
Substation ES RED Interface consists of the following components:

Components Description
RED Event Interface RED Interface establishes a RED environment and handles all outbound events and triggered messages.
Mainframe RED An execute-only library of Mainframe RED is supplied with Substation ES.
RED API The Mainframe RED API can not be used with components and applications that do not communicate with Substation ES unless you have installed TIBCO Mainframe RED.
RED HUB An authorized module is provided to enable cross partition (LPAR) execution and access to use XCF List structures during communications. One task for each LPAR is required to be executing.
XCF Exits (Optional) A number of XCF system exits are provided to handle configuration, communication defaults and exception processing. For most users, the default XCF exit is optimal and no changes are required.
Samples and Configuration Definitions RED Interface has its own configuration definitions and sample communication programs supplied for languages such as COBOL, Assembler and C.