Jobs Tab

The Jobs tab displays a list of jobs in the workspace. A job is an executable process that contains a number of tasks, such as importing data or executing a workflow. Using the Jobs tab, you can create, edit, and run jobs.

The Jobs List

Each entry in the jobs list shows the job's schedule, when it is scheduled to run next, and when it ran last. By default, the job list is sorted in alphabetical order, but you can change the sort order to show the jobs that runs next first.

You can schedule jobs to run automatically on a periodic schedule, or on demand. A job that is set up to run on a schedule can be disabled, in which case it can only be run on demand until it is enabled again. The status of the job is displayed to the right of the entry. Jobs can be On Demand, Scheduled, Running, Stopping, or Disabled.

Using commands in the right panel, you can perform the following tasks:

  • Edit Job: Update the job details, including schedule and notifications. To change the tasks in the job, navigate to the job's detail page by clicking on the job's name then select the task and 'Edit'.
  • Run Now: Begin running the job immediately.
  • Stop: Stop running a job that has started.
  • Enable or Disable: Toggle the enabled status for the job between enabled and disabled. (This is only available for scheduled jobs).
  • Delete: Delete the job from the workspace.
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