IMS Interface Parameters
The IMS Interface member contains parameters required for connecting to an IMS region.
The default IMS Interface template is stored in the SXIINTF member.
You can tailor the IMS Interface member in the Substation ES USERHLQ.INTF data set to suit the requirements of your site. A copy of the original member is always in the sample control data set (USERHLQ.CNTLSAMP). To activate an interface member, you can specify the name of your interface member in the INTF-MEMBER keyword in the SIP of Substation ES.
The following table lists the SIP members for IMS Interface:
Parameter | Description |
APPLID = {identifier} | The
APPLID parameter is the identifier with which to connect to a specific IMS control region.
This identifier must match the APPLID or OTMANM value in either the IMS system definition on the COMM macro or on the startup parameter override. |
DESCR = {description} | See DESCR = {description} |
INTF-ID = {name} | The INTF-ID parameter specifies the interface identifier, which is the internal interface name for Substation ES. |
INTF-PARTNER = {identifier} | The INTF-PARTNER parameter specifies the Substation ES ESB Interface identifier. This interface transforms and publishes trigger requests that initiate from IMS. The installation default value is IIXFR. |
INTF-TYPE = {number} | See INTF-TYPE = {number}. |
LOOPBACK = {N | Yes, No} | The LOOPBACK parameter is mostly used in a QA and testing environment by TIBCO Support to determine whether the messages received by Substation ES are passed through to the IMS region. The value is Y or N. |
MODULE-NAME = {TIBSSIMS | name} | The MODULE-NAME parameter specifies the name of the IMS Interface load module. |
START-YN = {N | Yes, No} | See START-YN = {Yes, No} |
TRIGGERS = {N | Yes, No} | The TRIGGERS parameter specifies whether trigger-processing resources are activated for outbound messages. The valid values are: |
WORKERS = {10 | number} | The WORKERS parameter specifies the number of concurrent OTMA client subtasks that are started to service Substation ES IMS requests. The valid values range from 2 through 40. |
- IMS-Specific Parameters
The following table lists the specific and advanced parameters for the Substation ES IMS interface. You can change the values of these parameters only if you are knowledgeable about the system or if you are assisted by a Substation ES representative.