Purge Orders

The purgeOrders operation accepts a criteria comprising start date, end date, and order status. The orders fulfilling the criteria qualify to be purged upon invocation of the web service. For each invocation, a unique ID is returned, which serves as an acknowledgment or a token of a successful submission of your request. This ID is also termed as purge ID. In case of a malformed request or error in the processing, a fault message is sent back as a web service response. For example, you can initiate a request to delete all the order data from the Order Management Server database and Orchestrator between 01/10/2010 09:30:00 and 10/10/2011 18:30:00 and order status as COMPLETE.

End-point URL: http://<HOST>:<PORT>/omsServer/api/purgeOrderService

The request message format is:

Purge Orders Request

Purge Order Request Data Model
Element Name Element Type Description
startDate DateTime

(Mandatory, Choice)

The start date and time specified in the purge criterion.
endDate DateTime The end date and time specified in purge criterion.
orderType String

(Mandatory, Choice)

Order type.

Valid values for order type are:

archive Boolean This flag is used to archive the purged orders and to save it in the database, which can be configured through the Configurator.

The reply message format is:

Purge Order Response

Purge Order Response Data Model
Element Name Element Type Description
purgeId String


The unique id associated with purge. Eg - 07e02e7e-29e1-4e08-bc4f-1c2e05025595.