a trigger.

User Response: Allocate additional virtual storage to Substation ES.

System Action: Processing of this trigger terminates.

SXT5517E IId:Intf-Id Config File ERROR call failed - Description
Explanation: The call to the configuration file accessor failed while the ERROR block location was being specified. Description further describes the error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5518E IId:Intf-Id Config File DDNAME call failed - Description
Explanation: The call to the configuration file accessor failed while the DD Name was being specified. Description further describes the error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5519E IId:Intf-Id Config File OPEN call failed - Description
Explanation: The call to the configuration file accessor failed while the file was being requested to be opened. Description further describes the error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5520E IId:Intf-Id Config File MAP call failed - Description
Explanation: The call to the configuration file accessor failed during the mapping of the file to virtual storage. Description further describes the error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5522E IId:Intf-Id Not a formatted CFG file
Explanation: The configuration file is not formatted properly.

User Response: Verify that the configuration file for Substation ES is the correct file.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5523E IId:Intf-Id Recipe R-Name load failed
Explanation: Recipe R-Name could not be loaded.

User Response: See the previous messages that describe the specific failure condition.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5524E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id missing for recipe R-Name
Explanation: Recipe R-Name requested that transport T-Id be used, but that transport is not defined in the configuration file.

User Response: Correct the configuration file.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5525E IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name load failed
Explanation: The load for trigger T-Name failed.

User Response: See the previous messages that describe the specific failure condition.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5526E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id missing for trigger T-Name
Explanation: The trigger T-Name has requested that transport T-Id be used, but that transport is not defined in the configuration file.

User Response: Correct the configuration file.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5529E IId:Intf-Id Config File open failed
Explanation: During the response to a request for a recipe refresh, an error occurred when Substation ES attempted to open the configuration file.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The recipe(s) and trigger(s) are not changed (refreshed) and the process is terminated.

SXT5530E IId:Intf-Id Recipe|Trigger Name not found
Explanation: While trying to do a Enable, Disable, Refresh, Suspend, or Unsuspend, the recipe or trigger named could not be found.

User Response: Review the content of the configuration file.

System Action: The command for the service is ignored. Processing continues.

SXT5530W IId:Intf-Id RID:R-Name (QUEUE or TOPIC q-name) ESB:s-name not found
Explanation: A request for information from the EMS server failed for the recipe R-Name, whose queue or topic name is q-name on EMS server s-name.

User Response: If the queue or topic is dynamic, then it is normal for the queue or topic to be deleted. If it is not dynamic, then check with your EMS server administrator as to the status of the queue or topic.

System Action: The command is ignored. Processing continues.

SXT5532E IId:Intf-Id Recipe R-Name load failed
Explanation: During the response to a request for a recipe refresh, an error occurred in the load process.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The recipe is not refreshed.

SXT5533E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id load failed
Explanation: An attempt to load transport T-Id failed.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The transport is not loaded.

SXT5534E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id refind failed
Explanation: During the loading of a recipe that required a new transport, that transport could not be found after loading.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The transport is not loaded.

SXT5536E IId:Intf-Id Config File open failed in LoadTrg
Explanation: During the response to a request for a trigger refresh, an open failure was encountered.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The trigger is not refreshed.

SXT5537E IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name not found
Explanation: During the response to a request for a trigger refresh, the requested trigger was not found in the configuration file.

User Response: Review the content of the configuration file.

System Action: The trigger is not refreshed.

SXT5540E IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name load failed
Explanation: During the response to a request for a trigger refresh, an error occurred in the load process.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The trigger is not refreshed.

SXT5541E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id load failed
Explanation: An attempt to load transport T-Id failed.

User Response: See the previous error message that describes the specific failure.

System Action: The transport not loaded.

SXT5542E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id refind failed
Explanation: During the loading of a trigger that required a new transport, that transport could not be found after it was successfully loaded.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Transport not loaded.

SXT5549E IId:Intf-Id Group G-Id not found RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: Group G-Id was specified to be loaded in the parmlib member but does not exist in the configuration file.

User Response: Correct the parmlib member or the configuration file.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5554E IId:Intf-Id Num transports in use at shutdown
Explanation: After repeated attempts to free all transports during termination, Num transports are still active.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Termination continues.

SXT5556W IId:Intf-Id Num Transports pending at shutdown
Explanation: During an attempt to terminate all processing, Num transports were found to be still active.

System Action: Continue to attempt to terminate transports.

SXT5561E IId:Intf-Id Malloc error loading Convert Rule C-Rule
Explanation: During the loading of the convert rule C-Rule, an error occurred in servicing a storage request.

User Response: Add virtual storage to Substation ES.

System Action: Loading of this entity terminates.

