User Devices/Privileges Report Tab

The User Devices/Privileges Report tab allows the LogLogic admin to see the privileges assigned to all users of the appliance.

All appliance users are listed by default on this page. Users without User Admin privilege cannot access the User Devices/Privileges Report tab.

Advanced Options provide a way to report on a selected set of users and privileges. The Advanced Options function on the User Devices/Privileges Report tab opens four select boxes; the two boxes on the left contain all Available Users and all Available Privileges, and the two boxes on the right are for Selected Users and Selected Privileges. Arrows provide a means to move a single entry (single arrow) or all entries (double arrows) between the left and right select boxes.

After selecting the required items, click the Run button to see the Privileges Report. As with other reports, the Privileges Report can be saved in CSV, HTML, or PDF format.