Orchestrator Global Variables
This table is a mapping that shows the global variables mapped to configuration properties.
Global Variable Name | Configuration Property (name and propname in ConfigValues_OMS.xml) | Description | Comments |
affv4/common/constants/ resultStatus | |||
Error | NA | These Global Variables are not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. | |
Fatal | NA | These Global Variables are not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. | |
Information | NA | These Global Variables are not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. | |
Success | NA | These Global Variables are not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. | |
Warning | NA | These Global Variables are not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. | |
affv4/common/messaging/ jms | |||
GLB_MessagingPrefix | NA. | The string to be prefixed to each JMS destination name. | All the JMS destination name properties in Order Management Server contains this prefix in their value itself. Since beginning, there is no separate prefix property. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/ configuration | |||
Split StateMachine Threshold | c.t.f.orch.generator.
splitStateMachineThreshold |
This Global Variable is used to enable and disable the action of splitting the state machine into smaller state machines if the state machine with the combined count of plan items and order lines is above the set value. It is split so that a fast execution of orders is possible. The default value is 50. |
Generator Thread Count | c.t.f.orch.generator.threadCount | This Global Variable indicates the number of threads to execute in parallel for the generation of state machines. This optimization utilizes the modern CPUs to parallelize the state machine XML generation for orders with large plan items. | |
GLB_CleanUpObjectsDelay | NA | Time delay in msec after which the instances of orders and plans, which are scheduled to cleanup is actually cleaned up (deleted). | This Global Variable is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence not carried forward in 2.1.0. The Order Management Server DB is the only data store now and so, the cleanup of order data from it is handled by the purge utility. |
Auto purge enabled | c.t.f.orch.autoPurgeOnCompletion | Flag to enable or disable auto purge of orders in Orchestrator | NA |
GLB_DefaultProcessComponent ErrorHandler | Default Process Component Error Handler c.t.f.orch.pcErrorHandler | The name of the default error handler component to, which Orchestrator sends the PlanItemExecute FailedRequest for failed plan items. | NA |
GLB_FeasibilityRetries | Feasibility Retries c.t.f.orch.feasibilityRetries | Retry count for failed Feasibility step. | NA |
GLB_FeasibilityRetryInterval | Feasibility Retry Interval c.t.f.orch.feasibilityRetryInterval | Interval in msec to wait before retrying failed Feasibility step. | NA |
GLB_OPDRetries | OPD Retries c.t.f.orch.OPDRetries | Retry count for failed OPD step. | NA |
GLB_OPDRetryInterval | OPD Retry Interval c.t.f.orch.opdRetryInterval | Interval in msec to wait before retrying failed OPD step. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemSLAThreshold Constant | NA | SLA threshold for percentage of maximum duration to publish an SLA notification. | Plan Item SLA notification feature is removed from Orchestrator in 2.1.0 release. This Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_ProcessComponent Retries | Maximum number of retries for failed process component c.t.f.orch.failedPC.maxRetryCount | Default retry count for failed process components. | NA |
GLB_ProcessComponent RetryInterval | Time interval between consecutive retry attempts for failed process component c.t.f.orch.failedPC.retryInterval | Default retry delay in msec for failed process components. | NA |
GLB_SchedulerPollingInterval | NA | Polling interval in msec for scheduler. | This property is used in BE Orchestrator to create the BE scheduler threads on startup. It is not relevant in the Orchestrator and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_BEProfilerOutputFile Path | NA | The path of output file to be used by BE profiler. | This property was added specifically to control the BE engine's profiling. It is not relevant in the Orchestrator and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_BEProfilerLevel | NA | The level of BE engine profiling | This property was added specifically to control the BE engine's profiling. It is not relevant in the Orchestrator and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_BEProfilerDuration InSeconds | NA | The time duration in seconds for which the profiling is to be done. | This property was added specifically to control the BE engine's profiling. It is not relevant in the Orchestrator and hence not carried forward. |
Time Dependency Polling Interval in milliseconds | c.t.f.orch.timeDependency.pollingInterval | The default value is 10000. | |
Time Dependency Buffer Interval in milliseconds | c.t.f.orch.timeDependency.bufferInterval | The default value is 1000. | |
Enable JMS connection Check |
c.t.f.orch.jms.jndiLookup.connection.enableJMSConnectionValidation |
The default value is false. Set the value to true to enable the JMS connection check. | |
Threshold for invalidating the Resource Cached Data |
c.t.f.orch.resource.connection.invalidateCacheStatusdataThreshold |
The default value is 2000. | |
Executor Processor Threads for DB Ping | c.t.f.orch.resource.connection.executorProcessorThreadCount | The default value is 5. | |
JMS/DB connection check Monitor Interval in milliseconds |
c.t.f.orch.jms.health.intervalMonitoring | The default value is 1500. | |
Maximum number of milestones corresponding to StateMachine to be kept in Heap Memory |
