Recipe Details Panel

You can create or modify the details of a recipe in the Recipe Details panel.

Panel Layout

SXTP05N ----------------------- Recipe Details --------------------------------
 Command ===>                                        (CICS,IMS,EMS,PROP,SEL)

  Recipe Identifier    ===> SXC-DPL-C
  Listen To            ===> tibss.CICS.C.Request
  Reply To             ===>
    Reply To Always    ===> Y
  Error Subject        ===> tibss.error.out
  Error Threshold      ===> 0     (0 - 99999)     Error Percentage ===> 0
  Reply To Len (Dyn)   ===> 0     Start ===> 0         Usage Limit ===> 0
  Input Conversion (?) ===> CVR-I-01        (SEE CICS OPT FOR NO CONVERSION)
  Output Conversion(?) ===> CVR-O-01
  Back End System (?)  ===> Interface-CICS1  Alt BES(?): Interface-CICS2
  ESB Endpoint (?)     ===> EMS-SERVER       SS-Id Filter: N (N or Y)
  Resource Name        ===> SXC3I001
  Method of Invocation ===> 2    2  DPL  3 PGM   9 DPL MRO   12 DPL TSQ
   DPL > 32K Invocations        10 Container    11 Storage
                                 5 TDQ Write     6 TSQ Write 8 Command
                                 4 Task/IMS Tran 7 IMS Conversational Tran
           Trace Level ===> 0  0-5 (Debugging)
          Reply Method ===> 3  0 None      2 Message
                               1 Status    3 Both Status and Message

Field Description

The following table lists the fields in the Recipe Details panel:

Field Description
Command The commands used to access panels:

CICS: enter CICS to access the panel described in CICS Service Details Panel.

IMS: enter IMS to access the panel described in IMS Service Details Panel.

PROP: enter PROP to access the panel described in EMS Properties (Recipe) Panel.

SEL: enter SEL to access the panel described in EMS Selector Specification Panel.

Recipe Identifier The name of the recipe.
Listen To Required. When configuring Substation ES to subscribe to data from a TIBCO messaging application, this field specifies the subject that Substation ES listens to invoke a given transformation for.
Reply To The outbound subject that a message is published on by a transaction process. See the Reply To Always field description for information on the rules regarding published messages.
Reply To Always You can determine whether a response from a transaction process is sent by Substation ES only to the reply ID specified in a message, to the value specified in the Reply To field (the outbound destination name in TIBCO Enterprise Message Service), or to both.

The reply ID in a message is set by the application that issues the request. The reply ID is extracted from the message by Substation ES and the response relating to that request could be delivered to the reply ID, depending on the setting of the Reply To Always field.

Valid selections: Y(es) and N(o). Default selection: Y.

If you select Y, the response is sent as follows:
  • To the reply ID in the message: if the reply ID is specified and the Reply To subject or Destination is not specified.
  • To the Reply To subject or Destination: if the Reply To subject or Destination is specified and the reply ID is not specified.
  • To both the reply ID in the message and Reply To subject or Destination: if both are specified.
If you select N, the response is sent as follows:
  • To only the reply ID in the message: if the reply ID is specified and the Reply To subject or Destination is or is not specified.
  • To the Reply To subject or Destination: if the Reply To subject or Destination is specified and the reply ID is not specified.
  • Not sent: if both have not been specified.
Error Subject The subject that an error message is published on if Transformer conversion or BES encounters errors.
Note: If you use TIBCO Enterprise Message Service as your ESB, you can now select the TIBCO Enterprise Message Service message type of the error message. See the ERROR-MSG-TYPE keyword in TIBCO Substation ES Installation.
Error Threshold The number of errors allowed before the recipe is disabled.
Error Percentage The percentage of errors allowed before the recipe is disabled.
Reply To Len (Dyn) The value in this field allocates the outbound reply subject dynamically within the buffer. You can specify the number of bytes to be used for the dynamic Reply To subject length.

The value of this field must be greater than zero for the dynamic Reply To to work. When 0 (zero) is specified, the feature is disabled.

The area specified by Reply To Len (Dyn) and Start must be in the buffer, or an error is issued.

Default value: 0.

Start The starting offset in the buffer to be used for the dynamic subject name.

The area defined by Reply To Len (Dyn) and Start is concatenated to form the Reply To subject. This is the name that the message is published to. If this dynamic Reply To name matches the name of either the Reply To subject in the message or the error subject, then only one message is written to the subject. The dynamic Reply To message must adhere to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service or Rendezvous subject structure, or an error is issued by either messaging service when the message is published.

By default, the first character in the buffer is location 0.

Usage Limit The maximum number of concurrent messages to be processed by an ESB endpoint for this recipe. This parameter is only valid with TIBCO Enterprise Message Service transports.

Default value: 0.

Input Conversion (?)

The name of the conversion rule used for input conversion.

If you specify ?, a list of all conversion rules is displayed where you can select a conversion rule.

Back End System (?)

The name of the conversion rule used for output conversion.

If you specify ?, a list of all interfaces is displayed where you can select an interface.

Alt BES(?) Required. The description of the Substation ES interface.

If you specify ?, a list of all interfaces is displayed where you can select an interface.

