IMS Interface Messages
The following table describes the messages that pertain to the Substation ES IMS Interface.
Code | Description |
SXI3480E | Input threads failed to start |
Explanation: A Substation ES IMS Interface that is required to start input threads has failed. This is normally a Substation ES internal error caused by a previous IMS process that failed.
User Response: Review the error condition together with other messages in the log. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files. |
SXI4000I | IId:Intf-Id Connection to IMS Region Applid Starting |
Explanation: Substation ES allocates and initializes control blocks and establishes communications with XCF and connection with an IMS and OTMA System.
Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4001E | IId:Intf-Id Connection to IMS Region Applid Failed |
Explanation: Substation ES failed to connect to an IMS and OTMA System.
User Response: Refer to the preceding messages for the cause(s) of the failure. |
SXI4001W | IId:Intf-Id Already Connected to IMS Region Applid |
Explanation: Substation ES has already been connected to the specified IMS system.
User Response: Ensure you have specified the correct parameters for the command. |
SXI4001I | IId:Intf-Id Connection to IMS Region Applid Complete |
Explanation: A Substation ES connection to an IMS region has completed. The Substation IMS interface has contacted the XCF service and the OTMA server within the IMS region. Substation ES has also joined as a member of the IMS XCF group with IMS as the group owner.
Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4002I | IID:Intf-Id Disconnect from IMS Region Applid Starting |
Explanation: Substation ES is disconnecting from the IMS region. All communication from and to the IMS region ceases.
Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4003E | IID:Intf-Id Applid Disconnect Failed RC:rc |
Explanation: The Substation ES IMS interface failed to disconnect from the IMS
User Response: If Substation ES does not shut down normally within three minutes, you might have to terminate or cancel Substation ES to break the connection. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files. |
SXI4003I | IID:Intf-Id Disconnect from IMS Region Applid Complete |
Explanation: Substation ES has disconnected. All active IMS resources for this particular Substation ES Interface have been shut own and all memory queues have been deleted.
Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4003W | IID:Intf-Id Applid - Already Disconnected |
Explanation: Substation ES has already been disconnected from the IMS region named Applid. | |
SXI4004I | IId:Intf-Id Applid OTMA TPName TPipe Started |
Explanation: The transaction pipe for this interface has been started.
Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4004W | IId:Intf-Id Applid OTMA TPName TPipe Stopped |
Explanation: The transaction pipe for this interface has been stopped.
Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4005I | IId:Intf-Id Applid OTMA and IMS System now available |
Explanation: Substation ES is connecting or reconnecting to an IMS and OTMA System that has become available.
Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4006W | IId:Intf-Id Applid OTMA or IMS System not available |
Explanation: The connection to IMS terminated while Substation ES was executing. Normally this is displayed when a disconnect command was issued or the IMS system has been shut down.
User Response: If this is unexpected, determine why IMS became unavailable. System Action: Substation ES continues execution. Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4007W | IId:Intf-Id Applid:Applid Description |
Explanation: This Substation interface and the underlying OTMA interface have been connected to the XCF group.
User Response: None. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4008W | IId:Intf-Id Description Applid is Down |
Explanation: This Substation interface failed to connect or reconnect to an IMS region. Refer to this error in the TIBTRC file for additional information resulting from message
User Response: Follow up on the reason why the connectivity to the IMS region failed. If the problem persists, contact TIBCO Support, supplying the information from the log, TIBLPARM and trace files. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4009W | IID:Intf-Id Applid Interface started but not connected |
Explanation: Substation ES has started its IMS interface but could not connect to the IMS system. There was a reason why this occurred so review previous messages for a possible explanation. Normally there will be a
SXI4511W message associated with this error in the TIBCO Substation ES log.
