Java Component Reference

Field Description
Class Fully-qualified name of the class that implements the component.
Location Location of the class in the workspace.
Thread Context Class Loader Type Configures the value returned by the call Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() inside a Java implementation class (once it is instantiated):
  • component - The class loader of the component configured through the component requirements
  • bundle - The class loader of the bundle (that is, plug-in) that contains the Java implementation class.
  • none - A null thread context class loader.
Field Description
Compute Component Dependencies Indicate whether to TIBCO Business Studio should compute the component bundle dependencies. When a component is deployed on a node, ActiveMatrix generates a component bundle. When checked, the component implementation bundles required by the component bundle are computed and identified when you package the composite. When unchecked, the Implementation Dependency and Compute Feature Dependencies fields display and you can manually specify the dependencies.
  • New projects - checked.
  • Legacy projects - unchecked.
Implementation Dependency Type of the dependency of the component bundle on the component implementation.
  • Require Bundle - The bundle containing the component implementation is declared as a required bundle. When selected, the Bundle Name field appears.
  • Import Package - The package exported by the component implementation is declared as an imported package. When selected, the Import Package field displays.
  • New projects - Require Bundle.
  • Legacy projects - Import Package.
Bundle Name Symbolic name of the bundle containing the component implementation.

Default: The bundle in which the component implementation class is present.

Package Name Name of the package containing the component implementation.

Default: The package in which the component implementation class is present.

Version Range Versions of the bundle or package that satisfy the component bundle's dependency. When specifying a range for a bundle, you can require an exact match to a version that includes a build qualifier. In contrast, the range for a package is inexact.
  • Bundle - [1.0.0.qualifier,1.0.0.qualifier].
  • Package - [1.0.0, 2.0.0).
Field Description
Compute Feature Dependencies Indicate whether to compute the features on which the component bundle depends. When unchecked the Feature Dependencies table displays.
  • New projects - checked.
  • Legacy projects - unchecked.
Preview A link that when clicked displays a dialog containing a list of the features on which the component bundle depends.

Features Dependencies

The features on which the component bundle depends.

Column Description
Feature ID ID of the feature.
Version Range Range of feature versions.
By default the table contains the automatically generated feature containing the component implementation bundle.

sds.CreateComponent Command-Line Task

Element or Parameter Description
implementationLoc Workspace relative path to the implementation class. ID of the feature.
feature.file.path Workspace relative path to the feature file. Indicate whether to create a new feature.
use.existing.feature Indicate whether to use an existing feature.
feature.version Feature version.