Importing Associated Data

Follow this procedure to import associated data into a workspace's sandbox.



  1. Select the dataset that interests you.

  2. Choose Import Now from the contextual sidebar of the data tab to import the dataset into your sandbox.
    Note: You can only create imports from source datasets or Team Studio views in a workspace.

If you are importing data into a new table, choose a name for the table. Table names must start with a letter followed by alphanumeric and/or underscore characters with a maximum length of 64 characters. This table is created in your sandbox schema.

  • If the Limit the number of rows to import option is selected, enter the number of rows to import. If this option is left unselected, the entire dataset is imported.

If you are importing data into an existing table, use Select destination table to choose a location for the new dataset.

  • Use Truncate table before importing if you have an auto-increment column that must be reset before importing.
  • If the Limit the number of rows to import option is selected, enter the number of rows to import. If this option is left unselected, the entire dataset is imported.

  1. Click Begin Import to start the import process.