
External clients can listen to JMS notifications about state changes that are sent by the Orchestrator. Users can enable the JMS notifications and configure the JMS destination name. Users can also filter the state change notification.

Type of state change Property name to enable notification Property name to filter notification
Order Status Change c.t.f.o.enableOrderStatusChange c.t.f.o.order.statusChange.filter
OrderLine Status Change c.t.f.o.enableOrderLineStatusChange c.t.f.o.orderLine.statusChange.filter
Plan Status Change c.t.f.o.enablePlanStatusChange c.t.f.o.plan.statusChange.filter
PlanItem Status Change c.t.f.o.enablePlanItemStatusChange c.t.f.o.planItem.statusChange.filter
Order Amendment Status Change c.t.f.o.enableOrderAmendmentStatusChange c.t.f.o.orderAmendment.filter
Note: For readability, the property names in this table use c.t.f.o as an abbreviation for com.tibco.fom.orch.

To enable these notifications, set the value of respective property to true and define a filter if required. Filter property can be configured as a comma-separated value of more than one status.

Example for the setting filter property for Plan Status change:

<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of Order Status Change notification message" name="Enable Order Status Change Notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enableOrderStatusChange" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />
<ConfValue description="Filter for Order status change notification; * will publish all" name="Order status change filter" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.order.statusChange.filter" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="*" value="*" />
<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of OrderLine Status Change notification message" name="Enable OrderLine Status Change Notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enableOrderLineStatusChange" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />
<ConfValue description="Filter for OrderLine status change notification; * will publish all" name="OrderLine status change filter" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.orderLine.statusChange.filter" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="*" value="*" />
<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of Plan Status Change notification message" name="Enable Plan Status Change Notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enablePlanStatusChange" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />
<ConfValue description="Filter for Plan status change notification; * will publish all" name="Plan status change filter" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.plan.statusChange.filter" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="*" value="*" />
<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of PlanItem Status Change notification message" name="Enable PlanItem Status Change Notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enablePlanItemStatusChange" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />
<ConfValue description="Filter for PlanItem status change notification; * will publish all" name="PlanItem status change filter" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.planItem.statusChange.filter" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="*" value="*" />
<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of OrderAmendment Status Change notification message" name="Enable Order Amendment Status Change Notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enableOrderAmendmentStatusChange" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />
<ConfValue description="Filter for OrderAmendment status change notification; * will publish all" name="Order Amendment status change filter" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.orderAmendment.filter" readonly="false" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfString default="*" value="*" />
<ConfValue description="Flag to enable or disable the publishing of Plan development notification message" name="Enable Plan development notification" propname="com.tibco.fom.orch.enablePlanDevelopmentNotification" sinceVersion="2.1" visibility="Basic">
   <ConfBool default="false" value="false" />