System Messages

The following table describes the system messages.

Code Description
SXS0800I - Description
Explanation: This message displays a UOW statistics entry compiled and written by the Substation ES master task. Description varies for each different entry.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS0850I IId:Intf-Id UoW Que statistics request
Explanation: This message is the header record for a Substation ES Interface UOW queue. The interface is identified by Intf-Id. All the SXS0851 messages that follow refer to this interface.

See the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for the QUE command and the explanation for each statistical entry.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS0851I - Description
Explanation: This message displays a UOW queue statistics entry. Each Substation ES Interface has its own UOW queue. Description describes each different statistic entry.

See the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for the QUE command and the explanation for each statistical entry.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS0880I - Description
Explanation: This message displays the log or trace file status entry. Description describes each different entry.

See the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for the LOGSTATS or TRCSTATS commands and the explanation for each status entry.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS0881I Requests Add:Num Get:Num Other:Num
Explanation: These are values displayed for Log and Trace file statistics.

Destination: TIBLOG and TIBTRC.

SXS0950I Substation (ES) Interface Information
Explanation: This message is the header record for the Substation ES Interface information. Refer to the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for an explanation of the INTF command.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS0951I - Description
Explanation: This message displays Substation ES Interface information. Refer to the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for an explanation of the INTF command and that of the informational entry.
SXS0960I - Description
Explanation: This message displays Substation ES Interface counter information. Counters regarding requests, replies, triggers, and so forth are recorded for each message’s method of invocation passing through an interface. Refer to the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for an explanation of the COUNTERS command and the explanation for the informational entry.
SXS0961I text - counter information
Explanation: This message is issued when the Substation ES command SHOW,COUNTERS has been issued. Each line display is self-explanatory and indicates the CICS counter information gathered during the execution of Substation ES.

User Response: This message is for information only and the values displayed are almost correct, depending on the timing of the command and the current usage.

SXS0962I No counter information recorded for IId: Intf-Id
Explanation: This message indicates that the Substation ES Interface identified by Intf-Id has no recorded counter information.
SXS0966I text - counter information
Explanation: This message is issued when the Substation ES command SHOW,COUNTERS has been issued. Each line display is self-explanatory and indicates the ESB (transformation and messaging) counter information, such as the service recipe or trigger used and the number of executions for each gathered during the execution of Substation ES.

User Response: This message is for information only and the values displayed are almost correct, depending on the timing of the command and the current usage.

SXS0969I All Workers Busy:Num Times
Explanation: This message is issued when the Substation ES command SHOW,COUNTERS has been issued. This indicates the number of times that the workers have been busy.
SXS0990I [Applid:Applid] IId:Intf-Id Type:text
Explanation: This message indicates the interface values being displayed.
SXS1000I Starting ~ TIBCO Substation ES for z/OS
Explanation: Substation ES is being started.
SXS1001I Initialized Description
Explanation: Substation ES has successfully been started and initialized. Substation ES now posts events to all active interfaces enabling Substation ES communications. Description is the value specified on the Substation ES System Initialization Parameter DESCR keyword.
SXS1007I Substation ES termination in progress
Explanation: The Substation ES region master task is being shut down. At this point, all Substation ES interfaces have been stopped and the master task is attempting to close all the open files, terminate all the agents, and release all the storage allocated during its execution.
SXS1009I Substation ES - Version version.release
Explanation: This is an informative message that shows the executing Substation ES version and release number.
SXS1031I Shutdown waiting for Sub-Task info
Explanation: This message indicates that the Substation ES master task is waiting for a subtask to complete before its shutdown process can continue. info supplies more details on the subtask in question.
SXS1040F * ReqBlk has invalid state for req. action info
Explanation: This message indicates that the Substation ES master task is to process an internal request and that the state of the request block is invalid for the required action. This is a fatal error because a request cannot be processed and the corresponding user message is not processed and could be lost. info supplies more details on the error condition.

