Operational Reports

To search for and generate reports on information about syslog messages on log sources, use Event Logs reports.

The Report Information tab that appears when you click on Reports > Operational lists which reports are available for each log source.

Choose Reports > Operational > report-name from the navigation menu, where report-name is any one of following reports:

Operational Reports
Report Description More information
All Unparsed Events Use the All Unparsed Events screen to search for and generate a report on unparsed syslog messages for selected devices. All Unparsed Events Reports
Firewall Statistics Use the Firewall Statistics screen to search for and generate a report summarizing firewall syslog messages classified as security messages. Firewall Statistics Reports
Total Message Count Use the Total Message Count screen to search for and generate a report summarizing firewall or Nortel VPN device syslog messages classified as system messages. Total Message Count Reports
Security Events Use the Security Events screen to search for and generate a report on firewall syslog messages classified as security messages. Security Events Reports
System Events Use the System Events screen to search for and generate a report on firewall or Nortel VPN device syslog messages classified as system messages. System Events Reports
VPN Events Use the VPN Events screen to search for and generate a report on the number of Cisco VPN syslog messages that appear with the type called “System Type”. VPN Events Reports

Preparing a Real-time Report includes the common options that you specify for all Real-Time Reports.

Optional filter operators are different for each Event Logs report, and explained in their respective sections.

For information on saving the generated report, see Formats for Saving a Generated Report.