Widget Types

You can create different types of widgets to add to your dashboard canvas.

The different types of widgets are:

Types of Widgets
Widget Type Description For more information
Summary Displays top 10 results from any Report saved with the “Summarized” option. It also displays All Index Reports as well as Index Searches that are grouped by option (except grouped by Time). Managing Summary Widgets
Trend Displays a trend of Index Search "hits" occurring over a period of 1 day, 1 week or 1 month. Trend Widgets
Alerts Displays recent triggered alerts matching your specified filters. Alert Widgets
System Displays Network and File based data ingest trends, Disk usage, and CPU usage utilization System Widgets
  • The widget list is only populated by reports. Therefore, you must save a report before you can create a widget.
  • Imported Compliance Suites are templates and not reports. Hence, you need to save one in order to populate in the Widget list.
  • Widgets show data from time periods as specified (Once every few hours, Once a day, Once a week, and Once a month). The widget data is refreshed after the time period has completely passed. For example: If you specify Once a day time frame, and feed data at 2:17pm, the widget data are refreshed after midnight. Similarly, if you specify Once a week time frame, then the widget data are refreshed after Sunday midnight.
  • Widget report is always executed according to its schedule. Only when a widget is first created, and added to dashboard, the widget report executes outside the schedule. Therefore, If you wish to modify a widget report schedule, first delete the widget, and then re-create a new widget with new schedule.