User Response: Notify TIBCO Support and supply the log and trace files for Substation ES. Recycle Substation ES as soon as possible.

System Action: Substation ES tries to continue normally. If the condition recurs frequently, recycle Substation ES as soon as possible.

SXS1080I Substation ES ASA Address: address
Explanation: This is the address of a Substation ES region’s Address space Anchor Block. Support personnel use address to find all other anchors and control blocks within an active Substation ES region.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS1081I Substation ES Address SPACE ID: number
Explanation: This message displays the Substation ES address space ID identified by number as allocated to it by the z/OS operating system.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS1084I Current LE Build Version: number
Explanation: This message displays the Substation ES address space Language Environment (LE) build version identified by number. Substation ES is an LE-compliant application. number normally depicts the lowest supported version for LE and the operating system.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS1130I CPU Serial:Serial Model:Model OS Version:Version
Explanation: At startup, this message displays information about your system. The CPU Serial number is the first CPU it detects for this LPAR.


SXS1131I LPAR:Lpar MSU:MSU Machine MSU:MMsu 4Hour Usage:Num
Explanation: At startup, this message displays information about your system and its usage.


SXS1132I Processors GPs:Num1 zIIPs:Num2 zAAPs:Num3 CF:Y|N
Explanation: At startup, this message displays information about the processors active in your system.


SXS1160E SnapShot not activated at startup
Explanation: A SnapShot request has been received, but the SnapShot facility was not turned on during the initialization of Substation ES.

User Response: Change the Substation startup parameters to include SnapShot and restart Substation ES.

System Action: The request is ignored.

SXS1160I SnapShot capturing started
Explanation: A SnapShot request has been received and started.
SXS1161I SnapShot capturing stopped, count:Num
Explanation: SnapShot has stopped after reaching the iteration of Num.
SXS1165I Storage used for SnapShot:Num Bytes
Explanation: Num bytes memory will be allocated at Substation startup if the SnapShot parameter is turn on. The memory size is allocated according to the parameter of the total number of entries to be snapped.
SXS2003W Removing unused Object. Module: Name Cond: Cond
Explanation: Substation ES is removing an object from a previously allocated memory slot. This task normally results from a subtask that did not start or failed on startup.
SXS2008C * Reply not possible. Event Invalid. Cond:Num Evt@:address
Explanation: An internal runtime error has occurred.

User Response: This message is issued when one of the critical events has failed in recognition. Contact TIBCO Support with the information on the error from the log and trace files.

System Action: System operations might still be possible with no side effects.

SXS2011E Unable to Start/Attach Module:Progname RC:RC RSN:RSN
Explanation: The load module Progname is required but could not be started by the Substation ES initialization routines.

User Response: Refer to the preceding messages to determine the cause of the problem. If you detect this issue with the ESB interface, determine whether a connection has been established. If not, ping the address or URL to which Substation ES is attempting to connect. The issue might be caused by the resolver job not having started or the DNS server being unreachable.

System Action: The Interface or subtask is not started. Substation ES continues with its initialization.

SXS2012E Wait condition of Start/Attach Task

Cond:11, Wait Time:time Time Waited:time-waited (secs) RC:RC RSN:RSN

Explanation: A subtask could not be started because of initialization problems encountered within the subtask. The error condition returned from the subtask is the value of EvtCond. For reference, the message also displays time, which is the maximum allowed wait time, and time-waited, which is the time that Substation ES has actually been waiting.

User Response: Refer to the preceding messages that the subtask might have recorded to identify the error. Substation ES event conditions are listed later in the reference guide.

System Action: The Interface or subtask is not started. Substation ES continues with its initialization for all other interfaces and agents.

SXS2012I More Info - text
Explanation: This message provides more information on error message SXS2012E.
SXS2013E Start or Attach Task Failed MAC RC: RC, MAC Rsn: RSN, Mac Type: Type
Explanation: Substation ES failed to start an interface or subtask while issuing an attach macro. The error message reason code 240 is normally associated with this message. Type is a Substation ES internal value used for debugging.