c.t.f.orch.maxNoMilestonesLoadedinMemory | The default value is 0. | |
Shutdown Threads Count | c.t.f.orch.shutdownThreadsCnt |
This property was added to set the number of threads to be created in Orchestrator for a shutdown task. The default value is 10. |
Enable DB Condition Evaluator for Statemachines for SimpleStateMachine |
c.t.f.orch.generator.enableDBConditionEvaluatorStateMachine | The default value is false. Set the value to true to enable the idle time after model loading. | |
Enable Milestone Release during activation | c.t.f.orch.enableMilestoneReleaseDuringActivation | The default value is true. Set the value to false to disable the milestone release during activation action. | |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ actions | |||
Cancel | NA | Order line cancel action. | This Global Variable is not exposed for modification in Administrator. In Order Management Server, this is handled internally. Hence it is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ dependencyStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, dependency status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ errors | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Orchestrator, the error messages are not exactly same. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ Generic | |||
GLB_OriginatorString | NA | NA | This property was introduced and used in Orchestrator to Transient Data Store integration (pre 2.1.0). It is not relevant in the Orchestrator and hence not carried forward. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ Milestone | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, milestone names are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ milestoneStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, milestone status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ notificationEventName | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. These were added in BE Orchestrator to identify the notification event type in the common internal event. None of these Global Variables are relevant and hence not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ notifications | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. The messages to be sent in entity status change notification events are handled in Orchestrator internally. None of these Global Variables are relevant and hence not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ orderAmendmentStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, order amendment status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ orderLineStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, order line status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ orderStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, order status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ planItemStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, plan item status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ planStatus | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are exposed for modification through Administrator. In Order Management Server, plan status constants are maintained internally. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward as a properties in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/constants/ processComponentID | |||
NoReciprocalAction | Have to externalize in ConfigValues_OMS.xml | Name of the process component to indicate no reciprocal action is required on cancellation. | NA |
NonExecuting | Non Executing Planfragment ID c.t.f.orch.nonexecuting. planfragmentID | Name of the process component to indicate that no action have to be sent to process components. | NA |
affv4/orchestrator/flags | |||
GLB_CleanupObjectsAtEndOf Order | NA | Flag to enable cleanup of objects at the end of an order lifecycle. | This Global Variable is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence not carried forward in 2.1.0. Since Order Management Server DB is the only data store now, the cleanup of order data from it is handled by the purge utility. |
GLB_EnableExternalOrderID Source | NA | Flag to enable orderID generation external to Orchestrator. | This Global Variable is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence not carried forward in 2.1.0. Order Management Server generates the unique orderID for each incoming order and the Orchestrator uses only that. |
GLB_EnableFeasibilityError Handling | Enable Feasibility Error Handling c.t.f.orch.enableFeasibility ErrorHandling | Flag to enable PreQualification Failed Handler for feasibility failures. | NA |
GLB_EnableOMSIntegration | NA | Flag to enable Order Management Server integration. | This Global Variable is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence not carried forward in 2.1.0. The Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server. |
GLB_EnableOPDError Handling | Enable OPD Error Handling c.t.f.orch.enableOPD ErrorHandling | Flag to enable PreQualification Failed Handler for OPD failures. | NA |
GLB_EnableOrderAmendment StatusNotifications | Enable Order Amendment Status Change c.t.f.orch.enableOrder AmendmentStatusChange | Flag to enable order amendment status notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnableOrder Amendments | NA | Flag to enable order amendments. | There is no have to have a flag to enable/disable amendments. Amendment functionality is widely used by customers and is OOTB. Since it is not relevant, this Global Variable is not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