SXT5564E IId:Intf-Id Negative offset Position field F-Name
Explanation: During the loading of a buffer description, a negative offset was found.

User Response: Correct the configuration file.

System Action: Loading of this entity terminates.

SXT5566E IId:Intf-Id Special field F-Name invalid in Crule C-Rule
Explanation: During the loading of conversion rule C-Rule, a special field notation was used for the field name F-Name, which is not a special field.

User Response: Correct the configuration file.

System Action: Loading of this entity terminates.

SXT5567E IId:Intf-Id Num Triggers still in use at shutdown
Explanation: After repeated attempts to free all triggers during termination, Num triggers are still active.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Termination continues.

SXT5572E IId:Intf-Id Num Recipes still in use at shutdown
Explanation: After repeated attempts to free all recipes during termination, Num recipes are still active.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Termination continues.

SXT5574E IId:Intf-Id Closure Table init failed rc=RC
Explanation: An internal table for managing Closure pointers was not successfully created.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5576E IId:Intf-Id Closure Table term failed rc=RC
Explanation: An internal table for managing Closure pointers was not successfully terminated.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXT5577E IId:Intf-Id Closure Table still used
Explanation: Internal error.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXT5580E IId:Intf-Id Illegal recursion from C-Rule
Explanation: During the loading of conversion rule C-Rule, it was found that the top-level conversion C-Rule is also used as a lower-level conversion, resulting in an illegal recursion.

User Response: Correct the configuration file.

System Action: Loading of this entity terminates.

SXT5581E IId:Intf-Id Recipe Identifier has no transport
Explanation: During load or reload processing, a recipe was found to have no transport defined.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support, this is an internal error.

System Action: The load request is ignored.

SXT5582E IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name has no transport
Explanation: During load or reload processing, a recipe was found to have no transport defined.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The load request is ignored.

SXT5583E IId:Intf-Id Field Name type F-Type cannot convert to EMS
Explanation: During the conversion of Rendezvous field types to their corresponding EMS field types, a field type was found that could not be converted.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request fails.


IId:Intf-Id Dest:D-Name


Explanation: This message is in response to a show active request, specifying an active listener for the specified subject and each R-Name listening to that subject. If more than one recipe is listed, this might indicate a problem. In most cases, only one recipe listens to a subject.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5586I IId:Intf-Id The following listeners are active:
Explanation: This message is a response to a Display Listeners request.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5587I IId:Intf-Id Since Date:Date Time:Time RID:R-Name
Explanation: This message is in response to a Display Active command, showing one of the active recipes.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5588I IId:Intf-Id The following recipes are active:
Explanation: This message is in response to a Display Active command before listing the active recipes.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5589I IId:Intf-Id Since Date:Date Time:Time TID:T-Name
Explanation: This message is in response to a show triggers request, showing an active trigger with its last load date.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5590I IId:Intf-Id The following triggers are active:
Explanation: This message is in response to a show triggers request.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5591W IId:Intf-Id There are no Recipes, no Triggers loaded
Explanation: This message is displayed after all recipes and triggers are loaded at startup but none has been loaded.

User Response: Review the recipe, trigger, and group definitions.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5592E IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name load error; Output Method:M-Code
Explanation: During a refresh-trigger process, the output method was found to be less than 1 or greater than 4.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5593I IId:Intf-Id The following recipes or triggers are disabled
Explanation: This message is in response to a Show Disabled request.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5594I IId:Intf-Id Disabled Date:Date Time:Time<TID/RID>:Identifier, Rsn: Reason Disabled
Explanation: This message is in response to a Show Disabled command, showing a single recipe or trigger with the date and time at which it was disabled and the reason for disabling.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5595I IId:Intf-Id No Suspended / disabled recipes / triggers found
Explanation: This message is in response to a Show Disabled or Show Suspended command.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5600I IId:Intf-Id Service Recipe R-Name: Concurrency limit Number
Explanation: The service recipe called R-Name has been loaded into Substation ES with a limit of Number.

Number is the maximum messages from this recipe that Substation will process concurrently on this interface. This is a throttle setting to control BES resource utilization.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5602E IId:Intf-Id Obtain Msg failed rc=RC
Explanation: During the processing of an administrative message, an error occurred in the Obtain call.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The message is not processed.

SXT5604W IId:Intf-Id Admin Request type not implemented: number
Explanation: During the processing of an administrative message, the type code number was not found. The operational command entered is most likely invalid for this interface or ESB type.

User Response: Specify the correct operational command for the ESB. If that does not resolve the condition, contact TIBCO Support with the necessary information from the log files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5606E IId:Intf-Id Load Recipe R-Name failed
Explanation: The administrative request to refresh recipe R-Name has failed.

