Setting Node Features

You can set node features by using the CLI.


Set requires a complete list of features that you want to have on a node. Features that are present on the node and missing in data file will be removed after set and reprovision actions are executed.


  1. In the data file, specify a Feature element nested in a Node element.
    <Node xsi:type="amxdata:Node" name="node1"
     <Feature xsi:type="amxdata_base:FeatureID" componentID="myFeature" version="myFeatureVersion"/>
  2. In the build file, set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element to set and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/Node/Feature.
    <AMXAdminTask action="set" objectSelector="Environment/Node/Feature"/>
  3. In the AMXAdminTask element, set the action attribute to reprovision and the objectSelector element to Environment/Node. If the feature includes a resource instance that is dependant on drivers that must be installed in the resolve mode, specify the options="resolve" attribute. Using the resolve option restarts the node.
    <AMXAdminTask action="reprovision" objectSelector="Environment/Node"/>