User Response: If you cannot resolve the issue, contact TIBCO Support with the information in the error from the log and trace files. System Action: Substation ES continues execution. Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG. |
SXI4010E | IMS Trigger failed to commit UoW:SS-token IMS-RC: RC |
Explanation: Substation ES failed to commit a trigger record that originated from an IMS system. Subsequently, Substation ES sent the record to the destination and resynchronized the communication to OTMA.
User Response: If you cannot resolve the issue, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files. System Action: Substation ES continues execution. |
SXI4011I | IId:Intf-Id Applid Trigger processing suspended |
Explanation: This Substation interface has suspended trigger processing normally because of an ESB interface that has lost the connectivity to its endpoint. Refer to other messages in the log files proceeding this message to determine the cause or the reason for this.
User Response: If the problem has no associated reasons for suspending trigger operations, contact TIBCO Support supplying the information from the log, TIBLPARM and trace files. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4011E | IId:Intf-Id Applid Failed to suspend Trigger processing RC:RC |
Explanation: This Substation interface has failed to suspended trigger processing. Refer to other messages in the log files proceeding this message to determine the cause or the reason for this.
User Response: If the problem has no associated reasons for suspending trigger operations, contact TIBCO Support supplying the information from the log, TIBLPARM and trace files. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4012I | IId:Intf-Id Applid Trigger processing resumed |
Explanation: This Substation interface has resumed trigger processing for an IMS region.
User Response: None. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4012E | IId:Intf-Id Applid Failed to resume Trigger processing RC:RC |
Explanation: This Substation interface has failed to resume trigger processing for a specific IMS region. Refer to other messages in the log files proceeding this message to determine the cause or the reason for this failure.
User Response: If the problem has no associated reasons for the failure to resume trigger operations, contact TIBCO Support supplying the information from the log, TIBLPARM and trace files. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4013W | IId:Intf-Id Applid - Startup of Trigger Task Failed |
Explanation: The Substation ES IMS interface failed to start the trigger threads for
User Response: Review the other messages that precede the error condition along with the other messages in the log for the cause of the error. If the problem persists, contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files. |
SXI4020E | Intf-Id - SXIAADMN Error RC: RC |
Explanation: An error occurred when Substation ES called the IMS OTMA administration routine.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the log and trace files for Substation ES. System Action: Substation ES reports the error and continues processing. |
SXI4030E | IId:Intf-Id Applid - Tran transaction-id failed to commit UoW:SS-token IMS-RC:RC |
Explanation: Substation ES failed to commit a service recipe transaction. The
RC supplied is what Substation ES received from the IMS OTMA system. Refer to any messages preceding this one to help identify or resolve the issue.
User Response: If you cannot resolve the issue, contact TIBCO Support supplying information related to this error from the log and trace files. System Action: Substation ES continues execution. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRACE. |
SXI4041I | Record being added to Retransmit TPipe |
Explanation: Substation ES is adding the Trigger outbound message back onto an IMS internal retransmit TPipe named
SXITRNAK. This occurrs because the trigger’s service definition could not be located and the service level is G(*), which causes this failure and you have to add the message back onto the
User Response: Ensure that the triggers service definition is correct and look for other messages that might help resolve this issue. Most probably the payload content and the offset or string in the search criteria of the trigger service definition does not match. Also set the trigger service trace level to 3 and check that content received by Substation is correct. If your issue persists, contact TIBCO Support supplying information related to this error from the log and trace files. Note: Ensure that the trace level is at least 3 and perform an operational command SHOW,TID=xxx to help in debugging this issue. System Action: Substation ES reports the situation and continues processing. Destination: TIBLOG. |
SXI4050I | CVRS-In - Rsc:Resource TPipe:TPipe Sfx:Number |
Explanation: These are the details of the parameters for IMS conversational transactions. Resource is the same as the name specified on the recipe configuration. Tpipe is the prefix of the OTMA transaction pipe. | |
SXI4051I | CVRS-Out - Rsc:Resource TPipe:TPipe Sfx:Number |
Explanation: These are the details of the parameters for IMS conversational transactions. Resource is the same as the name specified on the recipe configuration. Tpipe is the prefix of the OTMA transaction pipe. | |
SXI4052I | CVRS-New - UoW:Uow Rsc:Name TPipe:TPipe |
Explanation: This message is displayed when the trace level is higher than one and states that a new conversational transaction has started. It displays the UoW, the resource it will execute and the transaction pipe it will use.