User Response: Verify that the load module name is correct and that the authorization code is 1 (AC=1). For additional information about RC and RSN, see the IBM z/OS UNIX System Services Messages and Codes manual.

SXS2014E Invalid Interface type detected - Type value
Explanation: The Substation ES Interface is being activated but the Interface type specified in an Interface member is invalid.

User Response: Locate the invalid Interface member in the Substation ES control library and specify a valid value for the INTF-TYPE keyword.

System Action: Substation ES initialization continues but the Interface is not started.

SXS2015E Invalid IId: Intf-Id Member (name)
Explanation: An invalid Interface ID or no Interface ID has been specified for a control member that has been processed as an Interface.

User Response: Correct the interface ID and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES terminates after the message has been issued.

SXS2015W Not!! Starting Interface: info
Explanation: The interface identified by info is not started because the START-YN keyword has not been specified as Y. info contains the interface description and the interface type.
SXS2017E Initialization failed for IId:Intf-Id
Explanation: An Interface that is being started by the Substation ES master task has terminated because of an error. The Interface ID is invalid or no Interface ID has been specified for a control member that has been processed as an Interface.

User Response: Review additional warning or error messages and reason codes to determine the cause for the error condition. The most likely cause for this failure is a parameter definition error. Correct the error and recycle Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES continues without the interface that caused the error condition.

SXS2019E Found Duplicate IId: Intf-Id
Explanation: The Substation ES initialization routines have found that Intf-Id has already been used by another interface.

User Response: Select the output data-set reference by DD Name TIBLPARM to identify the member that caused the error and scan for the other member that is using the same Intf-Id. Specify the appropriate Intf-Id in the interface SIP member and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES is terminated.

SXS2030E Description
Explanation: A request to free a UOW entry has failed because the state of the UOW entry is invalid. Description contains more information about the UOW entry. This error might have been caused by corrupted storage.

User Response: The UOW slot in the table cannot be reused so if this error occurs often, you must recycle Substation ES. Notify TIBCO Support with the log and trace files for Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES reports the error and continues processing. Messages and requests related to this UOW should have been processed correctly.

SXS2031E Request Block reply address is invalid info
Explanation: A request to the master task has been completed. However, when the reply was to be posted, the event reply address was found to be invalid or NULL. This is a Substation ES internal error that might have been caused by corrupted storage.

User Response: Notify TIBCO Support with the log and trace files for Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES reports the error and continues processing. Messages and requests related to this UOW do not process correctly.

SXS2051I UOW/ReqBlk List increase successful
Explanation: A request to the master task to increase the Unit of Work (UoW) list has completed successfully.
SXS2051E UOW/ReqBlk List failed validation check
Explanation: A request to the master task revealed that either the request block or the communications block is not present, or else storage might have been damaged. The error is serious and should be reported immediately.

User Response: Notify TIBCO Support with the log and trace files for Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES reports the error and continues processing. This specific UoW will not process correctly and the recovery will be handled according to its level of service.

SXS2071W No Interfaces found for the specified Applid:Applid
Explanation: Substation searched its interfaces for a specific BES application identifier and none were found containing this Applid.

System Action: None.

SXS2072W Interface:Intf-Id Currently Inactive
Explanation: Substation searched an interface for its status and found that this specific interface is inactive. Reason for this could be a disconnection between the interface and its endpoint.

User Response: Ensure that this interface is supposed to be inactive. If not, apply a corrective action to activate it.

System Action: None.

SXS2080I Master Timer action Slot:num Ecb@:addr Intvl:num
Explanation: This message depicts a Substation ES connection timer activity. The action can be Added or Popped. The slot is where the timer is placed in the array. The Intvl value is how often the requestor wants this check to occur. The minimum value is 10 seconds; if the interval is less, the action occurs every 10 seconds.

System Action: None. This is a normal activity.

