
To search Team Studio objects by name, provide the name of a dataset, workspace, or user in the Search box. Accessing the search function from this field automatically defaults to Search in All and Show All Results.

  • The Search page displays the results of your query.
  • See the table of searchable Team Studio fields listed in this topic for details on what information is indexed and searchable.
  • Data sources are indexed by default daily at midnight with the data source owner's credentials. A Team Studio administrator can configure the time and frequency, as described in TIBCO® Data Science Team Studio Installation and Administration .
  • Search also supports an auto-complete feature that matches names of objects.
When you submit a search string from any of the pages, the search page is displayed. Search does the following.
  • Defaults to Search in All of and Show All Results.
  • Displays all the recent activity associated with the search object.

Results are included in primary Team Studio objects such as datasets, users, and so on.

Important: Team Studio treats each word in a camel case phrase separately. For example, if a comment or the name of a workspace or dataset or file contains the phrase "DataScience" (with no space), then it is found by searching for "data science", "Data Science", or "DataScience"; however, it is not found by searching for "datascience", which is interpreted as a single word. Similarly, if a comment or name contains the phrase "Data Science" (with a space), then the situation is exactly the same - it is found by searching for "data science", "Data Science", or "DataScience" but not by searching for "datascience".
Related reference