Amendment Configuration Flags

The following are the flags available in AOPD configurations to tweak some of the functionalities around order amendments:

  1. EnableModificationIdentifyingAttribute

    This flag, if true, enables the OrderLine UDF modification functionality using the MODIFICATION_IDENTIFYING_ATTR characteristic as it was in 2.0.x.

  2. NoDependencyInCOMPPlanItems

    This flag, if true, enables the backward compatibility to 2.0.x of having no dependency of the existing plan item being cancelled, in the compensatory plan item. The compensatory plan item will immediately go into execution along with the activation request of the existing plan item.

  3. EnableDateShiftCompRedo

    This flag, if true, enables the backward compatibility to 2.0.x version of creating compensatory and redo plan items in case of requiredByDate change (Date Shift) type amendments. This value of rollback udf controls the behaviour at runtime. The default value of rollback is true and the behavior is:

    • Compensation and Restart plan items will be created as per the EPMR characteristics for suspended and completed plan items.
    • The original completed and suspended plan items will not have the new requiredByDate. New requiredByDate (date shift) will be set for the corresponding “Redo” plan items.
    • In case of pending items, the requiredByDate of that pending plan item will be changed to the new requiredByDate. No Compensate or Redo Plan items will be generated.

    If mentioned as false, then

    • Compensation and restart plan items will not be created.
    • Completed and suspended plan items will not contain the changed required by date. Only pending plan items will have the new date.

    The behaviour of requiredByDate amendments for compensation and restart plan items for EPMR characteristics will be consistent with implementation of other amendment types configured for 2.0.x in this release.

  4. CompensateRestartForNoEPMRChar

    This flag, if true, considers COMPENSATE_RESTART as the EPMR action in case of the required EPMR characteristic not present in the product model. If this flag is false and the required EPMR characteristic is also not present in the product model, no action will be taken on the plan items associated to that product, that are in COMPLETE or SUSPENDED state.