Using RVDQ with One Substation ES Instance

This section describes the process taken to configure one Substation ES instance to use RV distributed queue processing to communicate with a single CICS region or multiple CICS regions.

The following steps configure three RV ESB SIP and CICS SIP members for one Substation ES instance:


  1. Create three ESB configuration files.
    Each file must have a CICS BES Interface ID unique but otherwise contain identical recipe settings. The CICS BES Interface ID is set on the Transformer Configuration panel, option 4.

    In this example, the CICS Interface IDs for the new ESB configuration files are named CICSA, CICSB and CICSC.

  2. Create three CICS SIP members.
    Each member must have a unique INTF-ID. This INTF-ID must match the Interface Id defined in the corresponding ESB configuration file. If this is for multiple CICS regions, the APPLID must have the corresponding generic CICS application ID.

    In this example, the new CICS SIP members are named SXCINTF1, SXCINTF2 and SXCINTF3.

  3. Create three RV ESB SIP members, setting RVDQ-YN to Y for all three.
    Each must also have a unique INTF-ID. In this example, the new RV ESB SIP members are named SXSIRV1, SXSIRV2 and SXSIRV3.
  4. Create one Substation ES SIP member, entering all INTF-MEMBER settings for the corresponding CICS SIP and RV ESB SIP members.
    In this example, the new Substation ES SIP member is named SXSSIP$1.
  5. Create one SSP member, specifying the SIPMEM setting for the corresponding Substation ES SIP member.
    In this example, the SSP member is named SXSSSP$1.
  6. Create one Substation ES startup JCL member, using three ESB configuration files for the corresponding CICS SIP and RV ESB SIP members.
    In this example, the Substation ES JCL member is named TIBSSES1, and uses three configure files named TIBCFG1, TIBCFG2 and TIBCFG3:
    • TIBCFG1 corresponds to CICS SIP SXCINTF1 and RV ESB SIP SXSIRV1.
    • TIBCFG2 corresponds to CICS SIP SXCINTF2 and RV ESB SIP SXSIRV2.
    • TIBCFG3 corresponds to CICS SIP SXCINTF3 and RV ESB SIP SXSIRV3.
  7. Start the Substation ES instance.
    All interfaces use RV distributed queue processing. The last startup interface acts as the scheduler.