SXS2085W IId:Intf-Id, Wait Time Exceeded, Description
Explanation: The wait time exceeded for a process that had to wait for an activity to complete its processing. The process could no longer wait and continued with its processing. The description states what processing it was waiting for.

User Response: If the condition persists, contact TIBCO Support and supply the parameter and log files.

System Action: The processing continues.

SXS2090E Entries Exceeds Timer Table
Explanation: Substation attempted to set a timer for an operational command and the table space exceeded its maximum capacity. Either too many commands have been concurrently issued, or there is an error condition where timed requests are not being freed by Substation ES.

User Response: If the condition persists, contact TIBCO Support supplying the log and trace files for Substation ES.

System Action: Substation rejects the current request.

SXS2120I (ind) HiMark: himark Occ: max-uow Incr: incr Curr: active
Explanation: This message is recorded if the number of allocated entries in the UOW table increases. The UOW table size (max-uow) is determined by the value on the Substation ES System Initialization Parameter MAXUOW keyword.

A message is displayed before (B) changes are made and also after (A) changes are made. The before and after message is depicted by ind.

The current allocated entries within Substation ES UOW are depicted by himark.

The number of allocated entries by which the UOW table increases is depicted by incr, which never exceeds max-uow.

The current active entries within the Substation ES UOW table are indicated by active.

User Response: None.

Here is the default message:

(B) HiMark:0 Occ:200 Incr:0 Curr:0

(A) HiMark:120 Occ:200 Incr:30 Curr:0

SXS2121I (F) Stress Levels Strt: Start Slow: Slow Stop: Stop
Explanation: This message shows the stress levels determined by the maximum UOW entries allowed for Substation ES.

Slow is when input to the Substation is slowed down to control resources and concurrently active entries within a Substation ES region.

Stop determines that no more input is accepted by Substation ES until the active entries in the UOW table is less than Start. It is not desirable for Substation ES to reach the Stop condition because throughput is seriously affected.

User Response: None. The above values and the Substation ES active entries can also be displayed with the SHOW,UOW console command.

SXS2500E Keyword in Error: Keyword, REASON: RSN, Member: Member, Line Number: Number
Explanation: An error has been detected for Keyword. RSN identifies the error condition. Member is the name of the member in which the error was detected. Number is the line number.

User Response: Refer to Commands and Parameter Reason Codes for a description of the problem. Correct the error and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES is terminated with RC=12.

SXS2503E Invalid Keyword Value, Member: Member, Line Number: Number, Keyword: Keyword,Value: Value
Explanation: The keyword value (Value) for Keyword is invalid. Keyword, Member, and Number help determine where the error occurred.

User Response: Correct the Keyword value and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES is terminated with RC=12.

SXS2505E Keyword Value Error, REASON: RSN, Member: Member, Keyword: Keyword, Line Number: Number
Explanation: A Keyword value has been incorrectly specified. RSN identifies the error and Member, Keyword, and Number help determine where the error occurred.

User Response: See Commands and Parameter Reason Codes for a description of the problem. Correct the error and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES terminates with RC=12.

SXS2509E Parameter(s) in Error. View Log for details
Explanation: The previous recorded error or warning messages regarding the parameters read from SSP and SIP members generate this summary message.

User Response: Refer to the preceding error and warning messages that describe each problem encountered.

SXS2511E Command line parameters in Error value
Explanation: The parameter values in the Substation ES startup JOB card on the PARM statement have been incorrectly supplied. The valid parameters or the usage is usually shown in the Substation ES output log after this error message.

User Response: See the TIBCO Substation ES Installation manual for the Substation ES parameters. Use the correct syntax and specify the correct values. Correct the keyword or value in error and restart Substation ES.

System Action: Substation ES does not initialize and terminates abnormally.

