Adding an Additional ESB Interface

You can add an additional TIBCO ESB Interface (formerly referred to as the Transformer) connection to a CICS region.


  1. Add a Substation ES CICS Interface by performing the steps in Adding an Additional Substation ES CICS Interface.
  2. Create a new ESB Interface member by copying the default ESB SIP member located in USERHLQ.INTF(SXSIEMS1 or SXSIRV1) to a new name.
    This new member must have a different INTF-ID keyword value.
  3. Change the new Substation ES CICS interface member value of INTF-PARTNER to match the new value of INTF-ID in Step 2.
  4. Edit the Substation ES SIP member.
    The default value is USERHLQ.INTF(SXSSIP$1).
  5. Add a new INTF-MEMBER keyword, specifying the newly created ESB SIP member as the keyword value.
    For example: INTF-MEMBER=NEWINTF
    Note: Never specify identical INTF-ID values in the ESB SIP members.