User Response: None. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4053I | CVRS-Busy - UoW:Uow Rsc:Name SFX:Num |
Explanation: This message is displayed when the trace level is higher than one and shows that Substation is searching for a valid inactive TPipe. The SFX number shows which ones are currently busy executing. This message is mainly used for debugging and to ensure TPipes are efficiently used.
User Response: None. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4055I | CVRS-END - UoW:Uow Conversation complete TPipe:TPipe |
Explanation: This message is displayed when an IMS conversation has ended for a particular TPipe. This message is mainly used for debugging and to ensure TPipes are efficiently used.
User Response: None. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4111W | Target IId:Intf-Id State:intf state ThdId:num text |
Explanation: While an IMS interface thread was waiting for a commit confirmation from the ESB, an issue or an invalid condition was detected. The service that was executing required a commit to be sent to IMS and now this will not happen. The message execution will be backed out. The information displayed in the message can help to resolve the issue.
User Response: If you cannot resolve the issue or the issue continues to occur, contact TIBCO Support supplying information related to this error from the log and trace files. System Action: The system recovers accordingly and continues to execute without any issues. This particular transaction will have failed. Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC. |
SXI4190E | IId:Intf-Id Applid Transaction failed. IMS/DC shutdown in progress |
Explanation: A Substation ES transaction was unsuccessful because it was notified that the IMS/DC region is being shutdown whilst it was being processed.
User Response: If you have specified an alternate BES on the recipe service, transactions will now be routed to that interface. System Action: Substation ES terminates this transaction and continues execution. Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG and service error subject. |
SXI4191E | IId:Intf-Id Applid Transaction failed. IMS TPipe or TMember stopped |
Explanation: A Substation ES transaction was unsuccessful because it was notified that the IMS/DC region failed on an internal reason 0x0f. The reason for this issue is most likely found by looking at the IMS region, the Transaction or Program status or the XCF status.
User Response: The IMS TPipe or TMember could have been stopped explicitly so check with your IMS administrator if that might be the reason. System Action: Substation ES terminates this transaction and continues execution. Destination: TIBLOG and SYSLOG and the service error subject. |
SXI4114I | IID:Intf-Id Applid:Applid OTMA trace value changing to value |
Explanation: A
SET,TRCLVL command was issued and the tracing level has been changed to the level of
User Response: None. System Action: Substation ES reports the change and continues processing. |
SXI4502C | Getmain failed for buffers |
Explanation: The
GETMAIN request for SRB staging buffers has failed.
User Response: Increase the Substation ES region size and retry. |
SXI4509E | Query failed rc-RC rsn-RSN - Description |
Explanation: The XCF query request has failed with the specified return code
RC, reason code
RSN, and explanation
Description. Processing cannot continue.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4510E | Query failed – no group exists |
Explanation: The XCF query has found that the specified XCF group does not exist.
User Response: Review the specification of the XCF group name. |
SXI4511W | IMS Member name not found in Group name |
Explanation: The Group
name does not contain the IMS member name.
User Response: Correct the Group name. |
SXI4512E | Join failure Mbr: MName rc- RC rsn- RSN - Description |
Explanation: While attempting to join the XCF group, the XCF
Join request failed with the specified return code
RC, reason code
RSN, and explanation
MName is the XCF member name specified in the Substation startup parameters.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4513W | Join failure Mbr:MName - already connected |
Explanation: A
CONNECT command was issued for an IMS interface but the connection is already active, or XCF reports that SS is already connected to the specified IMS group.