User Response: See the previous messages for a description of the failure.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5607E IId:Intf-Id Load Trigger T-Name failed
Explanation: The administrative request to refresh trigger T-Name has failed.

User Response: See the previous messages for a description of the failure.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5609E IId:Intf-Id Set Code Pages failed rc RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrv_SetCodePages has failed with return code RC and reason Description.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The Transformer terminates.

SXT5610I IId:Intf-Id Host code page CodePage, net page CodePage
Explanation: The host code page has been set to Hcp; the net code page to Ncp.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5612E IId:Intf-Id Set trace with Component, Level invalid value
Explanation: A request to reset the trace level for the Transformer or a single module of the Transformer has an invalid value in either the module specification or trace level.

User Response: Correct and resubmit the reset trace request.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5614E IId:Intf-Id Trigger destination start failed for T-Name
Explanation: A previous message describes the specific failure in an attempt to define the destinations for a trigger.

User Response: See the description in the previous messages.

System Action: The trigger is not active.

SXT5617E IId:Intf-Id Transport start failed for T-Name
Explanation: During startup, a transport failed to start for the named trigger or recipe.

User Response: See the description in the previous messages on the exact cause of failure.

System Action: The trigger or recipe named is disabled.

SXT5619I IId:Intf-Id Trigger T-Name has trace=T-Level
Explanation: This message shows that a trigger has a nonzero trace level set during startup.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5620E IId:Intf-Id Admin Request type invalid: Type
Explanation: During the processing of an administrative message, the type code Type was found to be invalid. The operational command entered is most likely invalid for this interface or ESB type.

User Response: Specify the correct operational command for the ESB. If that does not resolve the condition, contact TIBCO Support with the necessary information from the log files.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5624E IId:Intf-Id pthread_setspecific failed - HALTED
Explanation: The call to pthread_setspecific has failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: This work thread terminates.

SXT5625E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id does not exist.
Explanation: A transport command has been issued against an invalid transport name.

User Response: Correct and resubmit.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5629W IId:Intf-Id Failed to free Request Block, Trigger
Explanation: After the completion of processing for a trigger, one of its resources cannot be freed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues, but this control block cannot be properly released.

SXT5631W IId:Intf-Id Return unmatched trigger to IId:Intf-Id UoW:Num RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: A trigger cannot be matched with the trigger definitions loaded from the configuration file.

User Response: Review the trigger definitions in the configuration file.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5633W IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id is already active.
Explanation: A restart transport command has been issued against an active transport.

User Response: Do not issue multiple enable transport commands.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5635W IId:Intf-Id Fail free Request Block, Final
Explanation: After a normal message has completed processing, one of the processing resources cannot be freed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5636I IId:Intf-Id Disabling transport T-Id.
Explanation: A transport disable command has been accepted.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXT5638W IId:Intf-Id Free RB UOW slot Slot failed - IGNORED
Explanation: After an input message has completed processing, one of the processing resources cannot be freed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5639I IId:Intf-Id Enabling T-Type transport T-Id.
Explanation: A transport enable command has been accepted. Intf-id is the ESB interface ID. T-Type is either EMS or RV. T-Id is the ESB ID.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXT5640W IId:Intf-Id Service Recipe R-Name hold released - timeout exceeded
Explanation: The recipe R-Name has a limit parameter defined. This log message indicates that an EMS message is being held because of this limit. There is a 120 second timeout on all held EMS messages.

When an EMS message is held one of two events releases the message:

  1. The number of recipe messages falls below the defined limit.
  2. The 120 second timeout is reached.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5644I IId:Intf-Id Worker at Address terminate request
Explanation: The worker thread at Address has received a terminate request.

System Action: Worker thread termination begins.

SXT5645E IId:Intf-Id Received unknown message:Msg-Id (Msg-Id-Hex)
Explanation: The worker thread has received the unknown message Msg-Id in decimal, with Msg-Id-Hex in hexadecimal.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5646I IId:Intf-Id Disable transport T-Id OK | - deferred close
Explanation: The disable transport command has been successfully processed or scheduled because of transport suspend status.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5649E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id not found for disable.
Explanation: A disable-transport command has been issued for an invalid transport.

User Response: Correct and resubmit.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5650E IId:Intf-Id pth_setspfc failed - HALTED
Explanation: The Rendezvous Dispatch thread has issued a call to pthread_setspecific, which failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The worker thread terminates.

SXT5654W IId:Intf-Id Invalid Start_Now message (M-Id) to RV Thread
Explanation: While waiting for a start message, the Rendezvous dispatch thread received this message instead.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: A shutdown message is honored and processed; others are ignored.