GLB_EnableOrderLineStatus Notifications | Enable OrderLine Status Change c.t.f.orch.enableOrderLine StatusChange | Flag to enable order line status notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnableOrderReject Notifications | NA | Flag to enable order reject notifications. | Order reject functionality is not relevant in 2.1.0. Order Management Server web service interface takes care of rejecting the order by sending the appropriate response. Since it is not relevant, this Global Variable is not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
GLB_EnableOrderStatus Notifications | Enable Order Status Change c.t.f.orch.enableOrder StatusChange | Flag to enable order status notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnablePlanDevelopment Notifications | Enable Plan development notification c.t.f.orch.enablePlanDevelopment Notification | Flag to enable plan development notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnablePlanItemFailed Notifications | NA | Flag to enable plan item failed notifications. | This flag was added in BE Orchestrator specifically from Order Management Server perspective. PlanItem NotificationEvent for a failed plan item is published if this flag is enabled. Based on the notification, Order Management Server could show the status as ERROR_HANDLER. Since Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server in 2.1.0, it is handled internally. This flag is not relevant and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_EnablePlanItemSLA Notification | NA | Flag to enable SLA notifications for plan items. | Plan Item SLA notification feature is removed from Orchestrator in 2.1.0 release. This Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_EnablePlanItemStatus Notifications | Enable PlanItem Status Change c.t.f.orch.enablePlanItem StatusChange | Flag to enable plan item status notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnablePlanStatus Notifications | Enable Plan Status Change c.t.f.orch.enablePlan StatusChange | Flag to enable plan status notifications. | NA |
GLB_EnableSubmitOrder Responses | NA | Flag to enable sending response to submit order events. | Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now. Order Management Server web service is the only entry point interface and there is no have to send any response event. This Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_FeasibilityRequired | Feasibility Required c.t.f.orch.feasibilityRequired | Flag to enable feasibility step. | NA |
GLB_RetryFailedFeasibility | Retry Failed Feasibility c.t.f.orch.retryFailedFeasibility | Flag to enable retry of failed Feasibility step. | NA |
GLB_RetryFailedOPD | Retry Failed OPD c.t.f.orch.retryFailedOPD | Flag to enable retry of failed OPD step. | NA |
GLB_RetryFailedProcess Components | Enable retries for failed process components c.t.f.orch.failedPC. enableRetry | Flag to enable retry of failed process components. | NA |
GLB_StoreFailedPlanItem Messages | NA | Flag to enable storing failed plan item messages. | This flag is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
GLB_StoreFailedProcess ComponentsMessages | NA | Flag to enable storing failed process components messages. | This flag is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
GLB_StorePreQualification FailedMessages | NA | Flag to enable storing failed process Pre-Qualification messages. | This flag is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
GLB_EnableBEProfiling | NA | Flag to enable BE engine's profiling. | This flag is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/flags/ notification | |||
GLB_IncludeOrderOnOrder AmendmentNotification | NA | Flag to include the order on order amendment notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_IncludeOrderOnOrder LineNotification | NA | Flag to include the order on order line notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_IncludeOrderOn OrderNotification | NA | Flag to include the order on order notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_IncludePlanOnOrder AmendmentNotification | NA | Flag to include the plan on order amendment notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_IncludePlanOnOrder LineNotification | NA | Flag to include the plan on order line notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_IncludePlanOnOrde rNotification | NA | Flag to include the plan on order notifications. | Have to decide on whether to support this functionality in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/interfaces/ jdbc/backingstore | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are relevant for Orchestrator since starting version 2.1.0, Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now and uses only Order Management Server DB. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/interfaces/ jms/events | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are relevant for Orchestrator since starting version 2.1.0, Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now and uses the JMS connection properties used by Order Management Server. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
affv4/orchestrator/messaging/ jms/destinations | |||