MName is the XCF member name specified in the Substation startup parameters.
User Response: For messages prompted by an already-active IMS interface connection, no response is needed. If the message results from an SS already connected to the IMS group, then issue this command to see which address space is already connected, and correct as necessary: D XCF,xcf-imsgrp,xcf-imsmbr |
SXI4514I | Grp: G-Name mbr:Mem APPLID:IMS-Applid |
Explanation: Contact is established with IMS through XCF with group G-Name to APPLID IMS-Applid. The Substation ES member name is Mem. | |
SXI4516E | Send failed rc-RC rsn-RSN - Description |
Explanation: Having received a server-available message, Substation ES attempted to send a Client bid. That send task failed with the specified return code
RC, reason code
RSN, and explanation
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4521I | Input buf sizes SRB: size, group: size, trans: size |
Explanation: This message, issued during startup, shows the effective size of the three buffers. | |
SXI4522I | Num SRB buffers, Num GRP buffers, Num TRN |
Explanation: This message, issued during startup, shows the number of the three buffer types. | |
SXI4525E | RACROUTE failed rc-ARC - OK |
Explanation: While attempting to create a security token for Substation ES, the request to
RACROUTE failed with return code
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4542E | Buffer at address has bad status status |
Explanation: A buffer has an invalid status code, which depicts a storage overlay.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4551C | No internal buffer for trans |
Explanation: An internal buffer is not available to stage the transaction.
User Response: Increase the number of transaction buffers or decrease the number of worker threads. |
SXI4552I | MODE=1 and Synch TPIPE |
Explanation: The transaction specifications contain contradictory values.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4553I | MODE=0/Conversational or response |
Explanation: The transaction specifications contain contradictory values.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4554W | Shutdown in progress, trans at addr discarded |
Explanation: A transaction response started processing during shutdown. Because this could lead to errors, processing was terminated.
User Response: None. |
SXI4559E | Overflow output – have Val1, filled Val2, need Val3 |
Explanation: During the preparation of the response to a request and consolidation of all the XCF response messages into the output buffer, an overflow condition occurred. The size of the receiving area is
Val1, of which
Val2 has already been filled. Additional
Val3 bytes are required to service the XCF response messages found thus far.
User Response: Increase the transaction buffer size. |
SXI4560E | Timeout while awaiting data |
Explanation: After an XCF send to IMS, a complete response has not been received within the timeout period.
User Response: Verify that IMS is running properly and that the transaction is active. |
SXI4561E | IMS msg: Msg |
Explanation: IMS has returned a negative acknowledgment (NAK) to the XCF request with the accompanying message
User Response: Review the Msg content. |
SXI4562W | Mode=0 and Sync = commit |
Explanation: An invalid combination of IMS message options exists.
User Response: Correct either the mode or sync value. |
SXI4563E | SAF Token create failed rc-RC rsn-RSN |
Explanation: The input message includes a user ID and password for requesting a security token. That request has failed with return code
RC and reason code
User Response: Verify that the user ID and password in the input message are correct. |
SXI4565W | Nack sense code code - reason |
Explanation: The transaction received a NACK response with NACK code
code, described in
User Response: Correct the transaction and resubmit. |
SXI4566E | Not connected to IMS |
Explanation: During Substation ES startup, no IMS token was received from the server.
User Response: Verify that the IMS and XCF processes are successful. System Response: The system suspends processing for this IMS until a proper token is received. |
SXI4568I | Sync-confirm ack TRN=address, SRB= address failed - reason |
Explanation: An
ACK attempt for a
sync=confirm transaction has failed because of internal errors.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4571E | Abend abcode in transaction trans |
Explanation: The specified IMS transaction abended with the noted code.
The returned IMS user data contains the message in progress from the IMS DFS555I message. Message SXI4572E might also be generated. User Response: Investigate IMS dependent regions and applications for the cause of the error. |
SXI4572E | DFS555I … |
Explanation: The
DFS555I message returned by IMS.
