Debugging a Composite

After you have created a debug configuration, you can debug a composite. You might have to allow the TIBCO Java Launcher if your Windows firewall blocks it.


Create a Debug Configuration. See debug configuration.


  1. In the toolbar, click the debug icon () and select the debug configuration.
    The debug node is created and the node process is started.
  2. On Windows systems, click Unblock if you see the following dialog pop up:
    The node process startup completes, the composite is deployed to the debug node, and is started. A dialog pops up asking whether to show the Composite Applications View.
  3. Click Yes.
    The Composite Applications View displays.
  4. Select Window > Open Perspective > Other...
    The Open Perspective dialog displays.
  5. Click Debug and click OK.
    The Debug perspective displays. The Debug view displays the participants you selected when you created the debug configuration.