Milestones Tab

The Milestones tab is where you create milestones - targeted tasks that must be completed within a workspace by a certain date - to track progress on your analytics projects.

When you select the Milestones tab, a list of milestones is displayed, sorted by target date.

Each milestone has the following attributes:

  • Name
  • Target date
  • Status: Planned or Completed

For more information, see Creating a Milestone.

The following actions are available for each milestone:

  • Edit - Choose a new name or target date for the milestone.
  • Delete - Removes the milestone from the workspace.
  • Complete - Marks the milestone as completed. The milestone icon changes to confirm completion.

A completed milestone has the following action:

  • Restart - Toggles the completion status of the milestone.
You can see the progress on your team's milestones from the workspace Overview tab.

The Target shows when the next milestone's target date is. The Progress indicator shows how many milestones have been completed. In this example, one out of two milestones are completed, and the next target is in 14 days. Click the number beside the progress bar to navigate to the milestone list.