Reset Security Key

Note: When the Data Privacy mode is enabled, the Reset Security Key link is displayed on the General tab next to the Data Privacy Mode buttons. The key length must be between 6 and 64 characters.
  • Reset Security Key—Click the Reset Security Key link to reset the security key of the representative that was set for the Data Privacy Mode. Enter the Old Security Key, New Security Key, and Retype New Security Key fields. These are mandatory fields. Click Apply to use the new security key.
  • Forgot Security Key—Click the Forgot Security Key button if the representative has forgotten the security key for the Data Privacy Mode. A new password is generated and emailed to the requesting authenticating user. The confirmation window appears. Click Yes to receive an email for the newly generated password.
    Note: To receive an email with a new password, you must enter an email address in the Originating Email field; otherwise an error message appears.