User Response: Use the additional diagnostic information to determine the cause of a transaction abend. |
SXI4573E | Abend abcode in transaction trans, cannot determine message in progress |
Explanation: The specified IMS transaction abended with the noted code. (See
SXI4571E for instructions on how to interpret the code.) However, the Substation ES IMS interface could not determine the message in progress, so no IMS user data is returned.
Message SXI4572E might also be generated. User Response: Investigate IMS dependent regions and applications for the cause of the error. |
SXI4574E | Transaction trans failed, cannot determine abend code |
Explanation: The specified IMS transaction failed. However, the abend code cannot be determined. The message in progress is not returned in the IMS user data.
User Response: Check all IMS region logs for diagnostic information. |
SXI4575E | Received synchronous callout response with invalid envelope |
Explanation: An internal error occurred during the processing of a reply to a synchronous callout (ICAL) request.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4577W | Orphaned synchronous callout response detected - discarded |
Explanation: A synchronous callout response from an earlier Substation ES session was received. Because the issuer of the synchronous callout has timed out, the response is discarded.
User Response: None. |
SXI4578E | Active transaction at interface termination UoW:uow |
Explanation: At termination of the IMS interface (either from a DISCONNECT command or shutdown of Substation ES), an active transaction was awaiting a response from IMS.
User Response: None. |
SXI4579E | Timeout due to tmember or tpipe stopped UoW: uow |
Explanation: A transaction timeout occurred because of the IMS tmember or tpipe being stopped.
User Response: None. |
SXI4580E | Message received consisting only of the multi-segment escape character |
Explanation: A message was received using a recipe that has a multiple segment escape sequence specified, and the message consists of only the escape sequence.
User Response: Determine why the message was created with only the escape sequence. System Action: The message is discarded. |
SXI4596E | MSG-SRB input abandoned |
Explanation: All internal SRB buffers are in use, and the message cannot be processed. This is a WTO message coming directly from the SRB exit routine.
User Response: Increase the BUFF-SRB parameter in the IMS interface parameter member. Issue Substation ES operational commands SHOW,IMS,BUFFER and SHOW,IMS,STATS to help identify the usage and current statistics for the cause. If the error message continues to be issued, contact TIBCO Support. System Action: The SRB message is dropped. |
SXI4597E | MSG-NOTIFY invalid id |
Explanation: An internal error occurred in the linkage to the SRB processing routine.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: The SRB message is dropped. |
SXI4598E | MSG-SRB invalid id |
Explanation: An internal error in the linkage to the SRB processing routine has occurred.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: The SRB message is dropped. |
SXI4599E | GRP-SRB invalid id |
Explanation: An internal error in the linkage to the SRB processing routine has occurred.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: The SRB message is dropped. |
SXI4601C | Getmain failed for MDT anchor |
Explanation: Storage could not be obtained for a major control block.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Processing terminates. |
SXI4602C | Lost Num SRB responses |
Num SRB messages were lost because of insufficient buffers.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4603C | Lost uncounted SRB responses |
Explanation: Some SRB messages were lost because of interference and the responses could not be counted.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4604E | SRB Response unknown process code Code |
Explanation: The SRB message from IMS contains an unknown process code.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: The SRB is not processed. |
SXI4606EI | SRB to Tran mismatch - Description UoW:UOW |
Explanation: The response from IMS could not be matched to any active transaction. See the reason for the mismatch in
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Processing for this received message terminates. |
SXI4611I | POSTing with Server-Ready |
Explanation: A server-ready message from the designated target IMS has been received. The next processing routine is being posted.
User Response: None System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4613W | POSTing with BID-NAK |
Explanation: The IMS server has sent a negative acknowledgment (NAK) to the request to connect.
