createSearchFilterRemote Operation

With createSearchFilterRemote operation you can create search filters with associated search terms on a managed TIBCO LogLogic Appliance from a Management Station.

Request Parameters

authToken, applianceIP, searchFilterName, searchFilterType, description, sharedWithOtherUsers, expression1, expression2, expressionOperator

For more information on each Common Request Parameter, see Common Request Parameters.


searchFilterResponse (see searchFilterResponse Type)


To add a search filter (to remote Appliance named My Search Filter Name using the BooleanSearchFilter1 filter, of the Boolean Search type, described as My Search Filter Description, sharing the filter with other users, and searching on the term failed:

createSearchFilterRemote authstr “My Search Filter Name” “BooleanSearchFilter1” “Boolean Search” “My Search Filter Description” “yes” “failed” “” “”