Creating a Folder

You can create an application folder from the GUI or by using the CLI.



  1. Click New > New Application Folder.
    The New Folder dialog displays.
  2. Type a folder name and an optional description, and click Save. Folder names should be unique within an environment.
    The application folder is created at the same level as the System folder.
  3. To create the folder at another level
    1. Select the folder where in the tree view of the folder names select the folder and click New.
    2. Type a folder name and an optional description, and click Save.
    The folder is created at the selected



  1. In the data file, specify an ApplicationFolder element in full format.
    <Environment xsi:type="amxdata:Environment" name="MyEnvironment" description="My environment">
               <ApplicationFolder xsi:type="amxdata:ApplicationFolder" name="FolderA" description="description for FolderA">
  2. In the build file set the action attribute of the AMXAdminTask element to add and the objectSelector attribute to Environment/ApplicationFolder.
    <AMXAdminTask action="add" objectSelector="Environment/ApplicationFolder" />
  3. Invoke the command-line interface on the build file.