Optional IMS Interface Items

Although executable modules are available as part of the installation, you can change the source code of the sample IMS Interface IVPs, which requires additional tasks.

Normally, you must modify the supplied JCL and procedures for compiling and executing the sample programs for use within your environment. Edit the data sets and selected members in the following steps. Substitute the variables, follow the instructions in the member, and submit it for execution.


  1. Customize the IMS COBOL IVP Compile JCL.
    The following JCL uses a procedure that you can edit and modify so that the JCL conforms to the requirements of your site and executes correctly. This member compiles IMS COBOL-supplied IVPs.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL

    Member: SXICJCPL

  2. Optional: Install the OTMA Destination Resolution exit routine.
    Beginning with release 2.7, this exit is optional. The preferred way to specify destinations is using definitions in the DFSYDTx member.

    The OTMA Destination Resolution exit routine enables you to determine and change the final destination of IMS Open Transaction. The load module of this routine must be included in an authorized library in the JOBLIB, STEPLIB, or LINKLIST library concatenated in front of IMS.SDFSRESL. For more information, see the section on IMS Exit Routines in IMS Exit Routines.

    An example is provided by the IMS Interface installation.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.ASM

    Member: DFSYDRUS

    A sample JCL is available for assembling and link-editing the exit routine.

    Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL

    Member: SXIASMLK