SXT5658I IId:Intf-Id RVDispatch at Address Shutdown request
Explanation: The Rendezvous Dispatch thread at Address of Intf-Id has received a shutdown message.

System Action: The Rendezvous Dispatch thread begins the termination process.

SXT5659I IId:Intf-Id RVDispatch at Address Terminate request
Explanation: The Rendezvous Dispatch thread at Address has received a terminate message.

System Action: The Rendezvous Dispatch thread begins the termination process.

SXT5660E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id not found for enable.
Explanation: An enable transport has been issued against an invalid transport name.

User Response: Correct and resubmit.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5662E IId:Intf-Id TmDsp FAILED RC: RC - Description
Explanation: The call to tibrvQueue_TimedDispatch has failed with the return code RC, reason Description

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5665W IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Max Stress; Delay 0.2 seconds RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The Rendezvous Dispatch process has found a Maximum stress indicator and is delaying processing for 0.2 seconds to allow other processing to continue.

System Action: Substation ES stops receiving messages from RV for 0.2 seconds.

SXT5668E IId:Intf-Id Enable transport T-Id encountered error.
Explanation: An enable-transport command has produced an error.

User Response: See the previous messages for a full description of the error.

System Action: The transport remains disabled.

SXT5669I IId:Intf-Id Endpoint EP-Id state:State, Service:Count, AC:AC, AR:AR, process-err:Err
Explanation: Endpoint EP-Id has the status specified by State. The state might be UNUSED, UP, DOWN, or RETRY.

Endpoint EP-Id is in use by Count recipes and triggers. AC is the number of attempts to connect. AR is the number of attempts to reconnect after a disconnect.

The last use of the endpoint resulted in process error Err. The process error Err might have a value of:

The connection is in reconnect mode.
The connection had an error.
The connection had permanently disconnected.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5670I IId:Intf-Id Endpoints UP Count, RETRY Count, UNUSED Count, DOWN Count.
Explanation: This message is in response to a show-transport request.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5671I IId:Intf-Id Enabled transport T-Id OK.
Explanation: The enable-transport command was processed successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5672E IId:Intf-Id Post failed after Transport restart, rc=RC
Explanation: After restarting a transport, the main task was posted for further processing. However, that post has failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The restart of the transport might be incomplete.

SXT5673I IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id automatically restarted.
Explanation: The transport T-Id has been automatically restarted; communication with its daemon has been reestablished.

System Action: Processing continues, including the messages over the named transport.

SXT5674E IId:Intf-Id Cannot restart session; recipe R-Name SMSL incorrect
Explanation: The SMSL mode was not equal to CRT_EMS_SMSL_GA or CRT_EMS_SMSL_GO in a recover-session operation.

User Response: Update the problematic recipe and reload that recipe.

System Action: The session remains disabled.

SXT5675E IId:Intf-Id Cannot recover recipe R-Name; Transport T-Id not active
Explanation: The supporting transport T-id was found to be inactive during a recover-session request.

User Response: Activate the transport.

System Action: Session recovery failed.

SXT5676E IId:Intf-Id Recovery failed for recipe R-Name on Transport T-Id
Explanation: The session_recover command failed.

User Response: See the previous message for the reason of the failure.

System Action: The session recovery is terminated; the session is not recovered.

SXT5677E IId:Intf-Id EMS Error ErrContent Create in wk failed RC - Description
Explanation: The EMS interface failed while creating ErrorContext.

System Response: Processing continues.

SXT5679W IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id already disabled
Explanation: A stop-transport command has been issued against an inactive transport.

User Response: Do not issue multiple disable-transport commands.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5680I IId:Intf-Id Recipe R-Name reloaded
Explanation: The recipe R-Name has been reloaded.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5681I IId:Intf-Id Suspended transport T-Id.
Explanation: A transport has been suspended because of a server connectivity issue encountered by TIBCO Enterprise Message Service.

System Action: The Recipe and Trigger processing for this transport is suspended until the server connection is re-established.

SXT5683W IId:Intf-Id Recipe:R-Name - Admin Connection not available for ESB ESB-id
Explanation: A request for "SHOW,EMS_STATS,RID=..." was issued on the Admin Connection, but the connection is not available.

System Action: The show command is ignored, and processing continues.

SXT5684E "Memory Alloc Err RID:RID UOW:UOW Memsize:Num ReAlloc:Num"
Explanation: For the specific UOW, a failed attempt was made to allocate memory of size indicated.

User Response: Determine if Substation ES has enough region size to handle this type of message.

System Action: The message is replied with an error, and then flushed. If this is a "guaranteed" message, it remains on the EMS queue.

