High Availability Restore

Restoring data to the Active appliance is similar to a single appliance restore.

Before restoring the Active appliance, you must disable or shutdown the Standby appliance. After the restore is complete, re-configure the Standby appliance to join the HA. It should not be necessary to perform a restore to the Standby; the restored data should mirror from the Active to the Standby as part of normal High Availability mirroring.

If the Standby becomes the active appliance and you need to restore data to this new Active appliance, it should perform as a normal restore would as long as the normal restore requirements (same IP address, appliance model, and software release) are met.

In case of an HA pair, the IP address checked is the virtual IP. Therefore, as long as the Standby appliance being used is the one from the same HA pair, it can be used to restore the backup captured originally by its peer node.

For more information, see Backup and Restore in an HA Pair.