
The Transform task is used to manipulate the data available in a mediation flow so that the expected input, output, or fault message can be created.

Transform tasks can be placed on input, output, or fault paths. See Transform Tasks.

General Tab

Use the General tab to specify a name and description for the task. This tab is useful for providing documentation for tasks in your mediation flows.

Field Description
Name Assign a name to the task, to identify the task in the mediation flow. This name appears in the tooltip that opens when you hover the cursor over the task icon in the mediation flow.
Description Describe the task briefly. This description appears in the tooltip that opens when you hover the cursor over the task icon in the mediation flow.
Contribute Output to Mediation Exchange

When not selected, this option signifies that the output of the Transform task should change the message data.

When this option is selected, the message data is left unchanged, and the output of this task is added as another data item within the mediation exchange. The data contributed by this task is available to subsequent mediation tasks along the same path.

If you select Use External Stylesheet on this tab, the Contribute Output to Mediation Exchange option is automatically selected and cannot be cleared.

Use External Stylesheet Select to use an external stylesheet for data transformation. This enables you specify the transformation mapping in your workspace, outside the mediation flow.
Input and Output Style

Appears only if you select Use External Stylesheet.

Specify how the XML will appear:
  • Text Specified with a string.
  • Binary Specified with a binary value.
  • Tree Specified with an any element, so that you can transform data already in an XML document.
Stylesheet Reference Type

Appears only if you select Use External Stylesheet.

Select the type of reference for the Transform task:
  • A static reference enables you to select a single (static) stylesheet from a folder that is in your project.
  • A dynamic reference enables you to select a set of stylesheets from a folder in the project. At run-time one of the stylesheets in the list will be used dynamically, based on the value provided for the stylesheetURI element that is in the Input tab of the mediation task.

    For example, if the folder specified for the dynamic reference is MySOAProject/Service Descriptors and the stylesheet is in the folder MySOAProject/Service Descriptors/folder1/sample.xsl, the value that must be provided for the stylesheetURI element must be folder1/sample.xsl.

    When you specify a folder for dynamic reference, ActiveMatrix recursively includes the stylesheets under this folder and its sub-folders.

Static Style Sheet Reference Appears if you select a static stylesheet reference type. Click Browse to select a single (static) stylesheet that is in your workspace.
Dynamic Stylesheet Folder Appears if you selected a dynamic stylesheet reference type. Chose a value available in the drop-down list. At run-time, one of the style sheets in the list will be used dynamically, based on the input to the mediation task.

Input Tab

Use the Input tab to map data from the mediation exchange into the expected message schema.

Field Description
xmlString Specify an XML document serialized as a string.
xmlBinary Specify an XML document serialized in Base64Binary format.
xmlTree Specify an XML document.
stylesheetURI Specify the schema URI, so that ActiveMatrix can locate it at run time and use it for the transformation.
A stylesheet can expect zero, one or more parameter(s) for its execution at runtime:
  • Parameter Name — Name of the parameter the stylesheet expects.
  • Parameter Value — Value of the parameter.

Output Tab

The Output tab shows a tree representation of the Transform task output. Depending on the input style chosen, the output can be:
  • xmlString — XML document serialized as string
  • xmlBinary — XML document serialized in Base64Binary format
  • xmlTree — XML document