Initialization Commands

Initialization commands include CONNECT | CONN, DISCONNECT | DISCONN, and UNLOAD | UNL commands.


The CONNECT|CONN commands instruct Substation ES to connect to a specified transport, the CICS region or the IMS region.

The CONNECT|CONN commands are used in the following ways:

This command reconnects the specified Substation ES CICS or IMS interface to its CICS or IMS region. The keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies the interface that must be the identifier used in the Substation ES CICS or IMS SIP member.
This command reconnects all Substation ES CICS or IMS interfaces identified at Substation ES startup to the CICS or IMS region with the corresponding APPLID. The keyword APPLID=applid specifies the CICS or IMS region.
This command, which reconnects a Substation ES transport to an EMS server or a Rendezvous daemon, is usually used after a manual disconnection for a messaging transport. The ESB keyword identifies the transport identifier specified in the Substation ES startup configuration. The INTF|IID=intf-id keyword specifies that the transport be connected only using the specified ESB interface.


The DISCONNECT command instructs Substation ES to disconnect from a specified transport, the CICS region or the IMS region.

The DISCONNECT commands are used in the following ways:

This command disconnects the specified Substation ES CICS interface from a CICS region. The keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies the interface.
This command disconnects all Substation ES CICS or IMS interfaces that use the same APPLID for a CICS or IMS region within a Substation ES region. The keyword APPLID=applid identifies the CICS or IMS region.
Note: A CICS interface is defined in a Substation ES SIP member. The INTF or APPLID value specified in the Control command must match that defined for a CICS interface. The Substation ES CICS SIP members are located in the USERHLQ.INTF data set.
Warning: When you use the CONN or DISCONN command with the APPLID keyword, the command affects all currently active Substation ES instances that have been configured to communicate with this CICS region.
This command disconnects a Substation ES transport from an EMS server or a Rendezvous daemon. The transport does not automatically reconnect after this command is issued; a manual connect transport command must be issued.
The ESB keyword identifies the transport identifier specified in the Substation ES startup configuration. The INTF|IID=intf-id keyword specifies that the transport be disconnected only from the specified ESB interface.

UNLOAD | UNL Command

The UNLOAD command instructs the Substation ES transformer to unload a recipe or a trigger.

The UNLOAD commands are used in the following ways:

This command unloads a recipe from the Substation ES runtime configuration. The RECIPE keyword specifies the name of the recipe to unload. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies an ESB interface identifier.
The command output is as follows:
SXA2601I Console Command Entered 'UNLOAD,RID='SXC-IVP-C-DPL''
SXT5825I Unload Recipe SXC-IVP-C-DPL successful
This command unloads a trigger from the Substation ES runtime configuration. The TRIGGER keyword specifies the name of the trigger to unload. The optional keyword INTF|IID=intf-id specifies an ESB interface identifier.
The command output is as follows:
SXA2601I Console Command Entered 'UNLOAD,TID='CICS-RR-REQUEST''
SXT5825I Unload Trigger CICS-RR-REQUEST successful