Error Codes

The following error codes are currently implemented.

Code Message
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100000 An unexpected error occurred. Contact system administrator for more details.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100001 The input invalid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100003 Order reference already used. Order reference can not be reused.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100004 Order reference not found. Invalid amendment request.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100005 No record exists.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100007 Invalid request. Provide either Order Reference or Order ID.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100012 Search criteria is invalid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100013 No amended plan for order {0} was received.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100015 Invalid token.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100016 The order cannot be amended. Amendment already in progress.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100017 The token expired.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100018 The lock on specified order could not be obtained.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100019 The lock on specified order could not be released.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100020 Order {OrderRef} not found / Order {OrderID} not found.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100023 SortBy missing in one of SortCriteria. SortBy is required when multiple SortCriteria is specified.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100024 SortSequence missing in one of SortCriteria. SortSequence is required when multiple SortCriteria is specified.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100025 SortSequence should be a number greater than 0.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100034 OrderLine {0} not found.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100035 The order submission response was timed out.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100036 The task was rejected. Please try again later.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100037 The purge ID {0} doesn't exist in the system.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100038 The purge ID shouldn't be blank.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100039 The order type {0} is not valid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100040 The archive value {0} is not valid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100041 The date format is not valid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100042 No orders found for the input criterion.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100043 Rule name not specified.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100044 Rule {0} not found.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100045 Rule already exists.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100046 The action value is not valid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100047 No orderID or orderRef present in the request.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100048 OrderID and orderRef should not be present together.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100049 RuleName {0} already Exists.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100050 Order {0} not found for Amendment.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100051 Request for enriching the plan timed out.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100052 Orchestrator UDF not found or value of Orchestrator udf is null. Invalid Order request.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100053 The order state transition from {0} to {1} is not a valid transition.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100055 Duplicate order line {0} in the request.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100057 Invalid Start Record Number. Should be positive number.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100058 Invalid End Record Number. Should be positive number.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100059 Invalid Pagination Input. Start Record should be less than end record.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100060 Invalid Count value {0}.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100061 SortBy {0} in SortCriteria is invalid. Valid values are ASC and DESC.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100062 The order type {0} is not valid.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100063 Start/End date is not present in the request.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100064 Action and requiredByDate cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100065 Action and UDFs cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100066 requiredByDate and UDFs cannot be modified simultaneously in an order line.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-100080 Tenant with ID {0} not present.
TIBCO-AFF-OMS-999999 Service not Available
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100019 UserPassword exceeded maximum length of 20 characters.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100020 UserName [{0}] exceeded maximum length of 12 characters.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100022 User [{0}] already exists.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100025 Invalid role {1} for user {0}. Valid roles are {2}.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100027 User name not specified.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100028 User {0} not found.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100030 New password for user {0} not specified.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100032 User {0} not authenticated.
TIBCO-AFF-USER-100033 Extension exceeds length. Extension data should not be more than 4000 characters long.
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100002 Invalid URL
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100003 Unable to resolve the destination : { }
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100005 Unable to connect to the end point
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100006 Protocol not supported
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100007 Unable to add rule to rule repository
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100008 Exception occurred while encrypting parameter
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100009 Exception occurred while decrypting parameter
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100010 Unable to parse rule configuration file due to {}
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100011 Unable to load rules from database due to {}
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100012 Unable to open stream to load rule content due to {}
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100015 Event Name specified for the rule
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100016 Invalid JMS destination type
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100017 User credential is missing
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100018 Port must be a valid number
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100019 Valid Tibbr subject must be specified
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100020 Invalid email id
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100021 Unknown host exception
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100022 Unable to parse host response
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100023 Invalid user credential
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100024 Unable to get user profile
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100025 Tibbr Subject not found
TIBCO-AFF-AFECA-100026 File path not found
AFF-JM-PLAN-0100 Plan has exceeded typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0110 Plan has exceeded maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0120 Plan has exceeded out of scope threshold
AFF-JM-PLAN-0200 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0210 Plan is predicted to exceed typical duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0220 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed typical duration
AFF-JM-PLAN-0230 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0240 Plan is predicted to exceed maximum duration and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLAN-0250 Plan is no longer predicted to exceed maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0100 Plan item has exceeded typical duration
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0110 Plan item has exceeded maximum duration
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0120 Plan item has exceeded required start
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0200 Plan item start is predicted to exceed required start and is increasing
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0210 Plan item start is predicted to exceed required start and is decreasing
AFF-JM-PLANITEM-0220 Plan item is no longer predicted to exceed required start
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100001 Circular dependency encountered while creating dependency between parent product [{0}] and child product [{1}]
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100002 Xpath expression specified is invalid [{0}]
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100003 Unexpected Error while processing Xpath {0}
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100004 Planfragment mapping not found in the product Model [{0}] and action [{1}]in Main or Affinity Plan fragments.
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100005 Product model not found for product [{0}]
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100006 Invalid Product(s) in order {0}
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100007 Invalid Action(s) in order {0}
TIBCO-AFF-AOPD-100008 Duplicate order line {0} in the request.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100001 Product model [{0}] is not active or is not valid for the required date
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100002 Product model not found for promotion [{0}]
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100004 Action Mode is not specified for action [{0}] for product [{1}] in orderline [{2}]
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100005 Items in focus [{0}] could not be resolved for line id [{1}]
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100006 Incompatible UDF was found
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100007 Mandatory UDF is missing
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100008 UDF length exceeded
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100009 UDF datatype doesnt confirm to the configured regex
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100010 UDF range conform to the configured range
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100011 UDF range conform to the configured regex
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100012 UDF record type value doesnt conform to the configured value in catalog
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100013 Incompatible products found in offer
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100014 Single Use Incompatible products found in offer
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100015 Segment Incompatible products found in offer
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100016 Group constraint violation. Count of products in group not between maximum and minimum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100017 Group constraint violation. Count of products in group is greater than maximum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100018 Group constraint violation. Count of products in group is lesser than minimum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100019 Record constraint violation. Count of products is lesser than minimum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100020 Record constraint violation. Count of products is greater than maximum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100021 Record constraint violation. Count of products is not between maximum and minimum.
TIBCO-AFF-OPE-100022 Mandatory Link UDF missing