SXS2511I Command line parameter usage
Explanation: The parameters on the Substation ES startup JOB card on the PARM statement have been incorrectly supplied. Listed are the valid keywords to be specified on the PARM statement.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS2520I System Startup Parameters (SSP)
Explanation: This is a header message that is displayed before a Substation ES instance’s SSP keywords and keyword values are processed.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2521I Keyword: keyword Value: value
Explanation: This message is a record of a SSP keyword and its associated value as read by the Substation ES initialization routines.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2522I Keyword: keyword Value: value
Explanation: This message is a record of a SIP keyword and its associated value as read by the Substation ES initialization routines.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2523I System Initialization Parameters (SIP)
Explanation: This is a header message that is displayed before a Substation ES instance’s SIP keywords and keyword values are processed.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2525I Interface Definition detected
Explanation: This is a header message that depicts that a specific interface’s parameters will be processed. The first message following this header is SXG2522I, which shows the interface member. All the processed interface keywords are recorded following the SXG2522I message.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2526I Keyword: keyword Value: value
Explanation: This message is a record of a specific interface keyword and its associated value as read by the Substation ES initialization routines.

Destination: Audit or parameter file.

SXS2526W keyword Value: value
Explanation: Lists parameter keywords and their associated values that were changed by Substation.

Destination: TIBLPARM

SXS2527I text
Explanation: This message is issued if a Substation ES ID has not been specified in member SXSSSP1$. As a result, the startup parameter routine assembles a default name. text shows the name to be used by Substation ES for this execution.
SXS2529E Administration Interface member not specified
Explanation: No Substation ES Administration interface has been specified in member SXSSIP$1.

User Response: The default Substation ES startup initialization parameter member has one specified. See the userhlq. CNTLSAMP library for the appropriate member selected and use it as an example.

System Action: The Substation ES region does not start.

SXS2530E DD Name(Member) open Failure://DD: DDName (member)
Explanation: Substation ES cannot open the member from the data set DD Name.

User Response: Ensure that member exists in the partitioned data set DD Name. The library specified in the Substation ES startup procedure might be invalid. Correct the problem and restart the Substation ES region.

System Action: The Substation ES region terminates.

SXS2533E Interface Type not known for Member(member)
Explanation: The keyword INTF-TYPE is not in the member that has been read as an interface member.

User Response: Update the Substation ES startup initialization parameter member. Check the userhlq.CNTLSAMP library for the appropriate member selected and use it as an example.

System Action: The Substation ES region will not start.

SXS2550W No operators, blank line assumed info
Explanation: This message is displayed if no reserved characters (=, /, *) are on a line read in from a parameter member. The line number in the member referenced in info is treated as a comment line.

System Action: Substation ES continues processing.

Destination: Substation ES log files.

SXS2551W No Equal ‘=’ sign found, assumed comment entry info
Explanation: This message is displayed if no equal (=) reserved character is on a line read in from a parameter member. The line number in the member referenced in info is treated as a comment line.

System Action: Substation ES continues processing.

Destination: Substation ES log files.

SXG2555I IId:Intf-Id Dynamic msg to container unsupported
Explanation: The RED interface only supports Dynamic Containers (Recipes without conversion rules) when the Method of Reply is 0. In all other cases where no conversion rule is specified this error condition will be raised.

System Action: Substation ES continues processing. The service request reports an error.

Destination: Substation ES log and trace files.

SXS2572I Default Value selected for keyword
Explanation: This message is displayed if a comma (,) is in the keyword value field. The user intends to let the Substation ES parameter processing routines supply a default value rather than to hardcode a value within the member.

System Action: Substation ES continues processing.

Destination: Substation ES log files.

SXS2575W System Startup Parameters in error: value
Explanation: Substation ES shows the number (value) of the errors detected after reading all the System Initialization Parameters.

User Response: To identify the errors, see the preceding error messages for the reason and location of each error.

SXS2576W System Initialization Parameters in error: value
Explanation: Substation ES shows the number (value) of the errors detected after reading all the System Initialization Parameters.

User Response: To identify the errors, see the preceding error messages for the reason and location of each error.