Recipe Service
You can prepare a recipe service without conversion rules.
Services without conversion rules allow your CICS application to receive containers as well as reply to them using a CICS channel, and supports either multiple or single containers. Unless it is specified on the service CICS options of the recipe, the name of the channel defaults to SXC-DEF-CHANNEL.
Using this method also provides the ability to forward destination names and other information each in their own container, allowing more flexibility in the design and usage of your application.
Multiple Containers
When you invoke CICS resources using containers, Substation ES allows more than one container to be put into a CICS channel that is passed to a CICS application.
To use multiple containers in Substation ES, the recipe service must adhere to the following qualifications:
- Supported message types are:
- Method of Invocation is 10.
- No conversion rules are used.
- Supports invoking a program or transaction.
- Container Process is set to M.
The number of containers is determined by message fields, or by the options selected. Each field name in the message becomes a container name, and the value of the field becomes the container content. The field name must follow valid CICS name conventions, and must be no longer than 16 characters. Field names longer than 16 characters are truncated.
If the FWD Destination Names parameter is enabled, Substation ES creates two additional containers to send to CICS named tibss-ListenTo and tibss-ReplyTo. These containers contain the destination or subject names of this service request.
See Container (CTN) Extended Options in the CICS Service Details panel for settings related to the different input message types and the container feature. For more information, see the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources guide.
If you want to use a system field, it can be defined in the EMS Properties panel. For details about support fields, see "Using System Fields as Property Fields" in the TIBCO Substation ES Configuration and Resources guide.
Single Containers
To use a single container, the recipe service must meet the following qualifications:
- Message type RV or EMS.
- Method of Invocation is 10.
- No Conversion Rules are used.
- Supports invoking a program or transaction.
- Container Process is set to S.
The channel and container name to be used can be specified in the CICS options of the recipe service definition. If not specified, the default value resource name for each is used.
The following example demonstrates how to set up a recipe service with multiple containers:
-------------------------- Recipe Details -------------------------- Command ===> (CICS,IMS,EMS,PROP,SEL) Recipe Identifier ===> SXC-DPL-NO-RULES Listen To ===> tibss.CICS.No.Rules.Request Reply To ===> Reply To Always ===> Y Error Subject ===> tibss.error.out Error Threshold ===> 0 (0 - 99999) Error Percentage ===> 0 Reply To Len (Dyn) ===> 0 Start ===> 0 Usage Limit ===> 0 Input Conversion (?) ===> (SEE CICS OPT FOR NO CONVERSION) Output Conversion(?) ===> Back End System (?) ===> Interface-CICS Alt BES(?): ESB Endpoint (?) ===> EMS-SERVER SS-Id Filter: N (N or Y) Resource Name ===> SXCCI015 Method of Invocation ===> 10 2 DPL 3 PGM 9 DPL MRO 12 DPL TSQ DPL > 32K Invocations 10 Container 11 Storage 5 TDQ Write 6 TSQ Write 8 Command 4 Task/IMS Tran 7 IMS Conversational Tran Trace Level ===> 0 0-5 (Debugging) Reply Method ===> 3 0 None 2 Message 1 Status 3 Both Status and Message ---------------------- CICS Service Details ---------------------- Command ===> Recipe Identifier ===> SXC-DPL-NO-RULES Resource Name ===> SXCCI015 Method of Invocation ===> 10 Method of Reply ===> 3 Mirror Transaction ===> Default SXEX CSMI User Transaction ===> N N/Y Container (CTN) Extended Options Channel Name ===> Single CTN Name ===> Container Invocation ===> P P/T - Program / Transaction Container Process ===> M S/M Single CTN, Message FWD Destination Names ===> Y N/Y as Containers Remote Region Execution Transaction Id ===> System Name ===> Multi-Execution Resource 2: 3: 4: 5: