TIBCO Enterprise Message Service Generic Sender or Listener Utility

The SXJ3GEN program is in USERHLQ.LOAD.

The JCL sample is as follows:
  • Data Set: USERHLQ.JCL
  • Member: SXJGENSL

Before using this utility, you must specify the EMS transport parameters, for example:

//SET TIBESB='/-server tcp://your-EMS-Server-URL:7222'


SYSIN Parameters

The commands or messages sent by the utility are determined by the keywords and operands specified in the SYSIN DD Name file. See the following table.

EMS Generic Sender or Listener Control Parameters
Keyword Operand Description
DEBUG|DBG OFF|ON Enables debug facility messages. It is recommended that you retain the default (OFF) unless TIBCO Support requires the output.
DEST-RECV destination name Specifies the topic or queue to receive the message reply. Overrides DEST-RECV-DEFAULT in a group.
DEST-RECV-DEFAULT destination name Specifies the default topic or queue if DEST-RECV is not specified. The default is tibss.admin.sxs.reply.
DEST-SEND destination name Specifies the topic or queue to which messages are sent. Overrides DEST-SEND-DEFAULT in a group.
DEST-SEND-DEFAULT destination name Specifies the default topic or queue if DEST-SEND is not specified. The default is tibss.admin.sxs.request.
DEST-TYPE TOPIC|QUEUE Specifies the type of destination to be used.

Overrides DEST-TYPE-DEFAULT in a group.

DEST-TYPE-DEFAULT TOPIC|QUEUE Specifies the default type of destination if DEST-TYPE is not specified. The default is QUEUE.
END Denotes the end of the keywords for a message command definition, sometimes referred to as a group.
EMS-USER name Specifies the user ID with which to connect to the EMS server.
EMS-PSWD password Specifies the password with which to connect to the EMS server.
FLD type, name, value Defines a field for the message.


type is I32, U32, PROP, or STR.

name is the name of the mapped field.

value is the data to be associated with the field.

The message can contain multiple fields.

PSWD password Specifies the password for the user ID previously specified and authorized to execute this command or process. This keyword is Security Interface dependent and is for the tibss-password system field. The default is a blank.
PUBLISH-ONLY Specifies that the utility only sends messages and does not wait or receive any messages. Be sure to specify a DEST-RECV parameter so that the published message has a reply-to field.
REPEAT number Specifies the number of times to send this message. The default is 1.
SSL-TRACE Enables EMS SSL trace.
SSL-DEBUG-TRACE Enables EMS SSL debug trace.
SSL-FLIPSMODE Enables FIPS 140-2 mode.
SSL-AUTH-ONLY Specifies that this ESB connection uses SSL-only for authentication.
SSL-CIPHERS names Specifies the IBM cipher codes to be used for encryption.
SSL-SSLV3 Enables SSL V3.
SSL-TLS1 Enables TLS1.
SSL-EXPECTEDHOSTNAME name The name of the EMS server name that is being interfaced with.
SSL-KEYRINGFILE name Specifies the Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) ring name to be used.
SSL-LABEL name Specifies the RACF identity name.
SSL-VERIFYHOSTNAME Enables host verification.
TIMEOUT number Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait for the response message. The default is 5.
UFLD-PFX prefix Specifies the prefix for all Substation ES system field names. The default is tibss-. It is recommended that you do not change this value for IVP runs.
USER userid Specifies the RACF or back-end user ID for the user who is authorized to execute this command or process. This keyword is Security Interface dependent and is for the tibss-userid system field. The default is a blank.
WAIT timevalue Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait between message or command sends. This is the interval a delay occurs after an END keyword is detected. The default is 0.

The time to delay between each message group is determined by the value of WAIT plus the value of WAIT-ON-REPEAT.

WAIT-ON-REPEAT timevalue Specifies the time (in seconds) to wait after each send of the message or command that is being repeated. The default is 0.
* text Displays the comment.


Refresh a recipe, wait for three seconds, and send a request or reply:
PSWD password
DEST-SEND tibss.admin.sxs
DEST-RECV tibss.admin.reply
DEST-SEND tibss.CICS.C.Request
FLD STR,IVP-DESCR,"Substation ES - EMS test CICS C"