
Saves a trained model and stores it as a work file in the workspace. Models can also be stored in TIBCO® Streaming Artifact Management Server, if it is available and configured.

Information at a Glance

Category Tools
Data source type HD, DB
Sends output to other operators No
Data processing tool n/a

For detailed information about the types of model operators that you can export to the supported file types, see Model Export Formats.


A trained model operator to export.


Currently, the following model configurations are not supported for PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language) export.

  • SVM Classification: Only Hadoop SVM is supported for linear kernel type models (not Gaussian or polynomial).
  • Alpine Forest: Only Hadoop Alpine Forest model export is currently supported.


If an Artifact Management Server is not configured, users have the following parameters.

Parameter Description
Notes Any notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk is displayed on the operator.
Export Format Format of the exported model.
  • Analytics Model Format (the default)
  • PFA
  • PMML
File Name The file name for the exported model.

Default value: @flow_name_model_0

For more information about the variables used for the default name, see Workflow Variables.

Ancestry Depth A value between 1 (the default) and 3, representing how many (supported) operators prior to the model should be exported when using Analytics Model or PFA formats.

If an Artifact Management Server is available and configured, the following parameters are also available, in addition to those described above.

Export Location


  • Workspace (the default)
  • Streambase (Streaming)
Streambase User The user name for your TIBCO Streaming account.

Default value: empty, but it can be configured by an administrator.

Streambase Password The password for your TIBCO Streaming account.

Default value: empty, but can be configured by an administrator.

Overwrite? Choose whether to overwrite an existing model in the specified Streambase project.
  • If Yes (the default) and the TIBCO Streaming Project has an existing model with the same name as specified in File Name, then AMS checks out the existing model and commits a new version.
  • If No, the operator fails with a warning that a model already exists in the project.
Autocommit Specify whether the change should be closed with a commit, or if it should leave the commit open for additional changes.

Default value: true

Streambase Project Select a TIBCO Streaming project to store the exported model. The drop-down list includes all projects that are available to the user specified in the credentials above.


Work file Output

The exported PMML (Predictive Model Markup Language), PFA (Portable Format for Analytics), or Analytics Model file is exported and saved as a work file within the current workspace, or in the specified project on the Artifact Management Server.

Click Download File to download the PMML file to the desktop.
Important: When you run the download file from within Safari browser, the generated PMML file is downloaded in XML format. Firefox or Chrome downloads the correct PMML format.
Visual Output
Data Output
None. This is a terminal operator.
