Adding Widgets to a Dashboard

You can create a new dashboard with multiple widgets based on your specifications.

Tip: After creating an aggregation rule, a filter Blok is automatically saved in the system. You can use the filter Blok in Advanced Dashboards instead of typing the entire query to save on query response time.


  1. On the main header, click the Dashboard link to display the Dashboard landing page.
  2. From the Dashboard page, click to add a new dashboard.
  3. To define the dashboard name, click on the Untitled dashboard link to open a field and enter the name of the dashboard in the field.
    Note: It is possible to add widgets with identical names in one dashboard.
  4. From the Widget type panel, click on a type of widget that you want to add on the dashboard. The following widget types are available:
    Widget Type Results More Information
    Line Line chart Line Widget
    Bar Bar chart Bar Widget
    Pie Pie chart Pie Widget
    Number Total count of the results Number Widget
    Gauge Total count of the results Gauge Widget
    Stacked Column Comparison in the form of a column chart Stacked Column Widget
    Combined Combination results in the form of pie, column, and line chart Combined Widget
    TreeMap Colored treemap view TreeMap Widget
    Heat Map Colored heat map view Heat Map Widget
    DataGrid Tabular view DataGrid Widget
  5. To define the widget name, click on the Untitled widget link to open a field and enter the name of the widget in the field.
  6. To configure each type of widget, click the Configure link or click . The Settings icon is displayed on the upper-right corner when you hover over the widget panel. The configuration options are different for each type of widget.
  7. Click Save to save the widget.


The widget is added and the retrieved results are displayed on the dashboard.

Note: By using columns with large content, the content might become unreadable on a widget, for example, using sys_body on the X-axis while using a Bar Chart widget.