SXT5685E IId:Intf-Id Failed match request for service(T-Name) - UoW:Num RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: A trigger cannot be matched with the trigger definitions loaded from the configuration file.

User Response: Review the trigger definitions in the configuration file.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5686W IId:Intf-Id No Service Recipes found
Explanation: A RECOVER command was issued for an interface. There are no Service Recipes with a service level of guaranteed associated with interface name specified on the RECOVER, ENABLE or DISABLE command.

User Response: If there are Recipes with a service level of GA or GS, ensure that the INTF-ID in the Configuration File matches or that there is an entry associated with your service recipe(s) that correspond to the name specified on the command. You might have to issue a manual command until you have corrected the mismatch in the definitions.

System Action: No recovery is performed but Substation processing continues.

SXT5687W IId:Intf-Id Return trigger(T-Name) to IId:Intf-Id(ESB Inactive) UoW:Num RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The trigger message was sent back to BES because of an ESB endpoint connectivity issue. Note that the T-Name is only shown if the trigger service name is included within the trigger message.

User Response: Check the ESB endpoint, the EMS server, or daemon state.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5688W IId:Intf-Id Return trigger(T-Name) to IId:Intf-Id(Trigger Disabled) UoW:Num RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The trigger message was sent back to BES because the trigger service was disabled. Note that the T-Name is only shown if the trigger service name is included within the trigger message.

User Response: If the trigger service was disabled in error, restart it.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5714E IId:Intf-Id Pthread_key_create failed RC - Description
Explanation: The pthread_create call failed with error number RC. Description explains why.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Initialization of the Transformer fails.

SXT5715E IId:Intf-Id Pthread_setspecific failed - HALTED
Explanation: The pthread_setspecific call failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Initialization of the Transformer fails.

SXT5717I IId:Intf-Id Trace level Level (Type), Num work threads; Cfg: Config DDName
Explanation: The Transformer has started with trace level Num1 and Num2 work threads. The DD Name for the Configuration file is File-Name.

System Action: None.

SXT5719I IId:Intf-Id Services registered
Explanation: Lists Active services in the interface. This message is followed by messages SXT5589I or SXT5594I.

System Action: None.

SXT5721E IId:Intf-Id Start Transformer Failed – rc:status-code RC:8 RSN:0
Explanation: Initialization of the Transformer has failed. A prior message describes the failure.

User Response: See the response for the previous message.

System Action: Initialization of the Transformer fails. Substation ES terminates.

SXT5723W IId:Intf-Id Failed post SS init failure, rc=RC
Explanation: After issuing message SXT5721E, the post to the routine that calls the Transformer failed.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Initialization of the Transformer fails.

SXT5724F IId:Intf-Id Abnormal termination – Server start RC:12 RSN:0
Explanation: This message is issued after SXT5721E has been issued and after the post to the calling routine has completed successfully.

User Response: See the response to the previous message.

System Action: Initialization of the Transformer fails. Substation ES terminates.

SXT5737E IId:Intf-Id Main received invalid message:M-Type
Explanation: The message-processing loop in Main received a message that must be sent to a worker thread. The message type is shown as M-Type in hex.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXT5740W IId:Intf-Id Give up post SS with Alive&Well
Explanation: During the response to an Alive & Kicking message, the retry count was exceeded.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXT5745I IId:Intf-Id Received NO-STRESS - Set Dispatcher to FULL SPEED
Explanation: The main processor has received a message of type stress-none and has set the stress indicator to none.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5746W IId:Intf-Id Received STRESS message - Dispatcher
Explanation: The main processor has received a message of type stress-slow and has set the stress indicator to slowdown.
SXT5747W IId:Intf-Id Received MAX STRESS - Stopping Dispatcher RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The main process has received a status message of MAX STRESS from its caller and, in turn, has signaled the Rendezvous Dispatch threads to delay their processing.

System Action: Processing of inputs slows.

SXT5748I IId:Intf-Id Received a Stop Input request
Explanation: The Transformer has received a message to stop further input.

System Action: The Rendezvous Dispatch threads are requested to terminate.

SXT5752I IId:Intf-Id Received a Shutdown request
Explanation: The Transformer has received a message to stop processing.

System Action: Transformer processing terminates.

SXT5753I IId:Intf-Id Received a Terminate request
Explanation: The Transformer has received a message to stop processing.

System Action: Transformer processing terminates.

SXT5754W IId:Intf-Id Unexpected Condition Code, Ignoring: Code
Explanation: The main processor has received an unknown event code Code in its main processing loop.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

SXT5786I IId:Intf-Id Transformer main terminated
Explanation: The Transformer’s main task has terminated.

System Action: The Transformer interface has terminated.

