Using the COBOL Copybook Converter

You can use Copybook Converter to read a COBOL copybook and create configuration definitions for Substation ES Transformer.

In the Copybook Converter panel, you can specify whether a buffer definition and a Rendezvous message definition are created. If you do not want the converter to take an action, leave the panel selection blank. If you specify both a buffer identifier and a message identifier, you can also define a conversion rule that creates a one-to-one mapping for data conversion.

To create buffer, message, and conversion rule names that are identical to the copybook name, insert an asterisk (*) in the panel field that corresponds to the selection.


Ensure that you have checked the dependencies on the COBOL copybook members.


  1. Select option 10 - COBOL Copybook Converter to go to the Copybook Converter panel.
    For more information about this panel, see Copybook Converter Panel.
  2. In the Copy Member field, enter the COBOL copybook member name to use for conversion.
  3. In the Buffer Identifier field, enter up to 16 characters as a name that identifies the buffer definition.
  4. In the Message Identifier field, enter up to 16 characters as a name that identifies the message definition.
  5. In the Convert Rule Id field, enter up to 16 characters as a name that identifies the conversion rule definition.
  6. In Library containing Copy Member field, enter the data source name (DSN) of the partitioned data set (PDS) that contains the copybook member.
  7. In the Additional libraries for COPY field, enter the DSNs of the PDS that can contain other copybooks that are included within the copybook member. Press Enter.
  8. Exit the Copybook Converter panel in either of the following ways:
    • Press PFK3.
    • On the command line, enter END, and then press Enter.
  9. Review the message displayed in the upper-right corner of the Transformer Configuration panel to verify that your changes have been saved.
    Note: In cases where features not supported by the converter are required for the definitions, you must edit the definitions to change the default attributes, clear the mapping selections, and apply the changes. Note the following behavior of the converter:
    • Levels 66, 77, and 88 items are ignored.
    • Pictures with BLANK WHEN ZERO, DATE FORMAT, EXTERNAL, GLOBAL are ignored.
    • OCCURS clauses only generate the first occurring field items.
    • REDEFINE clauses select the 01 level group of the redefined item.
    • FILLER fields are not converted; they are processed only to compute the proper buffer position.
    • All Group level structures are not converted; only elementary items are converted.