Search Syntax

The search input supports complex searches when searching for users, subscribers, or stores.

For example, if you are searching for users or subscribers and type "th," you get results having "th" in their first name, last name or ID such as "Maria Thompson", "John Smith", or "Dorothy Robinson."

If you type "th ma", you get results having both "th" and "ma" such as "Maria Thompson" or "Macy Smith."

If you type "th OR jam," you get results having either "th" or "jam" such as "Maria Thompson" or "James Dickinson."

If you are searching for stores and type "sh," you get results having "sh" in the store's name or ID such as "Shop XYZ."

If you type "pr es", you get results having both "pr" and "es" such as "Product Supplies."

If you type "su OR bl," you get results having either "su" or "bl" such as "Supply Shop" and "Blue Store."