SXT5787E IId:Intf-Id Timer start failure rc=RC - no auto EMS restart.
Explanation: The timer facility has failed, hence no timed interruption to check for possible EMS restart from error.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Automatic EMS restart is disabled.

SXT5802E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id start failed RC: RC - Description
Explanation: During the refreshing of a recipe, it was found that transport T-Id must be started. However, the call to start that transport has failed.

User Response: See the previous messages for further description of the failure.

System Action: Recipe reload failed.

SXT5803E IId:Intf-Id Transport T-Id listen failed
Explanation: During the refreshing of a recipe, it was found that transport T-Id must be started. However, the call to activate the listener for that transport has failed.

User Response: See the previous messages for further description of the failure.

System Action: Recipe reload failed.

SXT5809W IId:Intf-Id In use and not refreshed - R-Name
Explanation: The recipe R-Name has not been refreshed. After 10 attempts to refresh the recipe, it remains in use. A recipe is "in use" if there is one message attached to the recipe in Substation ES.

The original recipe is still the current definition.

System Action: Processing of both the old and new recipes continues.

SXT5811I IId:Intf-Id Recipe R-Name refreshed – still for S-Name
Explanation: The recipe R-Name has been successfully refreshed but it is still listening to the same subject S-Name. The listener has not been stopped and restarted.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5814E IId:Intf-Id Start listener for R-Name failed
Explanation: During the processing of a recipe refresh that required a new listener, the call to start the listener failed.

User Response: See the previous messages for additional information on the failure.

System Action: This recipe is not active.

SXT5816I IId:Intf-Id Recipe R-Name refreshed, destination S-Name
Explanation: Recipe R-Name has been refreshed and is listening to destination S-Name.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5817E IId:Intf-Id No Recipes|Triggers found to refresh
Explanation: During a REFRESH,RID,ALL or REFRESH,TID,ALL, a list of all recipes or triggers is first created. After the list is created, each recipe or trigger is refreshed. Between the creation of the list and the refresh process, a definition was removed.

System Action: Processing continues for all other recipes or triggers.

SXT5818E IId:Intf-Id Advisory Class not gotten RC - Description
Explanation: An attempt to read a Rendezvous advisory message has failed.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The advisory message is ignored.

SXT5819E IId:Intf-Id Advisory Name not gotten RC - Description
Explanation: An attempt to read the name of a Rendezvous advisory message has failed.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The advisory message is ignored.

SXT5820E IId:Intf-Id Set Reply Subject failed RC - Explanation
Explanation: The attempt to add the reply subject to the outgoing message has failed.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The message is not sent to the reply subject.

SXT5823E IId:Intf-Id Unload Type Identifier - entry not found
Explanation: During the processing of the unload command, the specified recipe or trigger was not found.

User Response: Correct the unload request and repeat.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5824E IId:Intf-Id Unload Type Identifier has use count Count
Explanation: A recipe or trigger cannot be unloaded by the command. Active users remain after several seconds have passed.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The recipe or trigger is unloaded even though the count of active users is nonzero.

SXT5825I IId:Intf-Id Unload Type Identifier successful
Explanation: The recipe or trigger Identifier has been unloaded successfully.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5827E IId:Intf-Id Unload - No active Recipes or Triggers
Explanation: An unload request has completed successfully but there are no active triggers or recipes.

User Response: Be aware that the Transformer is not processing user messages.

System Action: Processing continues but nothing is processed.

SXT5828E IId:Intf-Id Process not completed rc:RC - Description
Explanation: A process within a transport termination completed with the nonzero return code RC, reason Description. The possible processes are auto-ack producer destroy, ack producer destroy, no-ack producer destroy, auto-ack session close, ack session close, no-ack session close, connection close, and transport_destroy.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: If the process took place during termination, termination proceeds. If the process took place as part of deactivating a transport, that transport is deactivated and in error status.

SXT5830E IId:Intf-Id Type Identifier DISABLED - error count Count
Explanation: A recipe or trigger has encountered an error in processing that caused the error count to exceed the specified allowable maximum.

User Response: Evaluate the errors and error criteria.

System Action: The entry is disabled from further processing.

SXT5831E IId:Intf-Id Type Identifier DISABLED - Count errors for Count processed
Explanation: A recipe or trigger has encountered an error in processing that caused the error percentage to exceed the specified allowable maximum.

User Response: Evaluate the errors and error criteria.

System Action: The entry is disabled from further processing.

