N-gram Dictionary Builder

A sequence of tokens (one or greater) that might appear in a text corpus. The N-gram Dictionary operator parses each document in the corpus into tokens, and then into all possible n-grams (combinations of sequential tokens).

Information at a Glance

Category NLP
Data source type HD
Sends output to other operators Yes
Data processing tool Spark

For more detailed information about working with N-gram Dictionary Builder, see Test Corpus Parsing.


A corpus of documents represented as a data set with one row per document and at least one column of text. You can select the column with the text to analyze from the Text Column parameter.


Important: The Text Featurizer operator uses the same parsing rules as the dictionary built in this operator. Therefore, if you are connecting this dictionary builder to the Text Featurizer, be aware that the tokenization settings in this operator (Case Insensitive, Use Sentence Tokenization, Use Stemmer, and Filter Stop Words) are used.
Parameter Description
Notes Any notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk is displayed on the operator.
Text Column Select the column with the text of each document.
Maximum Size of N-Gram Must be 1, 2 (the default), or 3 (Unigrams, Bigrams, or Trigrams).
Case Insensitive If yes (the default), all words in corpus are considered lowercase, so "Fish" and "fish" would be considered the same token.
Use Sentence Tokenization
  • If yes, use the Sentence Tokenizer from apache.open.nlp to determine where the ends of sentences are. N-grams are then only calculated from within the sentence units.
  • If no (the default), an n-gram can be formed across sentences. For example, the text "This is sentence one. This is sentence two." could get "one This" as a bigram.
Use Stemming

Stemming means reducing the forms of a word to a single word. For example: "swims", "swimmer", and "swimming" would all be parsed into the token "swim". Stemming is its own complicated subfield of linguistics, so for simplicity, we use the Porter Stemmer from apache.open.nlp.

  • If yes, parse each token into its root word before computing n-grams.
  • Default value: no.
Note: The stemmer might not produce real English words. For example, the stemmed version of "parsed" is "pars", because stemming removes the "ed" suffix.
Filter Stop Words
  • If yes, stop words are removed from the data set.
  • If no (the default), stop words are left in the data set.

Stop words are words that are very common or not useful for the analysis; for example, "a", "the", and "that". You can specify your own list of stop words in the Stop Words File parameter, or use our default list of stop words here.

Stop Words File If left at the default value, a standard set of stop words is used. You can find this list here.

Otherwise, choose a file that contains a list of stop words. This list must be one word per line and should be small enough to fit in memory.

  • Default value: @default_tempdir/alpine_out/@user_name/@flow_name
Output Directory The location to store the output files.
Output Name The name to contain the results.
Overwrite Output Specifies whether to delete existing data at that path.
  • Yes - if the path exists, delete that file and save the results.
  • No - fail if the path already exists.
Advanced Spark Settings Automatic Optimization
  • Yes specifies using the default Spark optimization settings.
  • No enables providing customized Spark optimization. Click Edit Settings to customize Spark optimization. See Advanced Settings Dialog Box for more information.


Visual Output

Three sections are displayed after the operator is run:

A table that shows the first preview of the n-gram dictionary generated by the operator and passed on to future operators.
Corpus Statistics
Shows aggregate counts for number of documents, n-grams, and unique tokens found, as shown in the following example.

Contains some information about which parameters were selected and where the results were stored. Use this information to navigate to the full results data set.

Additional Notes

The data output of this operator is written to HDFS as a delimited file, but is not recognized by Team Studio as a tabular data set. This is because it is a special n-gram dictionary type that is only recognized by the Text Featurizer operator.

Although you cannot connect a transformation operator such as Summary Statistics to this operator directly, you can go to the location of the results on HDFS (specified in the Summary tab of the results pane), drag the file(s) onto your workflow, and use that as input to other Team Studio operators. However, keep in mind that, if you use this method, the files might be stored in multiple parts.