User Response: Review the specifications of the IMS group and member names. System Action: Processing terminates. |
SXI4614E | OTMA command Command ignored - Description |
Explanation: A valid OTMA message has been received but is currently not processed.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: This message is not processed. |
Explanation: An abend occurred within the SRB routine and was intercepted by the FRR. A dump has been produced.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support with the dump. System Action: Processing attempts to continue. |
SXI4619E | Roundup timed out initialization |
Explanation: The Roundup component timed out during initialization, probably because of a failure to connect with IMS.
User Response: Review the log for other descriptive messages. System Action: This IMS connection remains quiesced until IMS starts. |
SXI4623E | Error in message read - explanation |
Explanation: During an attempt to read the entire input message, a read error occurred.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Processing of this message terminates. |
SXI4624W | No server token received |
Explanation: A message has been received from IMS, but not the proper server token.
System Action: The system drops the input message and continues to look for a proper server token. |
SXI4625W | Unused message type type |
Explanation: An OTMA message that is not used in this process has been received. | |
SXI4626W | Not form our IMS |
Explanation: A message has been received from an IMS to which Substation ES is not connected. | |
SXI4637E | Too large SRB return size for buffer size size |
Explanation: An OTMA message larger than the buffer that is to receive it has arrived. The data is truncated to the buffer size and returned to the Transformer with this error message.
User Response: Enlarge the SRB buffer. |
SXI4647W | Have received Resume TPIPE hold-NAK for tpipe |
Explanation: IMS NACKed the
Resume TPIPE hold command.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Substation ES does not process requests to the TPIPE specified. |
SXI4655I | Received stop input for all TPIPEs |
Explanation: IMS stopped all TPIPEs used by the IMS interface.
System Action: SS will not receive messages from IMS. |
SXI4656I | Received resume input for all TPIPEs |
Explanation: IMS resumed all TPIPEs used by the IMS interface.
System Action: SS will now receive messages from IMS. |
SXI4657I | Received stop input for TPIPE tpipe |
Explanation: IMS stopped the named TPIPE.
System Action: SS will not receive input on the specified TPIPE. |
SXI4658I | Received resume input for TPIPE tpipe |
Explanation: IMS resumed the named TPIPE.
System Action: SS will now receive messages on the specified TPIPE. |
SXI4671E | Lost Num SRB resp to group |
Explanation: Recent processing has not been able to allocate a receiving buffer for
Num incoming group status messages.
User Response: If this number is positive, consider increasing the number of the buffers allocated. System Action: Processing has been abandoned for these messages. |
SXI4674I | Target IMS is up |
Explanation: A message has been received from XCF that the IMS server is active. | |
SXI4675W | Status terminate |
Explanation: The status task is in the final stages of termination. | |
SXI4678E | Timeout awaiting server available from IMS |
Explanation: The time interval expired before the proper IMS had returned a server-available message.
User Response: Verify that the target IMS system is functioning. System Action: This IMS interface is quiesced until IMS is up. |
SXI4679E | Timeout awaiting bid ack/nak from IMS |
Explanation: A server-available message has been received and a client-bid request sent, but no response arrived within the timeout period.
User Response: Verify that the target IMS system is functioning. System Action: This IMS interface is quiesced until IMS is up. |
SXI4680I | Sending client bid |
Explanation: A client bid has been sent to IMS.
System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4685E | Unable to set up wait timer - reason |
Explanation: Substation ES was unable to start a wait timer for the specified reason.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Action: Substation ES terminates. |
SXI4703E | Intf-Id Trigger data overflow – data size is size, comm is size RC:RC RSN:RSN |
Explanation: The data sent by XCF in a trigger message is larger than the COMMAREA reserved for its processing.
User Response: Enlarge the trigger buffer size. |
SXI4707W | No trigger task entry available |
Explanation: No free trigger task is available for posting a new trigger.
System Action: Processing for this trigger is delayed until a task is free. |
SXI4708I | All trigger tasks complete |
Explanation: All trigger tasks have terminated.