SXT5833E IId:Intf-Id EMS error during Property - rc:RC - Description
Explanation: An error occurred while the property Property was being added to an EMS message.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5834E IId:Intf-Id EMS error during acknowledge - rc:RC - Description
Explanation: An attempt to send an EMS acknowledgement has failed with return code RC, reason Description.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5835E IId:Intf-Id Cmd command unsuccessful as service was not found Type:Identifier
Explanation: Cmd is the command issued (ENABLE, DISABLE, SUSPEND and RECOVER). Type is RID or TID. Identifier is the ID of the recipe or trigger. The identifier for a recipe or trigger was not found.

User Response: Correct the command and resubmit.

System Action: The requested action cannot be completed.

SXT5838I IId:Intf-Id Service is Status, Service-Type: Name
Explanation: An operational command has set the service Name to a specific status, which could be Enabled, Disabled or Suspended.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5839E IId:Intf-Id Counters overflowed receiving area
Explanation: During the return of an array of counters, the provided area was found to be too small.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXT5840I IId:Intf-Id RID | TID: Name Used:Num1 Errors: Num2 Active:Num3 Ignored: Num4
Explanation: This message shows the usage counter for a recipe or trigger.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5841I IId:Intf-Id Counter: Num triggers not matched
Explanation: This message shows the usage counter for the number of trigger processes for which no matching definition was found.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5844W IId:Intf-Id Command of RID/TID:Identifier ignored. Recipe/Trigger status
Explanation: The command was issued to disable, enable or suspend a recipe or trigger, but the service was already in that status.

User Response: None.

System Action: The command is ignored and processesing continues.

SXT5846E IId:Intf-Id Listener destroy failed in type of call rc:RC - Explanation
Explanation: While servicing a request to terminate a listener, the type of call call failed with return code RC, reason Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: The listener is disabled and in error status.

SXT5847W IId:Intf-Id EMS Server for transport T-Id disconnected.
Explanation: A server-down message has been received from the EMS server, the transport for which is disabled.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5848I IId:Intf-Id EMS Server for transport T-Id reconnected.
Explanation: A server-restarted message has been received from the EMS server, the transport for which is restarted.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5849E IId:Intf-Id EMS recovery for recipe R-Name, trn T-Id failed rc=RC – Explanation
Explanation: Session recovery was requested for a given recipe. The command was issued for the specified transport but failed with return code RC, explained by Explanation.

User Response: Contact TIBCO Support.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5850I IId:Intf-Id Session recovery for recipe R-Name, trn T-Id complete
Explanation: Session recovery has completed for recipe R-Name for transport T-Id.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5851E IId:Intf-Id Session null for recovery of recipe R-Name, trn T-Id
Explanation: Session recovery was requested for recipe R-Name for the associated transport session T-Id. However, the session was NULL.

System Action: No session recovery occurs. Processing continues.

SXT5853W IId:Intf-Id EMS Error Description
Explanation: This message, shown as part of the diagnostics for an EMS error, displays the last error string, if one exists, for the error.

System Action: Error processing continues.

SXT5854E IId:Intf-Id EMS error in String rc RC - Explanation
Explanation: This message is issued during the processing of an EMS error. An error occurred in obtaining the last error String for the EMS error. The call returned code RC, explained by Explanation.

System Action: Error processing continues.

SXT5858I IId:Intf-Id EMS-Parameter: Value
Explanation: Logging of an ESB parameter value occurred.

User Response: Verify that the parameter is correct. If not, update it in the Substation ES configuration file.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXT5860I IId:Intf-Id ESB Startup Parameters
Explanation: This message is a record of a specific ESB parameter and its associated value as read by the Substation ES initialization routines.

Message SXT5858I will follow, indicating the various parameters used.

User Response: Verify that the parameter list following is correct. If not, update it in the Substation ES configuration file.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXT5861I IId:Intf-Id Name : ESB-Name
Explanation: This is the header of the information list for each ESB Endpoint, where ESB-Name is the name of this ESB Endpoint.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXT5862I IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Disconnecting from EMS Connection T-id (EMS status:23)
Explanation: The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service connection called T-id has been disconnected from the EMS server. EMS is attempting to connect to the EMS server, or its alternate.

System Action: Processing for this EMS connection is suspended. All recipes and triggers associated with the EMS connection stop processing. The system retries the connection and/or its alternates.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXT5863I IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Suspending triggers for Type Connection T-id
Explanation: All trigger definitions for Service T-id have been suspended (put on hold) because of connection problems.

System Action: Trigger messages might error out because there are no active trigger definitions.

SXT5864I IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Reconnected to EMS Connection T-id (EMS status:28)
Explanation: The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service connection called T-id was reestablished with the EMS server.

System Action: Processing for this EMS connection resumes. All recipes and triggers associated with the EMS connection resume processing as normal.

Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG.

SXT5865I IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Resuming triggers for Type Connection T-id
Explanation: All trigger definitions for Service T-id have been changed to active because the server connection has been restored.

