ESB Endpoint – Connection Factory Extensions Panel

You can create or modify ESB endpoint connection factory extensions in the ESB Endpoint – Connection Factory Extensions panel.

Panel Layout

SXTP07F -------- ESB Endpoint - Connection Factory Extensions -----------------
Command ===>

 ESB Id   ===> New-ESB1

 ECF User ===>
 ECF Psd  ===>
 ECF Name ===>
 Use SSL  ===> N  (N/Y=Using url below and details from SSL panel)
 ECF URL  ===>

 ECF Metric   ===> 0 (0=None, 1=Connections, 2=Byte Rate)

                   Connect        Reconnect
 Attempts     ===> 9999999   ===> 9999999  (0=Use Default)
 Delay (ms)   ===> 5000      ===> 5000
 Timeout (ms) ===> 15000     ===> 15000

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the ESB Endpoint – Connection Factory Extensions panel:

Field Description
ESB Id The name of an ESB endpoint.
ECF User The connection object presents this user identity to the server. The maximum character length is 60.
ECF Pswd The password used by the connection object to authenticate the user identity. The maximum character length is 40.
ECF Name The name of the connection factory. The maximum character length is 60.
Use SSL You can specify whether this ESB uses an SSL connection to the server. The SSL details are setup in ESB Endpoint SSL Extensions Panel. If you set the field to Y, Substation ES uses the SSL definitions to connect to the ECF Server using the ECF URL. The same SSL definition is used for both ECF Lookup Connection and Data Connection.

Default value: N.

ECF URL The URL string that connections created by this factory is connected to.
ECF Metric The load balancing metric of this connection factory.
Valid selections:
  • 0: absence of any load balancing metric.
  • 1: the connection factory balances the connection load among several servers by creating a connection to the server with the fewest number of connections.
  • 2: the connection factory balances the connection load among several servers by creating a connection to the server with the lowest total byte rate (input and output).
Attempts Connect attempts: limits the number of times that Substation ES attempts to establish a connection to the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) server when the server is not present at Substation ES startup time.

Reconnect attempts: limits the number of times that Substation ES attempts to reestablish the connection to the EMS server.

Default value: 9999999. If 0 is specified, the value is determined by the connection factory definition, or the default setting in EMS.

Delay (ms) Connect delay: determines the time (in milliseconds) between connection attempts.

Valid values: 250 - 20000. Default value: 500.

Reconnect delay: determines the time (in milliseconds) between reconnection attempts.

Valid values: 0, and 250 - 20000. Default value: 500.

If 0 is specified, the value is determined by the connection factory definition, or the default setting in EMS.

Timeout (ms)

Connect timeout: determines the maximum time (in milliseconds) that Substation ES will wait for a connection to the server to be established.

Valid values: 15000 - 30000. Default value: 15000.

Reconnect timeout: determines the maximum time (in milliseconds) the Substation ES will wait for reconnection to the server to be established.

Valid values: 0, and 15000 - 30000. Default value: 15000.

If 0 is specified, the value is determined by the connection factory definition, or the default setting in EMS.