Submitting Order and Retrieving Order Reference by using SOAP UI

Submitting an order and retrieving the order reference requires a user interface. We use SOAP UI to perform this step.

To submit the order and retrieve the order reference by using SOAP UI, perform the following steps:


  1. Open the SOAP UI application and create a New Project.
  2. Enter the name for the project (example TriplePlay) in the Project Name field and provide the path of the WSDL file, created during the Test Harness session, in the Initial WSDL / WADL field. Click Ok to create the project.
  3. The newly created project (named TriplePlay) appears in the left panel named Navigation. The new project has a tree-based structure. Expand the tree to open Project Name > OrderServiceSoapBinding > SubmitOrder > Request1. An XML file displays on the right panel. Click Run to execute the submit request. This submits an order.
  4. On the Navigation Panel click GetOrderDetails > Request1. An XML file is displayed on the right panel. Click Run to execute the request. The Order ID displays in the rightmost panel enclosed in the <ns7: OrderRef> tags. Copy the order reference ID.