GLB_DataDeleteOrder Request | NA | Delete order request destination. | DeleteOrderRequestEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataDeleteOrder Response | NA | Delete order response destination. | DeleteOrderResponseEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataDeletePlan Request | NA | Delete plan request destination. | DeletePlanRequestEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataDeletePlan Response | NA | Delete plan response destination. | DeletePlanResponseEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetOrderRequest | NA | Get order request destination. | GetOrderRequestEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetOrderResponse | NA | Get order response destination. | GetOrderResponseEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetOrder SummaryRequest | NA | Get order summary request destination. | GetOrderSummaryRequest Event is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetOrder SummaryResponse | NA | Get order summary response destination. | GetOrderSummaryResponse Event is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetPlanItems Request | NA | Get plan items request destination. | GetPlanItemsRequest Event is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetPlanItems Response | NA | Get plan items response destination. | GetPlanItemsResponse Event is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetPlanRequest | NA | Get plan request destination. | GetPlanRequestEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_DataGetPlanResponse | NA | Get plan response destination. | GetPlanResponseEvent is not relevant in Orchestrator and hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_ExternalFeasibility Request | External Feasibility request queue c.t.f.orch.feasibility.request.queue | External feasibility handler request destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalFeasibility Response | External Feasibility reply queue c.t.f.orch.feasibility.reply.queue | External feasibility handler response destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalOPDRequest | OPDRequest from Orchestrator receiver queue c.t.f.oms.afi.orch.opdrequest. receiver.queue | External plan development handler request destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalOPDResponse | OPDResponse to Orchestrator sender queue c.t.f.oms.afi.orch.opdresponse. sender.queue | External plan development handler response destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalPlanItemFailed Request | PlanItem error handler request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.errhandler. request.queue | External plan item failed handler request destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalPlanItemFailed Response | PlanItem error handler response queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.errhandler. response.queue | External plan item failed handler response destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalPreQualification FailedRequest | External PreQualificationFailed request queue c.t.f.orch.prequalificationfailed. request.queue | External pre-qualification failed handler request destination. | NA |
GLB_ExternalPreQualification FailedResponse | External PreQualificationFailed reply queue c.t.f.orch.prequalificationfailed. reply.queue | External pre-qualification failed handler response destination. | NA |
GLB_InternalDependencyTime Delta | NA | Dependency time delta trigger destination. | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_InternalFeasibilityRequest | NA | Feasibility request trigger destination. | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_InternalOPDRequest | NA | OPD request trigger destination. | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_InternalPlanItem RetryTimeDelta | NA | Plan item retry time delta trigger destination. | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_InternalPlanItem SLANotifyTrigger | NA | Plan item SLA trigger destination. | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_ModelProcess ComponentModel | NA | Process component model publish destination. | The JMS topic specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. Orchestrator uses the plan fragment from Order Management Server DB. |
GLB_NotificationOrder | Order status change destination c.t.f.orch.order.statusChange.destination | Order change notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationOrder Amendment | Order Amendment status change destination c.t.f.orch.orderAmendment. statusChange.destination | Order amendment change notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationOrderLine | OrderLine status change destination c.t.f.orch.orderLine.statusChange. destination | Order line change notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationOrderReject | NA | Order reject notification publish destination. | The JMS topic specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. Orchestrator uses the plan fragment from Order Management Server DB. |
GLB_NotificationPlan | Plan status change destination c.t.f.orch.plan.statusChange.destination | Plan change notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationPlan Development | Plan development notification destination c.t.f.orch.planDevelopment. notification.destination | Plan development notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationPlanItem | PlanItem status change destination c.t.f.orch.planItem.statusChange. destination | Plan item change notification publish destination. | NA |
GLB_NotificationPlanItem SLA | NA | Plan item SLA notification publish destination. | Plan Item SLA notification feature is removed from Orchestrator in 2.1.0 release. This Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward. |
GLB_OrchestratorStartup Event | NA | Orchestrator startup event request for process component models | The Orchestrator doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable anymore. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_OrchestratorStartup Service | NA | Orchestrator startup service request for process component models | The Orchestrator doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable anymore. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_OrderActivate | Activate order request queue c.t.f.orch.order. activateRequest.queue | Order activate request publish destination. | NA |
