Viewing the Device Type

When you create a new Device Type, a unique device type ID is automatically associated with that device type.

Since the appliance uses this unique ID to identify and categorize messages, the device type/ID mapping association is enforced in the Management Station environment. This restriction is enforced when importing a new device type into a system. Therefore, two device types with the same device type ID are not allowed to exist in the system. For example, if an imported device type has an ID that is already being used in the system to map to a different device type, then a device type conflict is reported and the import is aborted. To avoid this scenario, it is good practice that device types be created and distributed from a single node (the Management Station) only, and imported into other nodes that are being managed.

The maximum number of device types that can be created is 1500.


  1. From Management menu, select Device Types. A list of All Device Types is displayed.
  2. To filter the list of Device Types, type a keyword in the Name field and press Enter. Device types matching only the keyword will appear. Clear the entry in the Name field and press Enter to display the entire list of Device Types again.
  3. Click the Show User Defined check box. The new user-defined Device Type appears next that shows the Status is Active.
  4. To remove the user defined device types, select the row and click Remove selected.
    Note: You can only remove the user defined device types. You cannot remove the appliance stored device types.
  5. To confirm the new user-defined Device Type, click Dashboards > Log Source Status.