EMS Recipe Details Extension Panel

You can create or modify TIBCO Enterprise Message Service values for a recipe in the EMS Recipe Details Extension panel.

Panel Layout

You can access this panel in two ways:

SXTP05E----------------- EMS Recipe Details Extension -------------------------
Command ===>

 Recipe Identifier    ===> New-Recipe1
 Input Dest Type      ===> T Name: EMS
 Output Dest Type     ===> T Name:
 Error Dest Type      ===> Q Name: tibss.error.ivp.out

 Durable Subscriber   ===> N  (N/Y)
 Durable Client Id    ===>
                              (Service Levels G=Guaranteed, R=Reliable)
 SMSL Mode            ===> RA (RA Auto-Ack, RN No-Ack, GA All, GS SS Recv)
 Delivery Mode        ===> P  (P Persistent, N Non-Persistent, R Reliable)

Output Message properties:
 Priority             ===> N  (N/Y) Value ===> 4    (0 - 9)
 Expiration           ===> N  (N/Y) Value ===> 0    Unit ===> S (S,M,H,D)
 Compression          ===> N  (N/Y)
 Preserve             ===> N  (N/Y, undelivered messages)
 Body Trace           ===> N  (N/Y)
 Message Type         ===> M  M(ap)/S(tream)/T(ext)/B(ytes)
 Copy JMSCorrelation  ===> N  N(o)/Y(es)/E(nvelope)/M(sgId)/W(CorId or MsgId)

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the EMS Recipe Details Extension panel:
Field Description
Recipe Identifier The name of the recipe.
Input Dest Type The input destination type.

Valid selections: T(opic) and Q(ueue). Default selection: T.

Input Dest Name The destination that Substation ES listens to invoke a given transformation for.
Output Dest Type The output destination type.

Valid selections: T(opic) and Q(ueue). Default selection: T.

Note: When the output destination type is set to T, the SMSL mode must be either RA (Auto-Ack) or RN (No-Ack).
Output Dest Name The outbound destination that a message is published on for a given transaction process. See the Publish Always field description in the Recipe Details panel for information on the rules regarding published messages.
Error Dest Type The error destination type.

Valid selections: T(opic) and Q(ueue). Default selection: Q.

Error Dest Name The destination where an error message is published when Transformer conversion or BES encounter errors.
Durable Subscriber You can specify whether to connect the session as a durable subscriber.

Once this has been turned on, Substation ES does not destroy the subscriber. To destroy a durable subscriber, you must use the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service administration tool to destroy the subscriber manually from the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Durable Client Id The client identifier in a durable connection. If you do not specify a value, the recipe name is used.
SMSL Mode The SMSL mode for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS).

The following are valid selections. Default selection: RA.

  • RA (Auto Ack) : the EMS client library automatically confirms the receipt of a message. The Substation ES service level for Auto Ack is Reliable. Note that Substation ES cannot determine if the receipt succeeded in the event of a network outage or the loss of connectivity.
  • RN (No-Ack) : the EMS client library does not send a receipt of the message that was received. The Substation ES service level for No-Ack is Reliable, no acknowledgement. The server destroys the message after it has been sent.
  • GA (GA All): Substation ES calls the EMS client library and explicitly confirms receipt of a message only once after all the Substation ES processes and executions controlled by Substation ES for a given message are completed successfully. The Substation ES service level for GA All is Guaranteed.
  • GS (SS Recv): Substation ES calls the EMS client library and explicitly confirms receipt of a message after the Substation ES processes are executed successfully. Processing is considered complete when a response message is successfully delivered to its destination. This is regardless of types of message that are delivered back by Substation ES, error, or application type messages. The Substation ES service level for SS-Recv is Guaranteed Substation Processing.
Note: When the SMSL mode is set to GA or GS, the output destination type must be set to Q(ueue) and the delivery mode must be set to P(ersistent).
Delivery Mode The delivery mode for TIBCO Enterprise Message Service.

Valid modes: P(ersistent), N(on-Persistent) and R(eliable). Default mode: P.

When the delivery mode is set to N or R , the SMSL mode must be set to either RA (Auto-Ack) or RN (No-Ack).

When the delivery mode is set to P:
  • For topics, the SMSL mode must be either RA (Auto-Ack) or RN (No-Ack).
  • For queues, no restrictions are set on the SMSL mode setting.
Output Message properties The output message properties.

For additional information, see TIBCO Enterprise Message Service User’s Guide.

Priority You can set the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message priority to the value specified in the Priority Value field.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Priority Value The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message priority value to be used.

Valid values: 0 - 9. Default value: 4.

Expiration You can set the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message expiration to the value specified in the Expiration Value field.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Expiration Value The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message expiration value to be used.

Valid values: 0 - 99999. Default value: 0.

Expiration Unit The TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message expiration unit to be used.

Valid selections: S(econd), M(inute), H(our), and D(ay). Default selection: S.

Compression You can specify whether to compress the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message for storage on the server.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Preserve If a message is removed from its queue by the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service server for reasons other than being consumed, the server checks this message property. If this value is set to Y, the message is placed on the server undelivered message queue.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Body Trace Tracing for this destination generates trace messages that include the message body.

Valid selections: N(o) and Y(es). Default selection: N.

Message Type The type of TIBCO Enterprise Message Service output message.

Valid selections: M(ap),S(tream), T(ext), and B(ytes). Default: M.

Copy JMSCorrelation Copies the JMSCorrelationID value from an inbound message and put it in the output message.

Valid selections: N(o), Y(es), E(nvelope), M(sgId), and W(CorId or MsgId). Default selection: N.

If Y is selected, Substation ES uses the original JMSCorrelationID value from the inbound message.

If N is selected, Substation ES performs no action.

If E is selected, Substation ES sets the JMSCorrelationID to the Hex String Envelope on the output message.

If M is selected, Substation ES sets the JMSCorrelationID to the Recipe Incoming Message ID.

If W is selected, Substation ES sets the JMSCorrelationID depending on whether a JMSCorrelationID is present in the inbound message:
  • If a JMSCorrelationID is present in the incoming message, Substation ES uses the original value of that field for the outbound message.
  • If no JMSCorrelationID is present, Substation ES sets JMSCorrelationID to the Recipe Incoming Message ID.