GLB_OrderCancel | NA | Order cancel request publish destination. | Order cancellation is implemented and achieved using order amendment functionality. The Orchestrator doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable anymore. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_OrderSubmit | Have to externalize in ConfigValues_OMS.xml | Order submit request publish destination. | NA |
GLB_OrderSuspend | Suspend order request queue c.t.f.orch.order. suspendRequest.queue | Order suspend request publish destination. | NA |
GLB_OrderWithdraw | Have to externalize in ConfigValues_OMS.xml | Order withdraw request publish destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemActivate Request | PlanItem activate request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem. activate.request.queue | Plan item activate request destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemExecute Request | PlanItem execution request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem. execute.request.queue | Plan item execute request destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemExecute Response | PlanItem suspend request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem. suspend.request.queue | Plan item execute response destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemExternal DependencyReleaseRequest | PlanItem External Dependency Release Request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.externalDependency. release.request.queue | Plan item external dependency release destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemMilestone NotifyRequest | MilestoneNotifyRequest from process components to Orchestrator queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.milestone. notifyRequest.queue | Plan item milestone notify destination (Process Component to Orchestrator). | NA |
GLB_PlanItemMilestone ReleaseRequest | MilestoneReleaseRequest from Orchestrator to process components queue c.t.f.orch.planItem. milestone.releaseRequest.queue | Plan item milestone release destination (Orchestrator to Process Component). | NA |
GLB_PlanItemSuspend Request | PlanItem suspend request queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.suspend. request.queue | Plan item suspend request destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanItemSuspend Response | PlanItem suspend response queue c.t.f.orch.planItem.suspend. response.queue | Plan item suspend response destination. | NA |
GLB_PlanOMSSet | NA | Set plan to Order Management Server destination. | Since Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now, it doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable. Hence it is not relevant and not carried forward. |
GLB_PlanSetPlanItemStatus Request | NA | Plan item set status request destination. | The Orchestrator doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable anymore. Hence this Global Variable is not relevant and not carried forward. |
GLB_PlanSetPlanItemStatus Response | NA | Plan item set status reply destination. | The Orchestrator doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable anymore. Hence this Global Variable is not relevant and not carried forward. |
GLB_PlanOMSSet Response | NA | Set plan Order Management Server response destination. | Since Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now, it doesn't use the queue specified in this Global Variable. Hence it is not relevant and not carried forward. |
GLB_InternalCleanUpOrder Request | NA | CleanUpOrderRequest destination | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_InternalCleanUpPlan Request | NA | CleanUpPlanRequest destination | The JMS queue specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
commonServices/configuration | |||
GLB_LogLevel | NA | Log level to be used. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_LogPublishLevel | NA | Log level to be used for publishing the logs. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
commonServices/flags | |||
GLB_EnableError Publish | NA | Flag to enable error publishing. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_EnableLogPublish | NA | Flag to enable log publishing. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
common services/interfaces/jms/ events | |||
NA | NA | NA | None of the Global Variables under this category are relevant for Orchestrator since Orchestrator is an integral part of Order Management Server now and uses the JMS connection properties used by Order Management Server. Hence these Global Variables are not carried forward in Orchestrator. |
common services/messaging/ jms/ | |||
GLB_MessagingPrefix | NA | String to be prefixed to each JMS destination name. | All the jms destination name properties in Order Management Server contains this prefix in their value itself. Since beginning, there is no separate prefix property. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward as a property in Orchestrator. |
commonServices/messaging/ jms/destinations | |||
GLB_Exception | NA | Exception publish topic. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |
GLB_GetActiveConfigVariable Request | NA | Get active configuration variable request topic. | The JMS topic specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_GetActiveConfigVariable Response | NA | Get active configuration variable response topic. | The JMS topic specified by this Global Variable is not relevant and hence not carried forward in Orchestrator. It was BE implementation specific. |
GLB_Instrumentation | NA | Instrumentation publish topic. | Have to decide on whether to support instrumentation functionality in Orchestrator. |
GLB_Log | NA | Log publish topic. | The Orchestrator is Java based and uses the same Log4J configurations used by Order Management Server from omsServerLog4j.xml file. Hence this Global Variable is not carried forward. |