System Action: Trigger messages process normally.

SXT5866I IId:Intf-Id Substation ES Permanently disconnected from EMS Connection T-id (EMS status:11)
Explanation: The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service connection called T-id has been permanently disconnected from the EMS server.

System Action: Processing for this EMS connection stops. All recipes and triggers associated with the connection stop processing. A manual start for this transport is required to connect to the EMS server.

Destination: SYSLOG.

SXT5867W IId:Intf-Id transport T-Id uses 'ssl:' (Url), but 'Use SSL' is N - 'ssl:' removed
Explanation: The Url for ESB T-Id did not indicate an SSL connection in the transport definition. However, the URL had the prefix ssl:.

System Action: The ssl: prefix is removed, and processing continues. The connection is attempted in non-SSL mode.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRACE.

SXT5868I IId:Intf-Id Recovery successful for rid:R-Name
Explanation: An EMS request to the EMS server to Recover messages not acknowledged was successful. The recovered message were re-queued so they could be re-processed.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRACE.

SXT5869E IId:Intf-Id Recovery unsuccessful for rid:R-Name
Explanation: An attempt to recover messages on the EMS Server failed.

User Response: Check for other messages as to why this happened.

System Action: Processing continues.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRACE.

SXT5870W IId:Intf-Id ESB-Id Connect | Reconnect Attempts (number) exceeded the configured value
Explanation: This message indicates that an ESB has been disconnected because of reconnect count exceeded. Number is the number of attempts. The message SXT5866I will follow.

User Response: If the reconnect number is too low, then change the ESB reconnect number in the configuration file or the EMS server connection factory definition.

System Action: Processing continues.


SXT5871E IId:Intf-Id No Storage for Refresh All - storage needed: Number
Explanation: During a REFRESH,RID,ALL or REFRESH,TID,ALL, a list of all recipes or triggers is created. The storage needed to create the list was not available. Number is the amount of storage requested.

System Action: Processing terminates with no changes to Substation ES.

SXT5872I IId:Intf-Id Refreshed all Recipes|Triggers - Number1 reloaded with Number2 errors
Explanation: After a REFRESH,RID,ALL or REFRESH,TID,ALL, this message indicates how many recipes or triggers were reloaded and how many errors were encountered.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5878W IId:Intf-Id ESB Endpoint ESB started with no services RC:8 RSN:0
Explanation: At Substation startup, processes found this ESB endpoint was set to start during Substation initialization. However, no recipe or trigger service is attached to it.

User Response: If there is no plan to use this ESB, change the ESB endpoint 'Startup' setting so that it does not start during Substation initialization.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5879E IId:Intf-Id Invalid input Parameters for command.
Explanation: The subparameter for the command is invalid.

User Response: Correct the input.

System Action: Command is ignored and processing continues.

SXT5880I IId:Intf-Id ESB-id Reconnect Using Initial Connection Process
Explanation: While an EMS ESB is in "reconnect mode", a disconnect status (11) was received. Substation ES will use the normal connect process to interface with the EMS Server.

User Response: None.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5887E IId:Intf-Id Multiple Containers for message-type Message
Explanation: The service is using Multi-Container processing with more than one container to a Bytes, Text or Stream Message type.

User Response: Not all the data is contained in the outgoing message. Make sure only one data container is created, or change to a MAP message type.

System Action: The message is published with an error status.

SXT5898I IId:Intf-Id Service is Status
Explanation: An internal or operational command has set the service to a specific status, which could be Enabled, Disabled or Suspended. This messages is followed by message SXT5899I, which displays the name of the service.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5899I IId:Intf-Id Service-Type: Name
Explanation: This message displays the name of the service that has changed to the status shown in message SXT5898I.

System Action: Processing continues.

SXT5961I IId:Intf-Id Name: ESB-Id
Explanation: This is the name of the ESB identifier that is in use.

User Response: Verify that the identifier is correct. If not, update it in the Substation ES configuration file.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXT5989I IId:Intf-Id Number of Messages in Queue:Num
Explanation: This is an informational message that gives the current number of messages in the RV distributed queue.

User Response: None.

Destination: Processing Continues.

SXT5990I IId:Intf-Id Unable to start listener for R-Name - Reason
Explanation: This is an informational message that informs the listener that this service cannot be started because of the Reason.

User Response: None.

Destination: Processing Continues.

SXT5992E IId:Intf-Id Input size Num greater than MOI max 32500 RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The input conversion rule buffer length or the inbound message length for a recipe is greater than MOI max length.

User Response: Correct the input conversion rule buffer length or the inbound message length.

System Action: Processing terminates.