Example of CICS High Volume Trigger
These IVP examples illustrate the high-speed throughput of this trigger process in delivering data from a CICS application to a TIBCO messaging application through Substation ES. The High Volume Trigger (HVT) can handle record sizes greater than 32,000 bytes. These samples support guaranteed, reliable, and ordered delivery.
A CICS application initiates a request by linking to the HVT module to write output data to the Substation ES trigger TDQ (depending on the parameters passed in). Substation ES receives the trigger based on the defined search criteria for this trigger process. The Substation ES Transformer then processes the data conversion according to the selected conversion rule in the trigger.
After the data has been converted, Substation ES publishes the output message to the IVP Generic Listener. For more information about the process flow, see "High Volume Trigger" in the TIBCO Substation ES Operations and Administration manual.
- Component Summary
The section lists the components that involve for this sample. - CICS Execution Command
The command for executing transactions entered from a CICS 3270 screen is SXTF or SXT6.