ESB Endpoint (?) Optional. The description of an alternate Substation ES interface.

If you specify ?, a list of all interfaces is displayed where you can select an interface. If the specified BES is not available during the process, then the messages attempt to process on this BES.

SS-Id Filter The SS-Id Filter applies to TIBCO Enterprise Message Service (EMS) and Rendezvous (RV) ESB. With this feature, EMS TOPIC type destinations and RV subjects can be filtered by the tibss-ss-id value so that, while multiple Substation ES might receive the message, only one processes the request.

Default value: N (no).

If you specify Y, then each message on this recipe is checked for the EMS property or RV field tibss-ss-id.
  • If the field is not present, then Substation ES processes the incoming message.
  • If the field is present, the tibss-ss-id value is compared to the Substation ES ID. Only those messages that match are processed by Substation ES.

For Admin recipes (MOI 8) with topic type destinations, each message is forced to be checked.

Resource Name The name of the resource. If you are configuring Substation ES to subscribe to data on behalf of a transaction processing application, this is the name of the transaction or program that is invoked upon receipt of a request.

If your MOI is TDQ Write or TSQ Write, this field specifies the name of the Transient Data Queue (TDQ) or Temporary Storage Queue (TSQ). The length of the TDQ name can be four characters or less. The maximum length of the TSQ name is eight characters.

Method of Invocation The method that initiates the transformation that is being configured.

If you are configuring Substation ES to publish data on behalf of a CICS or IMS transaction processing application, the sole choice is the trigger method of invocation (MOI).

If you are configuring Substation ES to subscribe to data generated by a TIBCO messaging application, you can choose one or more of the other MOIs.

The following are valid selections:
  • 2 DPL: the transaction invoked with the Dynamic Program Link (DPL) MOI. By using this MOI, a response or return data can be sent back to the calling TIBCO messaging application.
  • 3 PGM: the transaction invoked with the Transfer Control (XCTL) mechanism of CICS. Only a status return is available with this option.
  • 4 Task/IMS Tran: invokes a CICS task or transaction (four-character resource name) as opposed to a CICS program. Can be a status return when this method is in use.

    Alternatively, invokes an IMS transaction to be processed by the BES so that a response or return data can be sent back to the calling TIBCO messaging application.

  • 5 TDQ Write: the transaction invoked by a write to the TDQ from which the transaction is already polling. The length of the TDQ name can be four characters or less.
  • 6 TSQ Write: the transaction invoked by a write to TSQ. The maximum length of the TSQ name is eight characters.
  • 7 IMS Conversational Tran: an IMS conversational transaction is invoked for processing.
  • 8 Command: invokes a Substation ES administration task for processing operation commands, Substation ES Console commands, or IMS commands that form a TIBCO message.
  • 9 DPL MRO: the transaction invoked through CICS LINK with a COMMAREA. Useful for MRO routing.
  • 10 Container: the transaction invoked through CICS LINK with a Container for input and output. The Container name is the same as the program name. Useful for MRO routing and greater than 32 KB input and output.
  • 11 Storage: the transaction invoked through CICS LINK with a communication area (COMMAREA). The COMMAREA contains a pointer to a storage area and its length. Useful for greater than 32 K input and output.
  • 12 DPL TSQ: the transaction invoked through CICS LINK with a COMMAREA, which contains an eight-character TSQ ID, which in turn contains the input data and which can also be used for output.

For more information about the use of MOIs, see MOI Usage.

Trace Level The user trace debug level for an individual recipe. The value must always be 0 or 1, unless TIBCO Support requires the output. A certain amount of overhead and many lines of output are produced when this value is greater than 1.

Valid values: 0 - 5. Default value: 0.

The following are valid values and their descriptions:
  • 1: shows message entry into Substation ES.
    SXT5468I U-Trace(R) UoW:1584586364 Recipe:DPL-BYTES to
  • 2: shows message entry and interface flow.
    SXT5468I U-Trace(R) UoW:1584586364 Recipe:DPL-BYTES to
    SXT5465I U-Trace(I) UoW:1584586364 Recipe:DPL-BYTES BES:CICSA,
    SXG1885I IId:CICSA U-Trc(I) UoW:1584586364
    SXG1887I IId:CICSA U-Trc(O) UoW:1584586364
    SXT5303I U-Trace(O) UoW:1584586364 Rcp/Trig:DPL-BYTES,
             Respond:NULL, Reply:tibss.CICS.Bytes.Reply
  • 3 and above: shows all of level 2 plus data buffers.
Reply Method You can specify whether data is expected to be output from the transaction processing application. If configuring Substation ES to subscribe to data generated by a TIBCO messaging application using the DPL MOI, you can specify whether return data or a status is expected back. If configuring Substation ES to publish data for a transaction processing application, you can use this option to indicate whether data and a status is being generated.
The following are valid selections:
  • 0 None: no reply method applies for this recipe.
  • 1 Status: a status message is sent to the requesting application through the reply subject name, and the subject is specified in the Reply To field.
  • 2 Message: the return data is to be transformed and published as a message to the TIBCO messaging application.
  • 3 Both Status and Message: for this process, status and return data set are to be transformed and published as a message to the TIBCO messaging application.