Text Featurizer

Parses a corpus of text into numeric features. You can select which metric(s) to compute for each document and for each of the selected n-grams or hashed features.

Information at a Glance

Category NLP
Data source type HD
Sends output to other operators Yes
Data processing tool Spark


The operator takes output from the N-gram Dictionary Builder and a data set of documents (one for each row). Use the operator to select which n-grams to use as features based on a set of criteria.

Bad or Missing Values
Rows with null values are not removed. Instead, an empty value is just considered a document with no n-grams.


If you click Yes for Use N-gram Values as Column Names, you cannot connect the output to other operators.


Parameter Description
Notes Any notes or helpful information about this operator's parameter settings. When you enter content in the Notes field, a yellow asterisk is displayed on the operator.
Text Column The column that contains the documents to analyze. Each row is treated as one document.
Columns to Keep The columns to pass through as features. These columns do not change; they are sent through to the output as is.
N-Gram Selection Method The criteria used to choose the n-grams to pull out as features. These preferences are applied to the training corpus input by the N-gram Dictionary Builder.
  • Appear in the Most Documents (the default)
  • Appear in the Fewest Documents
  • Feature Hashing - Use all of the n-grams, but reduce the dimensionality of the feature space by storing each n-gram as a hash value using the number of buckets specified by the Max Number of Unique N-grams parameter below. Then the columns represent the summed valued of all the n-grams associated with one hash value.
  • Occur Least Frequently (Entire Corpus).
  • Occur Most Frequently (Entire Corpus).
Max Number of Unique N-grams to Select (Feature Hashing Size) The number of n-grams to select from the dictionary to use as features. The default value is 500.

If, for N-Gram Selection Method, you selected Feature Hashing, this parameter represents the size of the hash set.

In either case, the total number of features in the new data set is no greater than the number of pass-through columns selected + the value of this parameter multiplied by the number of values selected in the For each N-gram and Document Calculate parameter (1,2,3).

For Each N-gram and Document Calculate Select any or all of the following metrics:

Raw N-Gram Count - The number of times the n-gram appears in the document.

Normalized N-Gram Count - Normalize word count against the original corpus. This is calculated using the following equation:

The Number of tokens in the document metric is reported in the first column output of the featurized data set number_of_tokens. With custom tokenization and stop-word removal, the notion of a token can be complicated. We use the number of unigrams found in the document after stop words, and special characters have been removed.

tf-idf - Computes tf-idf value for each n-gram.

Note: tf-idf (term frequency - inverse document frequency) is a common algorithm used for feature generation in natural language processing. It calculates the relative importance of a term t in a document. Tf-idf lowers the weight of terms that are used more frequently in the corpus. To calculate the tf-idf score for a term, we use the following formula:

While TF is often calculated as the term frequency per token (using the same calculation as the Normalized N-gram Count, we use the number of times it appears here as an approximation for performance reasons.

*This metric is the "Total Number of Documents" in the training corpus. The number is reported in the Corpus Statistics section of the N-Gram Dictionary Builder output.

**This metric corresponds to the "document count" for the n-gram, which is reported in the dictionary output of the N-Gram Dictionary Builder.

tf-idf = TF(t) * IDF(t)

To learn more about tf-idf metrics, see http://www.tfidf.com/.
Use N-gram Values as Column Names
  • Yes - The column names are not of the form ngram1_raw_count. Instead, they are the names of the actual n-gram. Instead of seeing ngram1_raw_count and having to refer to a table to see what ngram1 actually is, you see the column name swim_raw_count for the token "swim".

    Important: If this option is selected, you can connect the operator to another operator, but the columns with the n-grams do not show up. Instead you see only the "Pass Through Columns" and the four columns with document level statistics: number_of_tokens, normalized_number_tokens, number_unique_tokens, and normalized_number_unique_tokens.
    Tip: If you want to leverage the full output (with n-gram value columns) for further analysis, then you can drag the output from HDFS onto the canvas and connect it to subsequent operators.

    The "Addendum" specifies the output location of the results. Navigate to that location and drag the entire directory onto the canvas.

    See Using the Results of Text Featurizer.
  • No (the default) - The operator is non-terminal, meaning that you can connect it to a subsequent operator and transmit all the output columns, but the column names are the number of the n-gram. This means that the columns in the output have names such as ngram1_raw_count and ngram2_raw_count, but the value of those n-grams are mapped to those numbers in a separate table in the output.
Storage Format Select the format in which to store the results. The storage format is determined by your type of operator.

Typical formats are Avro, CSV, TSV, or Parquet.

Compression Select the type of compression for the output.
Available Parquet compression options.
  • GZIP
  • Deflate
  • Snappy
  • no compression

Available Avro compression options.

  • Deflate
  • Snappy
  • no compression
Output Directory The location to store the output files.
Output Name The name to contain the results.
Overwrite Output Specifies whether to delete existing data at that path.
  • Yes - if the path exists, delete that file and save the results.
  • No - fail if the path already exists.
Advanced Spark Settings Automatic Optimization
  • Yes specifies using the default Spark optimization settings.
  • No enables providing customized Spark optimization. Click Edit Settings to customize Spark optimization. See Advanced Settings Dialog Box for more information.


Visual Output

There are three sections of output:

Featurized data set (Output)
The output that is passed on to the next operator. Contains a row for each document and columns for the features generated for the n-grams.

Here is an example (shortened) for analyzing Martin Luther King's speech "I Have A Dream":

N-Grams to Column Names
The dictionary of the actual value of the n-gram (for example, "freedom") to the name of the n-gram used in the column names such as ngram5. If feature hashing was used, this is essentially empty.

Some information about where the results were written and which parameters were chosen.

Data Output

The data output is in two parts. One data set is the featurized data set, which is shown in the Featurized data set (Output) section above. This is what is sent to subsequent operators.

A dictionary mapping the n-gram numbers to their values is also written out, using the information from the N-grams to Column Names.