System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4712E | Intf-Id Trigger data overflow – data size is size, srb is size RC:RC RSN:RSN |
Explanation: A message from OTMA, which contains a trigger, is larger than the buffer that is to receive it. The data is truncated to fit the buffer and passed on with this error message.
User Response: Enlarge the SRB buffer size. |
SXI4713E | Trigger failed, MSGI error rc=RC, rsn=RSN |
Explanation: The MSGI for an OTMA message, which contains a trigger, failed.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4739W | Delayed ack processing for CA addr but buffer address is 0 |
Explanation: An internal error occurred.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4740W | NAK of trigger on NAK tpipe - REL-TRNAK processing terminated |
Explanation: While processing a
REL-TRNAK command, a message retrieved from the NAKd trigger queue was NAKd again. The message is requeued to the NAKd trigger queue. (Depending on circumstances, multiple copies of this message might be issued before processing halts.)
User Response: Investigate the reason why the message was NAKd. System Action: REL-TRNAK processing is halted. |
SXI4951C | Invalid request to ADMN: Req |
Explanation: An invalid request has been passed to the
ADMN subroutine.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4954I | Stop new triggers |
Explanation: A stop-trigger message has been received.
System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4955I | Received SHUT command |
Explanation: A shutdown command has been received and all the subtasks for termination have been posted.
System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4956I | Admin interface Terminated |
Explanation: The shutdown process is almost complete.
System Action: Processing continues. |
SXI4957C | Have Num1 active buffers – Num2 SRB, Num3 GRP Num4 trn |
Explanation: During the processing of termination, active buffers were found.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4958C | IMS subtask not quit at shutdown |
Explanation: During termination, one or more processing subtasks did not terminate.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4959C | STIMERM fail SHUT synch rc-RC- Description |
Explanation: During shutdown, creation of an internal timer failed with the specified return code and reason.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4963E | Req Request has invalid parm (value) - Parm |
Explanation: The second value passed to
ADMN is invalid. This error could be from a
SHOW command or a specification of a group, member, or IMS name.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4964I | Connection status: <up/down> |
Explanation: This message is in response to a query on the connection status. | |
SXI4965I | Group: OTMA Group Name, SS: member name, IMS: IMS Applid |
Explanation: This message describes the OTMA connection values. | |
SXI4966E | Request Req failed, connection up |
Explanation: The request has failed because the connection is already up.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. |
SXI4967I | Count Value - Description |
Explanation: This message is passed back to the caller in response to a show IMS-STATS request. | |
SXI4969I | Have Num active buffers - Num SRB, Num GRP Num TRN |
Explanation: This message is in response to a show IMS-STATS command and describes the usage of the three types of buffers. | |
SXI4970I | IMS Triggers held |
Explanation: A HOLDTRIG command has been received. | |
SXI4971I | IMS Triggers freed |
Explanation: A FREETRIG request has been received. | |
SXI4972W | REL-TRNAK command not processed - IMS triggers held |
Explanation: A
SET,IMS,REL-TRNAK command was issued, but triggers are still held.
User Response: Ensure that triggers are no longer held, then reissue the SET,IMS,REL-TRNAK command. |
SXI6004E | Next SSN - no matching entry |
Explanation: A
tpipe for returning the next sequential number cannot be identified.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Response: Processing for this transaction terminates. |
SXI6006E | FindAdd could not lock table |
Explanation: Five attempts to lock the table with CS have occurred and failed.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Response: Processing for this transaction terminates. |
SXI6007E | FindAdd tpipe table is full |
Explanation: The table of eligible
tpipes is full.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Response: Processing for this transaction terminates. |
SXI6009E | Update entry for tpipe-id unmatched |
Explanation: The proper
tpipe table entry for updating does not exist.
User Response: Contact TIBCO Support. System Response: Processing for this transaction terminates. |