SXCQWRIT Parameter Fields

The following table describes the fields of the SXCQWRIT parameter.

SXCQWRIT Parameter Fields
Field Type Description
TDQW-SERVICE PIC X(40) If this field is nonzero or non-blank, Substation ES uses Trigger Service Name to process this message and ignores the Compare Text Contain in the Buffer area of the Trigger Definition.
TDQW-TSQ-Name PIC X(16) This field is the name of the TSQ in which the data is located. If this field is nonzero or non-blank, SXCQWRIT looks for the data in either the CICS temporary storage or a Container. If the data location is a TSQ, SXCQWRIT sends all the records in the TSQ to the Substation trigger server and then deletes the TSQ. SXCQWTSQ only writes the first TSQ input record.


This field is the length of the data in the case of a data pointer. Otherwise, the value must be zero.
TDQW-PDATA POINTER This field is the pointer to the data or NULL (binary zeros).

Data Pointers cannot be used for the MRO processing because the address is local to Address Space.



For TSQ data, this field is set to zero or FALSE. For a Container name, this field is set to one or TRUE.
TDQW-TDQ-TYPE PIC X(1) This field is the type of trigger data to which the data is to be sent. The valid values are G for Guaranteed, R for Reliable, O for Ordered, and S for TSQ.


This field is the return status from SXCQWRIT or SXCQWTSQ. A zero value means all is in order. A nonzero value means a problem exists.


This field is the reason code from the error if the TDQW-RETURN value is nonzero. Otherwise, the value in the field is zero.
TDQW-RESP1 PIC 9(8) COMP This field is the CICS Response code (eibresp) from an error if TDQW-REASON depicts a CICS error. Otherwise, the value in the field is zero.


This field is the CICS Response2 code (eibresp) from an error if TDQW-REASON depicts a CICS error. Otherwise, the value in the field is zero.
TDQW-ROLLBACK-SW PIC X(1) This field depicts if any successful TDQ writes have been completed. If the value is Y and an error has occurred, the user transaction must issue EXEC CICS SYNCPOINT ROLLBACK to remove the partial data from the Substation Trigger Queue. The value N means no data has been written to that queue.
TDQW-TDQ-NAME PIC X(4) This is a reserved field that contains the CICS TDQ to which the transaction is allocated. On the first link to SXCQWRIT, the value in the field is LOW-VALUES (0x00). For all subsequent links to SXCQWRIT, leave the value as is.

All other areas are reserved.