Scenario 10 - Testing with Multiple Minimum Number of Products in a Group Not Reached

Send a validation request when multiple products with a required minimum number is not reached in a group.


  1. Create a hierarchy of products within a group. Name the group Bundle_1. Make Bundle_1 ProductComprisedOf Phone_Service.
  2. Make Phone_Service ProductComprisedOf the following four products:
    1. Phone_1 with a restriction of minimum and maximum number of one.
    2. Sim_Card with a restriction of minimum and maximum number of one.
    3. Phone_Case with a restriction of a minimum of zero and a maximum of one.
    4. Charger_Pack with a restriction of a minimum of zero and a maximum of one.
  3. Make the Charger_Pack ProductComprisedOf the following two products:
    1. Charger_1 with a restriction of minimum and maximum number of one.
    2. Charger_2 with a restriction of minimum and maximum number of one.
  4. Add Bundle_1 to your basket without including the Phone_Service, Phone_1, or the Sim_card.


During validation a cascade of validateOffer errors occur for the missing Phone_Service, Phone_1, and sim_card. With the same hierarchy of products, if you include Bundle_1 in your basket along with Phone_Service, Phone_1, sim_card, and the Charger_Pack, without Charger_1 and Charger_2, a cascade of validation errors occur for the missing Charger_1 and the missing Charger_2.