Installing the MVS Components

After uploading the software to the z/OS MVS host, you can install the MVS components for Substation ES using the members located in the USERHLQ.INSTALL data set.

Edit the selected members in the following steps. Substitute the variables, follow the instructions in the member, and then submit the JCL for execution.


  1. Make the CLIST temporary file.
    Change the #JOBNAME, #USERHLQ, #USERVOL statement variables according to the requirements of your site, and then submit the JCL to create the CLIST temporary file.

    Member: SXS$1MKT

  2. Execute the file-tailoring CLIST for the installation JCL.
    If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute the file again, starting at Step 1.

    Member: SXS$2EX1 (EX member)

    The following table lists the file-tailoring variables for installation JCL:

    Variable Default and structure Your Value

    Volume Serial


    The first six characters are used.

  3. Upload the installation files to the z/OS MVS.
    • For DFSMSdss sites, use SXS$3FT.
    • For non-DFSMSdss sites, use:
      • SXS$3FT@ for Substation ES
      • SXC$3FT@ for CICS Interface
      • RED$3FT@ for RED Interface
      • SXI$3FT@ for IMS Interface
  4. Define and allocate the Substation ES product libraries.
    Note: Perform this step only during the initial installation.

    Member: SXS$4ALL

  5. Convert Substation ES installation files to the appropriate data sets.
    Note: You can restart the installation multiple times at this step, if required.
    • SXS$5RC for DFSMSdss sites
    • SXS$5RC@ for non-DFSMSdss sites
  6. Optional: Convert the CICS Interface installation files to the appropriate data sets. If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute CLIST again.
    • SXC$5RC for DFSMSdss sites
    • SXC$5RC@ for non-DFSMSdss sites
  7. Optional: Convert the RED Interface installation files to the appropriate data sets.
    • RED$5RC for DFSMSdss sites
    • RED$5RC@ for non-DFSMSdss sites
  8. Optional: Convert the IMS Interface installation files to the appropriate data sets.
    • SXI$5RC for DFSMSdss sites
    • SXI$5RC@ for non-DFSMSdss site

    The following table defines the user substitution variables for Substation ES within the JCL and the parameter members that are required during the next file-tailoring process. Ensure that you have all the necessary information before executing Step 9

    Substation ES File-tailoring Variables
    Variable Default and Structure Your Value
    IBM Assembler Libraries HLQ ASM


    COBOL for MVS Libraries HLQ IGY


    Enterprise Message Service Host Name hostname:7222

    You must change this name to reflect the server location.

    Rendezvous Libraries HLQ TIBCO.RVB.VxRxMx

    You must change this HLQ to reflect the installed product location.

  9. Execute the File Tailoring CLIST to update the Substation ES supplied variables.
    If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute the CLIST again.

    Member: SXS$6EX2 (EX member)

    The following table defines the user substitution variables for CICS Interfaces within the JCL and the parameter members that are required during the next file-tailoring process. Ensure that you have all the necessary information before executing Step 10.

    CICS Interface File-Tailoring Variables
    Variable Default and Structure Your Value
    IBM Assembler Libraries HLQ ASM


    COBOL for MVS Libraries HLQ IGY



    CICS Transaction Server Libraries HLQ




    CICS Region CSD Dataset HLQ



    CICS Region Generic Applid DBDCCICS
  10. Optional: Execute the File Tailoring CLIST to update the CICS Interface supplied variables.
    If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute the CLIST again.

    Member: SXC$6EX2 (EX member)

    The following table defines the user substitution variables for RED Interfaces within the JCL and the parameter members that are required during the next file-tailoring process. Ensure that you have all the necessary information before executing Step 11.

    RED Interface File-Tailoring Variables
    Variable Default and Structure Your Value
    IBM Assembler Libraries HLQ ASM


    COBOL for MVS Libraries HLQ IGY



    CICS Transaction Server Libraries HLQ




    CICS Region CSD Dataset HLQ



    CICS Region Generic Applid DBDCCICS
  11. Optional: Execute the File Tailoring CLIST to update the RED interface supplied variables.
    If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute the CLIST again.

    Member: RED$6EX2 (EX member)

    The following table defines the user substitution variables for IMS Interfaces within the JCL and the parameter members that are required during the next file-tailoring process. Ensure that you have all the necessary information before executing Step 12.

    IMS Interface File-Tailoring Variables
    Variable Default and Structure Your Value
    IBM Assembler Libraries HLQ ASM


    COBOL for MVS Libraries HLQ IGY



    IMS System Libraries HLQ



    IMS Application Identifier IMSAPPL
    IMS Control Region IMS1
  12. Optional: Execute the File Tailoring CLIST to update the IMS interface supplied variables.
    If you make an error during input, press the attention key (PA1) and execute the CLIST again.

    Member: SXI$6EX2 (EX member)

  13. Populate the Substation ES data sets with all the updated and downloaded members.
    Proceed with this step only after you have finished executing all the appropriate CLISTs at Step 9 through Step 12 .

    Member: SXS$7UPD

    Note: You have now completed the activities in the USERHLQ.INSTALL dataset. All further steps reference the data set that is specified in the step.
  14. Define the Substation ES IVP configuration file.

    This member defines and populates the Substation ES configuration VSAM file with IVP and sample definitions.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL

    • SXCCFDEF for CICS Interface
    • SXXCFDEF for RED Interface
    • SXICFDEF for IMS Interface

What to do next

At this point, you must perform the required steps for each Substation ES interface that you selected during the download process. For details, see the following topics: