Jeopardy Rule Configuration
This section explains how you can configure jeopardy rules for jeopardy management to send notification, or invoke web services to perform consequential actions. For details on the Jeopardy Management System, see TIBCO® Order Management Long Running Concepts and Architecture.
The Jeopardy management is a process of monitoring execution of plan to ensure they are completed according to a SLA associated with the plan items and plan. Plans are based on a time schedule. When execution is predicted to violate the schedule, the system raises an event and the user can configure rules to automatically send notification or perform consequential action by invoking web service.
The Jeopardy Rule Configuration allows you to configure rules for Jeopardy Management.
Refer to the TIBCO® Order Management Long Running Concepts and Architecture document for more details on the Jeopardy Management System.
The Jeopardy Management System raises the following two types of jeopardy events: