Get Order Response

The response specification is as follows:
Queue or Topic Queue
Destination temp queue or JMSReplyTo destination or tibco.aff.tds.order.reply queue

The response message contains the following header properties:

Element Type Cardinality Description
businessTransactionID String Optional Unique identifier for tracing purposes across function calls. This is used for logging.
correlationID String Optional Unique identifier for tracing purposes across a single function call. This is generally used by the calling application to correlate requests and responses.
success Boolean Required Flag indicating if the call was successful.
messageCode String Required Result message code.
message String Required Result message.
orderID String Required Internal unique identifier for the order specified in the request.
found Boolean Required Flag indicating if the order was found.

The response message contains the XML payload as per the following schema:

Get Order Response

Get Order Response

The following table lists the details of the elements.

Element Type Cardinality Description
businessTransactionID String Optional Unique identifier for tracing purposes across function calls.
resultStatus Type Required Result status type. See Appendix A for the specification of this type.
order Type Optional Order type. If the order is not found this is omitted.
order/orderID String Required Internal unique identifier for the order.
order/orderRef String Required External unique identifier for the order.
order/planID String Optional The internal unique identifier for the plan for the order if it exists.
order/status String Required The Status of the order from a cache data store perspective (active or complete)
order/serializedOrder String 0-M Xml string representation of the order, multiple if all versions are requested, otherwise just the active one