Defining System Fields on an Inbound Conversion Rule

An input user application message can contain Substation ES system fields by defining system fields on an inbound conversion rule.

You can perform the following steps to finish the task:


  1. Define the required system fields to the message definition.
  2. Define the attributes on the conversion rule for the appropriate recipe definition.

    For details on the definitions, see the descriptions of DCUI panels in Configuration of Services.

    --------- Define Msg-Field / Buffer-Field Conversion Row 1 to 16 of 16
    Command ===>                                           Scroll ==> CSR
      Conversion Id   ===> CVR-I-TSRR-01
      Using Message   ...: MSG-IO-RR-01
      Using Buffer    ...: BUF-IO-BF01
      Max Buffer Size ===> 0
    Trunc Reqd BfFld Msg Field               | Num  Buffer Field
      -    -   ----- ----------------------  | ---- -----------------------------
      Y    Y   1     IVP-ID                  | 1    IVP-ID
      Y    Y   2     IVP-DESCR               | 2    IVP-DESCR
      Y    N   3     IVP-RESULT              | 3    IVP-RESULT
      Y    N   4     IVP-BES-NAME            | 4    IVP-BES-NAME
      Y    N   5     IVP-BES-TRAN-ID         | 5    IVP-BES-TRAN-ID
      Y    N   6     IVP-BES-PGM-NAME        | 6    IVP-BES-PGM-NAME
      Y    N   7     IVP-USERID              | 7    IVP-USERID
      Y    N   9     IVP-REPLY-LILSECS       | 8    IVP-START-LILSECS
      Y    Y   8     IVP-START-LILSECS       | 9    IVP-REPLY-LILSECS
      Y    Y   0     IVP-SUBJ-SFX            | 10   IVP-SUBJ-SFX
      Y    N   12    IVP-BTCH-SEQ-NO         | 11   IVP-BES-DELAY
      S    Y   0     tibss-envelope          | 12   IVP-BTCH-SEQ-NO
      S    N   0     tibss-password          | 13   IVP-START-DATE-CHAR
      S    N   0     tibss-userid            | 14   IVP-START-TIME-CHAR
      Y    Y   0                             | 15   IVP-REPLY-DATE-CHAR
      Y    Y   0                             | 16   IVP-REPLY-TIME-CHAR
    ******************************* Bottom of data ********************************
    Note: System fields have an S defined in the Trunc column. Substation ES does not pass the contents to the back-end application buffer because they have a 0 defined in the BfFld column. Instead, Substation ES passes the contents to the required BES process for usage or validation.