Executing Data Forwarding IVPs

You can use Data Transform Only IVPs on Substation ES to transform data from or to different mainframe sources.

For a description of the procedures that use these IVPs, see Section "Examples" in the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources manual.


  1. Execute the Data Transform Receiving IVP.

    This member receives each message from the Substation ES region and writes the record into a file. The input data for this IVP is received from the output of the Data Transform Forward IVP.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL

    Member: SXRIGDR

  2. Execute the Data Transform Forwarding IVP.

    This member reads the data record from a file and then publishes each record as a message to the Substation ES region, proceeding through the messages to the end of the file. The messages are consumed and reported by the Substation ES IVP listener.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL

    Member: SXRIGDF